
Payment of Membership Fees


By decision of the EACS board in 2015 the EACS asks its current members and its new members for a minimum payment for two years beginning from 2016. Your initial payment will cover your membership for the years 2016-17 and so on. Payment of fees for up to six years is recommended, especially to reduce the amount of charges when making bank transfers.

                                        2 years    4 years     6 years
Membership fee          € 62.00    € 122.00   € 180.00
Reduced rate*             € 32.00    €  64.00    €  96.00

 *For student members and members from Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania.



Payment Modes


Payment by Money Transfer

Members living in the EURO zone please send payment by bank transfer to the new EACS account: Post Bank Stuttgart, bank code 600 100 70, account 484 661 702.

Please use standard international transfer with IBAN: DE81 6001 0070 0484 6617 02; SWIFT-BIC: PBNKDEFF.… Read more ⤻


All EACS members are welcome to use the database to check their own payment status and are kindly requested to regularly check and update their own personal data. If you want to apply for membership in the EACS, please fill in the registration form. If you are a member already, please do NOT enter your data into the registration form but update your personal entry in the database by using the “edit” function under “my account”. If you do not yet have a login name and password, please write an e-mail to the treasurer Michael Schimmelpfennig ( If you have a login name but have forgotten or not yet received a password, use the “request new password” function.


Registration Form

Payment of Membership Fees


Request new Password

Forgot your Login-Name/ID? Contact us!Read more ⤻