PhD Studentships in Asian Studies

Northern Ireland
Deadline: 18th Jan 2018

Newcastle University, Northern Ireland and North East (NINE) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

The Northern Ireland and North East Doctoral Training Partnership (NINE DTP) invites top-calibre applicants to apply to its 2019/20 doctoral studentships competition. Over fifty fully-funded doctoral studentships are available across the full range of the social sciences, including Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Sociology, and Linguistics. This competition also welcomes applicants interested in Language Based Area Studies, with scholarships available for candidates focusing on Asian Studies.

Prospective students can read about the application process here:

The application deadline is 18 January 2019.

At Newcastle University, we offer the Interdisciplinary Asian Studies strand via the Language-based Area Studies pathway.

At Newcastle, NINE DTP students benefit from the existence of a dynamic academic community which approaches Asia from a broad range of disciplinary perspectives. In 2015, the University established the Asian Studies Research Group within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in order to support the exciting research being done at Newcastle on the region. Newcastle University researchers investigate various countries in Asia, from the Central Asian nations (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), to India, Nepal and Indonesia in the South, and on to China and Japan in the East. We also undertake research on Asian diasporas across the globe.

The Interdisciplinary Asian Studies strand offers supervision in the following main areas:

• Ethnicity, Identity, Nation and Borders: Asian studies scholars at Newcastle bring a wide range of expertise in evolving ethnic identities (esp. Xinjiang), historical ethnic conflicts, cultural identities, ‘humiliation heritage’, invented tradition and faux-history in China; soft power and diplomacy in China; the impact of internationalisation of higher education on students’ identity construction in China; global Chinese diaspora studies; nationalism, state formation, ethnic histories and boundaries in Central Asia; cultural identity and nostalgia in Japan; elections, party politics, Conservatism, Socialism, and the right-wing in Japan; sacred space, belief, and organisational control in medieval Japan; discourse, identity, nationalism and legitimacy in Iran; Armenian identity (incl. descent myths); racism, resistance and mobility in Bangladesh; cultural hybridity in Indian architecture; political identity in southeast Asia; the politics of transitional justice in!
East Tim
or; and power, (in)security and space in Israel-Palestine.

• Film, literature, media and representation: Researchers at Newcastle have a sustained interest in independent film-making and grassroots film festivals in China; transnational stardom, performance and audience/reception studies in China; representations of gender and sexuality in Chinese media; Japanese animation; character construction in Japanese literature; Indian/South Asian literature in English translation; Western media representations of Asia; the media, popular culture and world politics (esp. southeast Asia); and the empowerment of marginalised people in Iran through participatory film-making.

• Modernity and modernisation: Asia research at Newcastle investigates Chinese modernity studies, including cross-cultural studies between China and the West; modern Chinese literature and culture; modern Chinese intellectual history; environmental politics; built heritage and urban conservation; Han and Tang imaginaries in Chinese urban space; sustainable urban and regional development; geospatial technology, citizen participation and urban governance; and ageing societies in China and Hong Kong. We also offer specialist expertise in business, political economy and corruption in modern Japan, and in colonial modernities in India.

• Popular culture: Research at Newcastle pays particular attention to contemporary Japanese manga, anime, artwork and pop-culture; Japanese popular history, cultural identity (including collective and mediated memory) and nostalgia; self-representations by China’s ethnic minorities in popular song and consumption practices; numbers in Chinese culture, education and environment; and nursery rhymes and proverbs in China.

• Gender studies: Asian studies experts at Newcastle research representations of gender and sexuality in China; re-Islamisation, gender roles and the gendering of ethno-politics in China (esp. Xinjiang); gender studies, feminist theory, and normativity in Japan; gendered factory spaces in Pakistan; masculinity, gender relations, and gender based violence in urban India; and sexual trafficking in Nepal.

Please direct further enquiries about our supervisory offer to the pathway leader, Professor Rosaleen Howard (

More information about the Subject Group of East Asian Studies can be found at the School of Modern Languages website here: