Payment of Membership Fees
By decision of the EACS board in 2015 the EACS asks its current members and its new members for a minimum payment for two years beginning from 2016. Your initial payment will cover your membership for the years 2016-17 and so on. Payment of fees for up to six years is recommended, especially to reduce the amount of charges when making bank transfers.
2 years 4 years 6 years
Membership fee € 62.00 € 122.00 € 180.00
Reduced rate* € 32.00 € 64.00 € 96.00
*For student members and members from Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania.
Payment Modes
Payment by Money Transfer
Members living in the EURO zone please send payment by bank transfer to the new EACS account: Post Bank Stuttgart, bank code 600 100 70, account 484 661 702.
Please use standard international transfer with IBAN: DE81 6001 0070 0484 6617 02; SWIFT-BIC: PBNKDEFF.… Read more ⤻