Newsletter No. 14 (Sep 1997)

Newsletter #14

Newsletter #14

September 1997



IMPORTANT: Check your Newsletter envelope!

EACS Board Meeting September 1997

12th EACS Conference September 1998


EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

Institutional Homepages and Other Net News

Library Resources

Reports from Workshops, Conferences

Membership News

Jobs and Positions

Grants and Fellowships

Workshops and Conferences

Members’ Publications

Board Members’ New Addresses etc.

New Members

Membership Application Form & EACS Addresses



EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly vacancies in the field of Chinese studies and information on grants and scholarships are welcome. Mail the material to the President, address: see last page.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Check your Newsletter envelope!

Reminder! Membership fees!

Those members who still have not paid their fee for 1997 or even 1996 are reminded by one (1997) or two asterisks (1996 and 1997) on the address label of this Newsletter envelope. You are expected to pay before the end of this year, otherwise you will not receive the next issue of the Newsletter.

B. Staiger,



EACS Board meeting in Edinburgh, September 12 – 13, 1997

The Board of the EACS held its annual meeting in Edinburgh to review the preparations for next year’s Conference and to hold its general business meeting. A formal and detailed announcement for the Conference will be published in the next issue of the Newsletter.

The topics that were discussed during our general business meeting were as follows:

1. Welcome and approval of agenda

2. Minutes from the first Board meeting in Barcelona last September

3. Report of the Secretary-General

4. Report of the Treasurer

5. Membership drive

6. Report on the Newsletter – form and function

7. Report on the EACS Homepage

8. The SSELP (Sinological Serials in European Libraries Project) – Report, prospects, financing

9. The next two surveys of European sinology

10. The CCK Library Travel Grant

11. EU and prospects for funding – Report from trip to Brussels

12. Junior Management Training Program EU/China

13. Application to the CCK for a workshop in Heidelberg on handling of on-line resources in Chinese studies

14. Report on the European Union – China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

15. Report on the EU-China Research Network

16. Report on a new Center for Chinese Studies in Praha funded by the CCK

17. New applications for funding

18. Changes of EACS organizational procedures

19. Establishment of a European scholarly discussion group similar to H-ASIA

20. Changed conditions for the travel grant from the ESF to the EACS

21. Logo and fonts for the EACS

22. The 35th ICANAS in Budapest in July

23. Participation in the ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars) by the AAS/IIAS

24. Status of preparations for the EACS Conference in Torino in 2000

25. Misc.

Harald Bøckman


Don’t forget: The 12th EACS CONFERENCE , EDINBURGH 1998

Festivals: the Chinese at Work and at Play

“We know of no society, of no culture without its festival. Their origins may have been ritual: the community assembled in celebration of the seasons, of its divinities, of its priest-kings. It will often have been political: the numbering of the tribes, the commemoration of or supplication for victory. The line between sacred and profane, between a harvest-festival and a Nuremberg rally, is difficult to draw. Ideologies have always instituted festivals to symbolize their credo: the new Calendar of the French Revolution is crowded with ornate festivities, as is that of modern totalitarian regimes…” [extracts from the Edinburgh University Festival Lecture at the 50th Edinburgh International Festival, by George Steiner, 11 August 1996]

The theme for the next EACS Conference, to be held in Edinburgh September 10-14, 1998, is “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and at Play”. Papers and seminars are invited on all aspects of festivals in Chinese public and private life, from elaborate national celebrations or mourning ceremonies to the everyday rites of home and work.

The conference will be organised along lines similar to those at Barcelona 1996. Pre-conference registration and residential booking (dates to be announced) will lead to fast-track registration at Edinburgh; first-day registration will be on September 9; the conference proper will begin on September 10.

Apart from a small number of plenary sessions, three sessions will take place simultaneously over the conference, organised according to eleven broad topics: traditional literature and performing arts; modern and contemporary literature and performing arts; premodern history; modern history, economics and politics; religion and philosophy; anthropology and sociology; arts and archaeology; language and linguistics; information technology; interdisciplinary session.

A first formal announcement will be published in the November issue of this Newsletter. Abstracts will be forwarded to referees for consideration. A preliminary programme will be published in the spring 1998 Newsletter. Paper-givers who are members of EACS must be fully-paid subscribers at the time the preliminary programme is announced.

Members and other interested parties are welcome to contact the conference organiser at any time:

Bonnie S. McDougall

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh

8 Buccleuch Place, EDINBURGH EH8 9LW, Scotland, U.K.

Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27.



Report on the EACS Project SSELP – Sinological Serials in European Libraries

After one year and 8 months, the state of the SSELP database is as follows:

The SSELP Database contains the data of the following institutes: The IHEC (Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, Paris) (980 entries received); the Bodleian Library at Oxford and institutes contained therein (951 entries received); the data of Heidelberg Sinological Institute (2562 entries received), the University Library at Oslo, Norway (34 entries with 150 more to come), and some of the Institut Vostokovedeniya (Academy of Science) St. Peterburg (98 out of 343 entries, with another 143 new records to follow) and the enormous EDOCS-database (ca. 8800 entries). Work is in progress for the Cambridge University Library (2253 entries) and the data from Stockholm.

All the data are individually shaped. Even though the decision to create a UNIMARC file definitely was the correct one, out of this individual structure several problems can result. A major o
ne is the treating of Chinese characters where there unfortunately is no concensus of how to treat them within a title entry. Varieties range from almost-ALL-Chinese records to absolutely-NO-Chinese character ones. SSELP had made the decision to have Chinese characters included in its records. For the time being the problem is solved very pragmatically: if there are characters included, very well, if not, hope that they are included in SSELP and therefore not needed to get out of the external data, or, if not, it has to be found out whether there are any other possibilities to get hold of characters and to import them. Even the possibility to input them manually is not excluded, a very ineffective measure, though.

Another unsolved question is word-segregation. SSELP had decided to keep on with word segregation within the Pinyin-transliteration but titles can be searched either by strings or title words. Both can be found in different indexes.

One of the main goals of integrating the immense EDOCS database with about 8800 title entries has made quite some progress under huge difficulties. Here the following problems were encountered so far:

Local holding information of the EDOCS data contained only library ID-tags as an identification of the libraries owning the titles. The last ID-tag-identification had been made in 1992 and contained 43 institutes. Three checks had to be made to find out the final number of institutes that had contributed to EDOCS: it is now 529 institutes whereas only 15 have not been identified so far.

Another problem was also the lack of Chinese characters for the title entries. These were supplied in an extra file and had to be connected to the corresponding title entries, whereas about only half of them match. But since there are other data lacking Chinese characters which can only be supplemented with difficulty, the first search should be made via the Pinyin-transliteration of the title.

Anyway, the decision to build up a two-layer database where title entries and local holding entries are separated, gained momentum at that time. Since EDOCS had been supplied as two separate files, there seemed to be no problem doing this with the EDOCS data. But the original SSELP file had not been changed. So it was decided to combine those two databases into one where every entry got a single “SSELPEDO” (as we called it that time) ID-number that was also assigned to the local holding statements. This finally proved to be NOT a problem for the original SSELP data, but for the EDOCS data, where local holding statements had to be assigned to the corresponding title via THE LIBRARY ID-tags as contained in the EDOCS local holding statements. Not only that at the beginning (before the third check had been completed) not all the libraries and their tags were included in the according configuration- and indexing files, which made some title-local holding connections simply impracticable, but with the latest ALLEGRO version the import simply stopped at about no. 12500, so that only a third of all the entries were changed into an ALLEGRO-format. However, after several re-starts a combined SSELP-EDOCS database exists.

Simultaneously the creation of a website was continued, so that the useful but not really handy telnet access will become mostly redundant. The cgi-scripts had to be adapted and a few incompatibility problems had to be overcome but finally we managed to stage an experimental web-site for the SSELP-database. Anyone interested can have a look at it under:

It is not on the Heidelberg server yet, and it is an experimental site at the moment, but I hope it will be there within two or three weeks. If therefore the above mentioned address does not work because the shift might have been made, try the EACS website

The site is not completetly functional at the moment but search for title, title words, title strings, names of persons, and corporate body names is working. Technically the search functions as in telnet: Choose an index first, enter the search term (“start index”) submit search. Combined search with Boolean operators is also possible.

The site shall give you an impression of what SSELP is going to be like in the next few weeks. Searches can be made via your net-browser, Chinese characters are displayed with any viewer you might have on your computer, encoding is in Big5.

News can be found on the above mentioned EACS website. Any comments are welcome under


EU-China Higher Education Cooperation programme EUCHECP

Overall objective

Overall objective of the 4-year EUCHECP is to promote greater interest in and understanding of the European Union in China.

Specific objectives

Specific objectives of the EUCHECP are as follows:

1. Strengthening of European Studies

The short-term objective of this component is to improve the conditions under which the existing corpus of Chinese specialists on Europe in universities, research institutes and key official bodies presently work.

The medium and long-term objective is to build up institutional capacity in European studies teaching, degree programmes and research, thereby enlarging the corpus of European specialists in China.

In the context of this programme, European studies is broadly defined to include inter alia EU-related social sciences, applied human sciences, law, history, economics and politics.

2. Development of Language-based European Studies

This component is focused on adding European studies elements to existing language courses run by the EU Member States. Emphasis will be given to those elements which promote deeper understanding of Europe.

Activities will seek to complement and develop synergy among the considerable bilateral cultural and technical programmes of Member States by supporting joint actions.

3. Training in Governance Issues and Applied Human Sciences

The objectives of this component is to demonstrate the direct, practical relevance and applications of European Studies to China’s development and systemic reform efforts.

Activities in this component will concentrate on “training the trainers” via short (one to three weeks) training workshops, held in China, to disseminate European experiences and practices, and their potential applications in China. Activities will be directed:

– in policy areas, such as Economic Policy Making and Institutions, Law, Public Administration, Urban and Regional Policy, Environmental Planning, Education, Social Security Systems, Health Care, etc. Policy advice to the institutions themselves on development of curriculums is also an important element here.

– in applied human sciences, for training in new methodologies in various aspects of European Studies disciplines and language training, e.g. multi-media. distance/computer-based learning.

A. Strengthening European Studies and European Studies Centres in China

Chairs for visiting professors to develop European Studies courses and degree programmes will be established within six selected European Studies Centres in China. Each centre shall be eligible to receive high profile visiting professors from the EU financed by the programme. A total of twenty-four such visiting professorships are envisaged over the four years of the programme.

In addition, certain infrastructural and logistical support, a publications fund for relevant papers written in the six chosen centres, and technical assistance for replication and adaptation of European Studies programmes and curriculums from Hong Kong and Europe will be financed by the programme within this element.

B. Fellowships, Studentships, Internships

< P>These fellowships, studentships and internships are for Chinese scholars to develop and implement academic links and research projects with EU counterparts and institutes, for Chinese officials and policy makers to visit EU institutions and undertake internships, and for post-graduate students to undertake part of their Chinese degree dissertation research in EU universities. The following activities are foreseen for this element of the programme:

– one-month professorships

– three-month professorships

– one-month fellowships

– six-month fellowships/internships

– one-month studentships

C. Collaborative Research

This element foresees funding to academic institutions for joint research on topics related to European Studies and on Sino-European affairs (including course content and teaching methods) between teams of European and Chinese scholars.

The funding in this element may be linked to the exchanges detailed in “Fellowships, Studentships, Internships”. The following activities are foreseen for this element of the programme:

– large projects

– medium-size projects

– small projects

Familiarization Programme for Chinese Scholars Visiting Europe

Each year a selected group of Chinese visitors already in Europe within the EUCHECP will be invited to participate in a seminar on specific current EU subjects.

D. European Visiting Professors

In this element, EU professors are funded to teach and help develop European Studies, European-related social sciences, EU languages and humanities courses at institutions for Higher Education in China. Funding will also be provided in this element for EU academics present in China under this (or other) programmes to provide advice to Chinese institutions on curriculum development.

Workshops in China

Three training workshops, each of one to three weeks duration, will be held annually at various places in China. EU academics present in China under this (or other) programmes may be invited to participate.

Strengthening European Studies and Research Associations in China

During the programme, financial and technical assistance will be provided to enable the establishment of a Secretariat for the national Chinese European Studies Association.

How to apply

For further information regarding how to apply for funding within the elements A to D of the programme, please refer to application guidelines. They will be published in the next issue of this Newsletter, in time for the next application deadline 1 March 1998. If you cannot wait, CONTACT: EUCHECP Coordination Office, Lund University, Box 117, S-22100 Lund, Sweden. Tel.: +46-46-222 12 92. Fax: +46-46-222 12 95. email:



L’Association Francaise des Professeurs de Chinois

a desormais un site sur Internet. L’adresse en est: http//


Subscribe to H-ASIA!

H-ASIA is a moderated international discussion group for scholars and teachers which covers the Asian region from India to Korea, the two dominating areas being China and India. The discussion group originated in March 1994, and is electronically based at Michigan State University. It is a most useful and entertaining site that all sinologists may enjoy passively or use actively. In order to subscribe, you just send the following e-mail message: sub H-ASIA firstname surname, school/institution

to the following email address:



What’s New in WWW Asian Studies Newsletter.

Edited by: Dr T.Matthew Ciolek.

This Newsletter is a part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library.

The “What’s New in WWW Asian Studies” Online Newsletter (ISSN 1323-9368) was established in April 1994. Resources listed in this Newsletter are inspected and rated in terms of the quality, overall reliability and usefulness of their content to the social sciences’ research on Asia-Pacific region. All ratings are carried out on a 5 point scale [essential – v.useful – useful – interesting – marginal]. The ratings are correct for the date a resource is listed in this Newsletter. They reflect the Editor’s judgment without ‘fear or favour’, and are not negotiable. The East Asia section of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library covers online resources dealing with among others China.

The newsletter is provided by the Internet Publications Bureau, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, as a service to the World Wide Web community. Its mission is to bring to readers summaries and evaluations of the latest worthwhile developments in web sites and other online information systems relevant to the Asia and the Pacific region. The publication is designed as a current awareness bulletin for a broad range of readers, including academics, journalists, business people, politicians, public servants and the broader community. It is also designed to cater for upper secondary, college and first-year undergraduate students and teachers.



Lu Xun Library, Prague.

The library, named in honour of Lu Xun, comprises all books in Chinese owned by the Oriental Institute of Prague. Its core is made up by 2000 books collected before World War II. However, the main body of the library is formed by the 27 000 volumes selected by late Prof. Prusek in 1950 during his visit to China. The library grew significantly in the 1950s (it held 55 000 volumes and over 300 serial titles by the early 1960s). The accessions of the following decades were much more meagre for various reasons. Present holdings are approximately 66 000 volumes.

The overall profile of the library was to a large extent influenced by the interests of Prof. Prusek. Thus, the Lu Xun Library can boast a unique collection of modern Chinese literature. It provides almost complete record of literary production for the period 1919-1949, including literary theory and criticism and various serial titles (including complete runs of Xiaoshuo yuebao [1910-1926] and Xin qingnian [1915-1926]). Further, 224 titles of local gazetteers difangzhi can be found here. Difangzhi are treated in a separate catalogue. There is also a remarkable range of congshu. These are mainly reprints published in the first half of our century. However, some date from the 18th and 19th century. Each title is treated as a separate entry in the catalogue. The holdings of the library are accessible through the author catalogue and title catalogue. Moreover, there is a systemathic catalogue for the books in Western binding. There is one inconvenience for the non-Czech users to be admitted – the catalogues do not use pinyin, but rather the Czech transcription. This obstacle can be overcome with help of our librarian, though.

The visitors of the Lu Xun Library are welcome to attend another collection of the Oriental Institute – i.e. the recently opened John King Fairbank Library. This collection is a part of the private library of late Prof. Fairbank, donated to the Institute by his widow Mrs. Wilma Fairbank. It contains books on China in English, altogether about 1600 titles. One third of them is concerned with the history, the rest deals with culture, economy, missionaries etc.

Hana Trisková



India, Tibet, China: Genesis and Aspects of Traditional Narrative.

Venezia, 17-19 April, 1997. Twelve papers were presented (Victor H. Mair, Maurizio Taddei, Michael Hahn, Alessandro Grossato, Wilt Idema, Glen Dudbridge, Isabella Gurevich, Ramon Prats, Seyfort Ruegg, Raffaella Riva, Kristofer Schipper, Giuliano Boccali). The Proceedings will be published by Leo S. Olschki Editore, Firenze.

Organizer: Prof. Alfredo Cadonna. e-mail:

Confucianism: Origins – Developments – Perspectives.

Leipzig University, 18-19 April 1997. Sixteen papers were presented:

Huang Chün-chieh: Characteristics of Chinese Hermeneutics Exhibited in the History of Mencius Exegesis.

Wofgang Kubin: Confucianism and Memory. Some Remarks on the Term “Hsüe”.

Michael Friedrich: Confucian Veneration of Images.

Ralf Moritz: Confucius and the “Hundred Ages” – Reflections on Continuity and Change.

Lee Ming-huei: On the “Confucianism Fever” in Mainland China Today.

Tu Wei-ming: A Confucian Perspective on the “Core Values” of the Global Community.

Joël Thoraval: Remarks on the Philosophical Strategy of Modern Confucianism.

Hans-Georg Möller: The Position of New Confucianism: Feng Yu-lan’s “New Metaphysics”.

Iso Kern: The Discussion on the Relation between “Original Knowledge” and “Empirical Knowledge” by Wang Yang-ming and his Disciples.

Liu Shu-hsien: The Last Neo-Confucian Philosopher: Huang Tsung-hsi.

Wolfgang Ommerborn: The Problem of Theodizee in Occidental Philosophy and the Question for the Origin of the Evil in Neo-Confucian Thought.

Achim Mittag: Historical Thought during the Emergence of World-Society: Conceptional Conditions of Globalization in Chinese Historical Thought during the 17th and 18th Centuries.

Wu Chan-liang: Neo-Romantic Confucianism versus Western-Rationalism: A Study of Carsun Chang’s Early Thought.

Gabriele Goldfuß: Modern Confucianism as Traditionalism: Some Remarks on Hsiung Shih-li.

Hans-Rudolf Kantor: The Significance of T’ien-tai-Buddhism for Mou Tsun-san’s Practical Ontology.

Olf Lehmann: Modern Confucianism between “Indoctrination” and “Argumentation”. A Study on Mou Tsung-san.

The contributions will be edited by Ralf Moritz and Lee Ming-huei, and published by Leipziger Universitätsverlag in a newly created series of East Asian Studies.



New President of the International Association of Orientalist Librarians

We Congratulate Mr. Thomas Hahn, the Librarian at the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, to his election as new President of the International Association of Orientalist Librarians. Mr. Hahn, who has been active for many years in the framework of the European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL) and is the administrator of the data bases at the Heidelberg Institute which are accessed by many European and overseas scholars, has become well-known internationally for his expertise with digitalized Chinese data bases and his efforts to promote mutually compatible forms of cataloguing sinological materials.



An der Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universitaet Wuerzburg, Philosophische Fakultaet I (Altertums- und Kulturwissenschaften), ist ab sofort die Stelle

eines Universitaetsprofessors / einer Universitaetsprofessorin

im Beamtenverhaeltnis auf Lebenszeit der Bes. Gr. C 3

fuer Sinologie

zu besetzen.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium, Promotion und Habilitation, Landeserfahrung und paedagogische Eignung. Bewerber/Bewerberinnen duerfen das 52. Lebensjahr zum Zeitpunkt der Ernennung nicht vollendet haben.

Zu den Aufgaben des/der Stelleninhabers/Stelleninhaberin gehoert, die Sinologie in Forschung und Lehre zu vertreten und das Studienelement Sinicum zu betreuen. Ein durch Veroeffentlichungen oder Lehre ausgewiesener Arbeitsschwerpunkt des/der Stelleninhabers/Stelleninhaberin soll auch im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert auf einem der nachstehenden Fachgebiete liegen: Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft oder Technologietransfer und Oekologie.

Die Julius-Maximilians-Universitaet strebt eine Erhoehung des Anteils an Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb qualifizierte Wissenschafterinnen nachdruecklich zn ihre Bewerbung. Bewerbungen von Schwebehinderten werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt beruecksichtigt.

Bewerbungen sind mit dem ueblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Urkunden, Schriftenverzeichnis, Liste der gehaltenen Lehrveranstaltungen) bis zum 15.11.1997 beim Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultaet I der Universitaet Wuerzburg, Residenzplatz 2, Tor A, 97070 Wuerzburg, einzureichen.


The Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations seeks to make an entrance level appointment in Pre-Twentieth Century Chinese Intellectual or Cultural History (field open). Candidates must have degree in hand by Summer 1998. Send applications, cv, reference letters and writing samples, no later than December 15, 1997, to Anthony C. Yu, Chair, EALC, The University of Chicago, 1050 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.



EACS – Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation LIBRARY TRAVEL GRANTS

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation has generously provided the EACS with a grant of US$20,000.00 in order to support further short visits (of not more than one week) for specialized research in sinological libraries in Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Oxford or Paris in 1997-1998.

Applicants should be European sinologists or sinologists based permanently in Europe, who are paid-up members of the EACS. Applications from non-members will be considered, however, especially in the case of young scholars, if accompanied by a recommendation from an EACS member.

APPLICATIONS must include:

1) a letter stating the library to be visited and intended dates of travel.

2) a statement of purpose, to include a short description of the research project, including precise indication of the sources and material to be used.

3) a written statement obtained from the Librarian of the institute where the proposed visit is to take place confirming that the research materials that are required are available for consultation.

4) a one-page curriculum vitae with a list of main publications.

5) a statement of the travelling expenses (Apex economy airfare or 2nd class rail fare), including a note of other sources of funding.

6) In the case of Ph.D. students, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.

7) In the case of non-members, a letter of recommendation from an EACS member.

8) Address for correspondence, including fax and email where possible.

APPLICATIONS should be sent by mail or fax to one of the following:

1) For research on pre-modern China (i.e. before 1840), to

Prof. Roderick Whitfield, Department of Art and Archaeology, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG, United Kingdom.

Fax: +44-171 436 38 44. email:

2) For research on modern China (i.e. from 1840), to

Prof. Marianne Bastid-Bruguiere, 92 Boulevard de Port Royal, 75005 Paris, France.

Fax: +33-1 43 54 72 02. email:

3) For research which straddles the 1840 limit: either to Prof. Whitfield or to Prof. Ba

Every effort will be made by Prof. Whitfield and Prof. Bastid-Bruguiere to reply to applications as quickly as possible. To preclude difficulties should either of them be temporarily away, it is advisable to apply at least two months before the visit is planned to take place.


1) If applications are approved, grants will be made to include travelling expenses and a per diem allowance, which will vary from place to place.

2) With the exception of scholars from Eastern Europe, grants will be paid on completion of the visit.

3) For scholars from Eastern Europe, the grant will be available on arrival at the centre where the research is undertaken. To avoid difficulty, applicants should give advance warning of their date and time of arrival to Prof. Bastid-Bruguiere, if they are to visit France; to Dr Staiger, if they are to visit Germany; to Prof. Idema, if they are to visit the Netherlands; and to Prof. Whitfield if they are to visit the United Kingdom.

4) On completion of their visit, all scholars should obtain a letter signed by the Librarian, certifying that the visit has been made and specifying the dates when it began and ended. The relevant Librarians have already been asked for their cooperation.

5) All scholars should send the Librarian’s letter directly to the treasurer:

Dr Brunhild Staiger, Institut fuer Asienkunde, Hamburg, Germany. Fax: +49-40 410 79 45. email:

6) In all cases recipients are requested to send within two weeks after completion of their trip a one-page account of the work done, reporting any practical problems they may have met with. Suggestions to improve the programme will be welcomed. The report should be addressed to Prof. Whitfield or Prof. Bastid-Bruguiere, according to who received the original application.

Names and addresses of the Librarians follow:

FRANCE: Madame Resch, Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 52 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris, France. Fax: +33-1-44 27 11 09.

GERMANY: Herr Thomas Hahn, Sinologisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg, Akademiestrasse 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany. Fax: +49-6221-54 24 39.

NETHERLANDS: Professor Idema, Sinologisch Instituut, Arsenaalstraat 1, PO Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-71-27 26 15.


Mr Charles Aylmer, Chinese Section, University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR, United Kingdom. Fax: +44-1223-333 160.

Mrs Sue Small, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG, United Kingdom. Fax: +44-171-436 38 44.

Dr Frances Wood, British Library, Chinese Section, Oriental & India Office Collections, Orbit House, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NN, United Kingdom.

Fax: +44-171-412 78 58.

Mr David Helliwell, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG, United Kingdom.

Fax: +44 1865 277132.

Marianne Bastid-Bruguiere



The Foundation welcomes applications from scholars in the European region under the following categories:

1.Institutional Enhancement Grants

2.Research Grants

3.Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants

4.Subsidies for Publication

5.Senior Scholar Grants

6.CCK Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations & Post-doctoral Research

The scope of the Foundation’s grant-giving program includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of interest:

– Chinese cultural heritage

– Classical studies, especially literary and historical works

– The Republic of China from its establishment to the present

– Taiwan area studies

– China-related comparative studies.

Deadline for applications is 15 October each year. Detailed information and application forms may be obtained by contacting the CCK head office in Taipei:

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

13F/B 65 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2

Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China.

Fax: +886-2-701-6762, e-mail:

The CCK Foundation publishes a quarterly Newsletter which may be obtained from the same address. The Foundation also has a homepage on the following site:


Center for Chinese Studies

Grants for sinological studies (3 months to 1 year) in Taiwan for 1998-1999. Includes air ticket and monthly allowance. Deadline: 31 October 1997. For application forms and information, CONTACT: Center for Chinese Studies, 20 Chungshan S. Road, Taipei 10001, Taiwan. Tel.: +886-2-314-73 21. Fax: +886-2-371-21 26. e-mail:


New ESF Asia Committee Fellow

Dr Giovanni Vitiello (Italy). Receiving Institute: International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands. Period: 3 years, until 1 August 2000. Research topic: Exemplary Sodomites: Pornography, Homoeroticism and Sexual Culture in Late Imperial China.



Japanese Empire in East Asia and its Postwar Legacy

German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo (DIJ). 17 October 1997. Japan’s current relationship to the rest of Asia has become a research project at the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ). In order to provide a background for contemporary Asian relations, this DIJ History Conference will examine Japan’s involvement with East Asia in the past, ranging from the late Meiji period to the 1970s. Both Japan specialists and historians of other East Asian countries will discuss the dissemination of Japanese visions of empire, forms of colonial control and resistance, and its implications for post-imperialist relations. The proceedings of the Conference will be published in the Monograph Series of the DIJ.

Altogether twelve papers will be presented, among which can be found: Karl Gerth, Consumption as Resistance: The National Products Movement and Anti-Japanese Boycotts in China, 1911-1923; Harumi Goto-Shibata, Economic Expansionism and the Military: With Special Reference to the Japanese Community in Shanghai in 1931; Erich Pauer, Japanese Economic Relations with Manchuria; Janis Mimura, Technocratic Visions of Empire: The Search for a New Order for Science-Technology; Adam Schneider, The Taiwan Government-General and Japanese Economic Expansion in South China and Southeast Asia; Daqing Yang, Resurrecting the Empire? Japanese Technicians in Postwar China; Christopher Braddick, In the Shadows of the Monolith: Japan-China Relations in the Context of the Cold War. For more information, see

CONTACT: Harald Fuess, German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo (DIJ), 3-3-6 Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102. Tel. (03) 3222-5077. Fax. (03) 3222-5420. e-mail:

Press, Reader and Market in China and Asia.

Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg,19-22 October 1997.

The Institute of Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg invites all those interested to participate in this workshop. CONTACT: Ms. Meyer or Ms. Tiede, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Akademiestr. 4-8, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany. Tel. +49-6221-547 765. Fax. +49-6221-547 639.

The rise of the press in late Qing and early Republican China is an often-cited but still underresearched phenomenon. Scholars in different parts of the world have studied different historical, political, literary, and social aspects of the press in China; but they have mostly worked in isolation, separated from each other by thousands of miles of ground
and thousands and ten-thousands of pages of reading material. This has prevented the study of Chinese press history from becoming a recognizable field of research.

The proposed workshop is an attempt to remedy the relative isolation of researchers in this field by bringing them together to share their findings in a critical discussion and to develop and test research routines. While there will be an emphasis on the empirical analysis of primary materials, the workshop will also discuss broader questions such as the implied and factual readership, the self-perception of newspapers, the uses and development of newspaper styles, the choice of [foreign] models and their adaptation, the marketability of newspapers, strategies of legal and cultural legitimation, the formation of the journalist’s profession, the development of public opinion and a public sphere, the forces of censorship, the (envisaged and actual) powers of the newspaper, the role of privately owned newspapers vis-à-vis the state, the functions of the official papers such as the Jingbao or the later guanbao, the forms and economic as well as cultural functions of newspaper advertising, the parallels with newspaper developments in other countries such as Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia, or the role of foreigners in the development of vernacular newspapers.

The workshop aims not just to broaden the participants’ horizons as to the nature and peculiarities of newspapers in China but to submit to empirical scrutiny the hitherto accepted trajectory of newspaper development, and to open the discussion on some analytical and comparative aspects that hitherto have hardly been addressed. The necessity to combine qualitative and quantitative methods in newspaper research marks a specific difficulty. The workshop will address this through a combination of scholarly presentations and discussions with the reading of some of the relevant primary materials. One full afternoon will be devoted to papers dealing with the rise of the press in other parts of Asia to provide a comparative angle on developments in China. Here, the focus will be on tracing parallel developments in India, Korea, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire.


R.G. Wagner: Defining itself through battle: The Shenbao and the Early Semi-Official Papers Huibao, Yibao, and Xinbao.

Readings of Semi-Official Newspapers, related Shenbao-Articles and Archival Sources.

Barbara Mittler: Authority and Style: Classical Quotation in the Shenbao 1872-1912.

Reading and Discussion of Shenbao Materials.

Materials and Discussion Session 1: The guanbao tradition in China.

Catherine V. Yeh: Deciphering the Entertainment Press 1895-1920: Youxi bao, Fanhua bao and its Descendants.

Reading and Discussion of Youxi bao and Fanhua bao Materials.

Joan Judge: Shibao and the Late Qing Middle Realm: Political Contestation, Cultural Negotiation and Social Mediation.

Reading and Discussion of Shibao Materials.

Bryna Goodman: Politics, Newspaper Rivalries and Reportage: A Case Study Approach to the Question of a Chinese Public Sphere.

Reading and Discussion of relevant materials from a variety of Shanghai newspapers.

Materials Session 2: The Xiaobao.

M. Bastid-Bruguiere: The Journal and the Newspaper: Dongfang zazhi and Political Journalism.

Reading and Discussion of Dongfang zazhi Materials.

Leo Oufan Lee: Staging the Public: The Shenbao ziyoutan.

Reading and Discussion of Shenbao ziyoutan Materials.

M. Ursinus: The Rise of the Ottoman Provincial Press.

A. Schmid: Early Korean Journalism: Creating a National Identity?

W. Schamoni: News meets Narrative – Fiction in early Japanese Newspapers.

Discussion: Towards a Methodology of Dealing with the Vernacular Press in Asia and its Cultural, Social, and Political Functions.

Organizational Structures, Business Strategies and Competitiveness in Asia.

Fourth Euro-Asian International Research Seminar. University of Poitiers, France, 6 November 1997. CONTACT: Karine Goter or Anne Drailllard, Groupe ESC Nantes-Atlantique, 8 route de la Jonelière, BP72, 44003 Nantes Cedex 01. Tel.: +33-2-40 37 34 04. Fax: +33-2-40 37 34 07.

ASEAN-EU Economic Relations.

Third Conference on East Asia-EU Business. Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, 23-25 April, 1998. Abstracts by 15 December 1997.

CONTACT: Cristina Popper, ISESAO, Università Bocconi, Via Gobbi 5, 20136 Milano, Italy. Fax: +39-2-58 36-33 09. e-mail:

Cina: miti e realtà.

Sixth Conference of the Italian Association of Chinese Studies (AISC), Venezia, 21-23 May, 1998.

CONTACT: Prof. Alfredo Cadonna. e-mail:



BURGEL, Guy, CHEN Guangting and Thierry SANJUAN (eds.).

“Villes chinoises”, Paris, Université de Paris X – Nanterre (Laboratoire de Géographie urbaine), Villes en parallèle, 23-24, 1996. 291 pp. ISSN 0242-2794. FF 200.00

CADONNA, Alfredo (ed.).

Ricordo di Alain Daniélou. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1996, pp.xii+55. (Proceedings of the “Giornata dedicata alla memoria di Alain Daniélou”, Venezia, Istituto “Venezia e l’Oriente”, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 6 March, 1995) Distributed by Leo S. Olschki Editore, C.P. 66, 50100, Firenze, Italy. e-mail: Inquiries:

CADONNA, Alfredo, & LANCIOTTI Lionello (eds).

Cina e Iran: da Alessandro Magno alla Dinastia Tang, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1996. pp. xii+121. (Proceedings of the International Meeting, Venezia, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 7-8 November, 1994) Distributed by Leo S. Olschki Editore, C.P. 66, 50100, Firenze, Italy. e-mail: Inquiries:

IDEMA, Wilt & Lloyd HAFT.

A Guide to Chinese Literature. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1997. Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies Volume 74. Hardback ISBN 0-89264-099-5. Paperback also available.

KOLMAS, Josef.

Prague Collection of Tibetan Prints from Derge. Volume III. Index of Titles. Book 1 & 2. Compiled and Introduced by Josef Kolmas. Oriental Institute, Prague 1996. X, 1-252 + VIII, 253-510 pp. [Dissertationes orientales, No. 48/1-2.]


Po Tu-i, Datlovnik v merunkovem sadu [Bai Juyi, The date tree in apricot orchard. (Anthology)]. Vysehrad, Praha 1996. 256 pp.

LIPINSKY, Astrid/Terre des Femmes e.V. Städtegruppe Bonn (eds.). Gelbe Reihe zu Frauen in China [Yellow Series on Women in China] , Terre des Femmes e. V. Städtegruppe Bonn, Bonn. ISSN 1433-8904. Appears irregularly at least twice a year.

Available issues (DM 10,00 each):

no. 4: Astrid LIPINSKY, Frauen in Vietnam. 30 pp. Bonn 1996.

no. 5: Astrid LIPINSKY, Prostitution in China (II). 81 pp. Bonn 1996.

no. 6: Astrid LIPINSKY, Frauenhandel in China. 42 pp. Bonn 1996.

no. 7: Astrid LIPINSKY, Frauen in Hongkong. 76 pp. Bonn 1997.

no. 8: Martin KITTLAUS, Sexualität und Politik. ca 40 pp. Bonn 1997.

The series is published in German. English summaries included starting with no. 8. Distributed by Terre des Femmes e. V. Städtegruppe Bonn, c/o Lipinsky, Effertzstr. 13, D-53121 Bonn. Fax: +49-228-616 322.

SANJUAN, Thierry.

À l’Ombre de Hong Kong – le delta de la Rivière des Perles. Paris: L’Harmattan, Coll. Géographie et cultures, 1997. 313 pp. ISBN 2-7384-5457-7. FF 185.00.


Chinese Folk Songs
and Folk Singers. Shan’ge Traditions in Southern Jiangsu. Published by the Chime Foundation, Leiden, 1997. xvi+445 pp. Includes bibliography, glossary, index, music transcription, chinese texts, plus a CD with 72 minutes of original field recordings. ISBN: 90-803615-1-8. Price: NLG 75.00. Inquiries:


CARLETTI, Sandra, Maurizia SACCHETTI, Paolo SANTANGELO, eds.

Studi in onore di Lionello Lanciotti. Napoli, 1996. 3 vols., pp. xliv + 1496. Distributed by Herder International Book Centre, 120, Piazza Montecitorio, 00186 Roma, Italy.

On the occasion of the celebration of Lionello Lanciotti’s 70th birthday and his 50 years of activity in the scientific and educational fields, the Oriental University in Naples (IUON) and the Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East (IsMEO), in cooperation with the Department of Indian and Far Eastern Studies of the University of Ca’ Foscari of Venice and the Department of Oriental Studies of the University La Sapienza of Rome have published a collection of essays by colleagues, friends and pupils as a tangible mark of friendship and appreciation.

The solemn ceremony of dedicating the volumes to Prof. Lionello Lanciotti was held on the 14th May at the hall of “Le mura greche” of the Istituto Universitario Orientale of Naples. The ceremony was chaired by the Magnifico Rettore of this university, Prof. Adriano Rossi, with the participation of Prof. Gherardo Gnoli, president of the ISIAO (Institute of African and Oriental Studies, the former ISMEO), Prof. Mario Sabattini, dean of the Faculty of Languages of Venice University, Prof. Piero Corradini, president of the Oriental Studies College of Rome University, and Prof. Paolo Santangelo of Naples Oriental University. In the presence of about one hundred scholars from Italian and other European universities, Professor Lanciotti’s contribution to the development of Chinese studies in Italy, his role as a teacher and scholar, and his contributions to European scholarly cooperation were evoked. Among the speakers was Prof. Rudolf G. Wagner, the president of the EACS, who had been invited to the ceremony. Professor Lanciotti has served for many years on the Council of the EACS. He will continue to contribute his learning and experience in the framework of the Fondazione Cini in Venice, and the ISIAO.

The three volumes contain 71 articles, a bibliography of Lanciotti’s writings, the index of names quoted in the texts, and the English abstracts of the articles. The articles (written either in Italian or in English, French or Chinese) concern the following topics:

Magda Abbiati, on the presence of zhe or le as a sign of the value (static vs. dynamic) that the verb exhibits in the given context, Viviane Alleton on the social functions (indications of generation, family hierarchy, position as sibling, etc.) of the Chinese proper names; Paul Bady on Lao She’s autobiography through the examination of the writer’s works; Marianne Bastid-Bruguiere on the organisation of the working life of civil servants in Beijing in the 1880’s, from business and social relations, to visits, ceremonies and ritual sacrifices; Michele Bernardini on the brocade production in Iran during the Timurid period; Sergio Bertolissi on Radiscev’s “Letter on the Chinese trade”, which gives an interesting analysis on the commercial exchanges between the Russian and Chinese Empires; Alexei A. Bokshchanin on the institution of meritorious officials in China in early Ming times; Massimo A. Bonfantini on contemporary features of Mao Zedong’s philosophy; Clara Borrelli on the play “The Chinese Tyrant” by the Neapolitan playwright Francesco Cerlone; Adriana Boscaro on the fascination of the shinashumi, the “flavour of China”; Alfredo Cadonna, on the chapter 11 of the Jingde chuandeng lu;

Gian Carlo Calza on the use of imperial symbols on official robes, and in particular on the removal of one claw from five-clawed dragons; Patrizia Carioti on the incorporation of the island of Taiwan into China between the founding of the Zheng “kingdom” and the formal annexation to the Qing empire; Sandra Marina Carletti on a the polemic in the thirties between the “Peking” and “Shanghai” schools; Giorgio Casacchia on the history of Er Ya and on works modelled on it from the Han to Qing dynasties; Lucia Caterina, on a small group of Chinese porcelain ware (that forms the Canova-Mazzuchelli bequest in the Museo Civico of Turin) the production of which was intended for the Siamese market; Anna Cerbo on Chinese art and literature in the Zibaldone; Marco Ceresa on the various terms used throughout Chinese history to describe the practice of tattooing; Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca on the birth of the mixed Chinese-Japanese style (wakankonkobuntai);

Maria Cigliano on Yang Shen’s revaluation of the minority cultures in Yunnan; Teresa Cirillo Sirri on the image of the Far East from the memoirs of Fernao Mendes Pinto and Alonso Ramirez; Filippo Coccia on the changes in Chinese cultural circles after the trauma of June 4th 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992; Piero Corradini on Italy as seen by contemporary Chinese historians; Patrizia Dad on the fiction press and the emergence of sentimental novel in the late Qing period; Ignazio Dandolo on the role of Nicolaj Gavrilovich Spafarij in the conflict which ended with the signing of the treaty of Nercinsk in 1689; Francesco D’Arelli on the Fondo Gesuitico codex 1185 in the Biblioteca Nazionale V. Emanuele II in Rome; Elena De Rossi Filibeck on a Tibetan text concerning Guan Yu; Mark Elvin on Qing shi duo (The Qing Bell of Poesy) poems as information on late-imperial Chinese environmental history; Michele Fatica on the journey of four pupils of the Collegio dei Cinesi in Naples to Macao together with the English diplomatic mission to the emperor Qianlong led by Macartney; Pio Filippani-Ronconi on the concept of “emptiness” in Indian philosophy and Buddhist asceticism as it was understood and developed in the Mahayana school and its offshoots in Eastern Asia;

Taciana Fisac on some relevant issues concerning the representation of women in Chinese history and literature; Riccardo Fracasso on Guo Pu’s life and career, and his commentary on the Shanhai jing; Herbert Franke on some “enigmatic characters” appearing in a Tibetan text of the early XIX century; Marian Galik on the possible sources for Wang Duqing’s poem “Shengmuxiang qian”, whose immediate source of inspiration appears to be a painting by the Italian painter Guido Reni; Federico Greselin on the impact of the so-called “technological revolution” on Chinese Studies; Leonid M. Gudoshnikov on the constitutional reforms and the new parliamentarism in Taiwan; Donatella Guida on literary and philological matters discussed in the Qing novel Jinghuayuan; He Leshi on Autumn as the richest season of human life;

Isaia Iannaccone on the Kunyu tushuo by the Jesuit scientist and missionary to China Ferdinand Verbiest; Wilt L. Idema on the transformation of zaju texts from role text to entertaining closet drama to be read; Alessandra C. Lavagnino on one of the most debated chapters of Liu Xie’s Wen xin diao long, the “Yin xiu”, chapter XL; Andre Levy on tale by Pu Songling belonging to the genre of legal case histories; Torbjörn Lodén on commercialisation, the problematisation of the relationship between the wealth and power of the state and the welfare of people, and the globalisation of Chinese culture in the last years; Giorgio Mantici on Italian cultural racist attitude towards China; Ugo Marazzi on the cult of other-worldly serpent-spirit in Siberia; Helmut Martin on Wu Zhuoliu’s autobiographical works; Edoarda Masi on the contradictions of the new trends taken by Chinese writers from May 4th Movement to the present; Rémi Mathieu on the different theories in ancient China on the nature, origin and classification of dreams;

Vladimir S. Miasnikov on Russian press in China; Maja Milcinski on Chinese philosophy and religion on the way to postmode
rnity; Paola Paderni on some cases of homosexuality in 18th century China; Mario Petrone on Paul Claudel’s “Repos du Septieme Jour”; M. Cristina Pisciotta on the beginnings of huaju; Claudia Pozzana on the categories of the temporal in Li Dazhao; Fabrizio Pregadio on the symbolism of red in some Chinese traditions; Maurizio Riotto on the figure of Ondal (?-590), a famous Koguryo commander, and its cultural trasformation; Mario Sabattini on a comparative analysis of some fundamental grammatical structures in Thai and Chinese; Maurizia Sacchetti on some ci of Ouyang Xiu; Guido Samarani on Idealism and revolution in the philosophy of Dai Jitao; Luigi Santa Maria on the Chinese loan-words in Malay-Indonesian; Paolo Santangelo on the “moral psychology” in Zhu Xi’s philosophical system; Gianroberto Scarcia on the hypothetical affinity of the Persian and Chinese Tang quatrain; Maurizio Scarpari on the datation of the chapters 6A1-5 of Mengzi pertaining to the debate on human nature; S. Faizah Soenoto on the Sino-Malay community and the pre-war ‘novel series’;

Vadim M. Solntsev on the significance of Chinese in the theoretical studies of general linguistics; Stefania Stafutti on daily life in ancient China as it emerges in literary texts; Giovanni Stary on the Manchu version of the Daodejing; Adolfo Tamburello on the description of China by the late 17th century Italian traveller Gemelli Careri’s Giro del mondo (published in 1699 in Naples); Daniela Tozzi Giuli on the attempted monarchic restoration of 1917; Rolf Trauzettel on the category of “feudalism” for Chinese history; Charles Willemen on the origin, the meaning and the authorship of the stanza of six lines of the six rules of painting.


Autumn Floods/Qiushui. Essays in Honour of Marian Galik

On February 21st, 1998, the Slovak sinologist who has also become a comparatist will celebrate his 65th birthday. For this occasion, Raoul D. Findeisen and Robert H. Gassmann (Zurich University) are preparing a FESTSCHRIFT.

Some 50 contributions in five languages, by sinologists and comparatists, are assembled in the volume which has the following sections: (1) The Scholar and His Work, (2) Chinese Tradition and Asian Context, (3) Mao Dun Studies, (4) Modern Chinese Literature and Intellectual History, (5) Interliterary and Intercultural Networks.

If you desire to have your name included in the TABULA GRATULATORIA, you may purchase the volume (ca 450 pp, 5 plates, hardback), published as no. 29 of the Swiss Asian Studies Monograph Series with Peter Lang Publishers, Berne, you may order it before November 15, 1997, at a reduced subscription rate of CHF 89/DEM 111/AUS 742/USD 63.95/FFR 356/GBP 40. For orders, please contact:

Peter Lang European Academic Publishers, Jupiterstr. 15, CH-3000 Bern 15, Switzerland. Tel: +41-31/940 21 21. Fax: +41-31-940 21 31. e-mail:



L’inscription nestorienne de Si-ngan-fou. Edited with Supplements by Antonino FORTE. Kyoto, Scuola di Studi sull’Asia Orientale, Paris, Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1996. xxi+540 pp., 10 ill. ISBN 4-900793-12-4, ISBN 2-85757-056-2. FF 400 + mailing.

After Paul Pelliot’s death in 1945, a detailed study on the famous stele of 781, discovered in China in 1623 or 1625, was found among his unpublished papers. The study is divided into two parts: Part One, of the utmost significance for the history of relations between China end Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, is an account of the history of the stele since its discovery until modern times, and an exhaustive critical list of studies on and translations of the stele. Part Two is a translation of the Chinese inscription followed by one of the most comprehensive and meticulous commentaries ever written.

After several unsuccessful attempts, La stèle nestorienne de Si-ngan-fou has been published at long last.

Antonino Forte has supplemented his painstaking edition of Pelliot’s manuscript with a number of annexes in which he pursues some lines of inquiry suggested by the great scholar. Attempts to interpret the monument carved by Chinese Nestorians in 781 and place it in its historical context is a fascinating venture in scholarship in itself. The publication of Pelliot’s work represents a gigantic step in this endeavour.

The annexes by A. Forte concern: a) a reconstruction of the original text of the edict of 638 authorizing the practice of Christianity in China; b) Aluohan, an eminent member of the Persian aristocracy, known only by his Chinese name, who died in China in 740; c) Chongfu-si monastery, a prestigious Buddhist institution, which had contacts with the Christian temple, the site of the stele of 781; d) an inscription from the Buddhist temple of Dhuta which served as a literary model for Adam, the author of the Nestorian inscription.

The volume is supplemented by an index of proper names and titles, including ten illustrations.

Information and orders: De Boccard, Édition-Diffusion, 11 rue de Médicis, 75006 Paris, France. Tel.: +33-1-43 26 00 37. Fax: +33-1-43 54 85 83.



Since 1992, the main activity of the French Research Center on Contemporary China has been the publication of a bi-monthly magazine, Perspectives Chinoises. In September 1995, an English version of the magazine, China Perspectives, was launched in response to the demand from non-French speakers.

Both publications aim at giving an informed picture of social, political and economic evolutions in Greater China. The periodicity of the review enables the research team to remain close to developments in these fields as they unfold, but also to remain sufficiently detached from them, in order to conduct the important in-depth analysis of their underlying causes and implications. The topics tackled range from the analysis of theoretical debates such as the possibility of the rise of a new form of nationalism mingled with Confucianism in China, to economic topics like the rise of unemployment in Hong Kong and Taiwan, or the controversy over the role of the Special Economic Zones in China.

The standard of this well-informed scholarly publication, which avoids “scientific jargon”, compels the staff of the Center to keep in touch with current events while deepening their personal research. The convenient location of the Center enables its members to have easy access to first hand information, and to engage intensively in field work. CONTACT: Laurent Michelon, CEFC Taipei Branch, Min-Sheng East Road Section 3, Lane 107, #2, 6F, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Fax: +886-2-715-04 56. e-mail: (cefc)



The Center for Pacific Asia Studies at Stockholm University publishes The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies. Altogether seven issues of this annual publication have appeared. The most recent one, which has just come out, includes the following articles: Leon M.S. Slawecki, “Pacific or not? France in Oceania”; Ooi Kee Beng, “The New Nation and the World Order: A Discussion on East Asian Democracy”; Jurij L. Kroll, “The Jimi Foreign Policy under the Han”; and Wang Hui, “Zhang Taiyan, the Individual and Modern Identity in China”. Earlier issues have included contributions by Gao Xingjian, Liu Zaifu, Kenzaburo Oe, Wang Yuanhua and others. The subscription fee is US$ 25 including postage. The price of individual back issues is US$ 15 including postage. Orders may be sent by letter to The Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden, or by email to:

The Chinese Department at Stockholm University has recently published Pelle Wennerlund’s master’s thesis Taiwan: In Search of the Nation, 115 pp. The price is US$ 20 including postage, and it may be ordered
from the same addresses as above.

For more information concerning Stockholm publications in Chinese studies, please check our home page:


Announcing a new journal on Southeast Asia


Recherche en Sciences Humaines sur l’Asie du Sud-Est

Social Science Research on Southeast Asia

Editorial Board: K. Alexander Adelaar, Robert Barnes, Hélène Bouvier, Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière, David Camroux, Muriel Charras, Bernard Formoso, Michele Galizia, Daniel Hémery, David Henley, Annie Hubert, Hermann Kulke, Charles Macdonald, Pierre-Yves Manguin, Jean-Louis Margolin, Marie Alexandrine Martin, Jean-Christophe Simon, Stein Tønneson, Trinh van Thao.

Director: Charles Macdonald. Editor: Bernard Sellato. Deputy Editor: François Robinne. Secretary: Louise Pichard.

With an international editorial board and a European ambition, MOUSSONS will twice a year publish articles in either the French or English language (12,000 words) based on original research, reviews of recent books (2,000 words), and review or debate articles (4,000 words).

The first issue of MOUSSONS will appear in 1999. Send your contributions to MOUSSONS now.

Address: MOUSSONS c/o CNRS-IRSEA. 389, chemin du Club-Hippique, 13084 Aix-en-Provence cedex 02, France. Tel.: +33-(0)4-42 95 16 50. Fax: +33-(0)4-422 082 10. e-mail:




The original list was published in Newsletter #11. Only changes are listed below.


Home adress: Passeig Torras i Bages, 51, entlo. 2°, 08030 Barcelona, Spain




Tel.: +41 – 1 – 634 31 85. Fax: +41 – 1 – 634 49 21. Home Tel.: +41 – 61- 301 63 11


Europe-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme, Lund University, Box 117,

S-22000 Lund, Sweden. Tel.: +46 – 46 – 222 1294. Fax: +46 – 46 – 222 1295.



Fax: +44 – 131 651 1258.


Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 32, Nakhimovsky Ave., 117218 Moscow, Russia. Tel.: +7-95-12 90 220. Fax: +7-95-310 70 56.


Mitja SAJE

Univerza v Ljubljani, Department of Asian and African Studies, Askerceva 2, SI – 1000 Lubljana, Slovenia. Tel.: +386 – 61 – 176 92 90, -92. Fax: +386 – 61 – 125 93 37.

email: Home tel. and fax: +386 – 61 – 125 61 46.

Brunhild STAIGER






  Dr. Alida Alabiso                          Dr. Hans Kühner                              Dipartimento di studi orientali,           Institut für Asienkunde, Universität         Università La Sapienza, P. Aldo Moro, 5,   München, Kahlbachstrasse 51 a, D-80539       I - 00185 Roma                             München                                                                                                                              Prof. Sandro Bordone                       Mr. Hanno Lecher                             Via Folperti 53, I - 27100 Pavia           Institut für Sinologie, Universität Wien,                                                                                            Dr. Frank Dikotter                         Rathausstr. 19/9, Ö - 1010 Wien              School of Oriental and African Studies,                                                 Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London  Ms. Yekaterina Litvinenko                    WC1H 0XG, UK                               Institute of Far Eastern Studies, RAS,                                                  Krasikova street 27, 117218 Moskau,          Ms. Leila Fernandez Stembridge             Russia                                       Centro de estudios de Asia oriental,                                                    Universidad autonoma de Madrid, 5, Pta.    Mr. Boris P. Morosoli                        Rectorado Cantoblanco,                     Stüssistr. 33, CH - 8006 Zürich              E - 28049 Madrid                                                                                                                   Ms. Gladys Nieto Martinez                    Prof. Rainer von Franz                     Centro de estudios de Asia oriental,         Universität Leipzig, Ostasiatisches        Universidad autonoma de Madrid, 5, Pta.      Institut, Schillerstrasse 6, D-04109       Rectorado Cantoblanco,                       Leipzig                                    E - 28049 Madrid                                                                                                                     Mr.Pilar Gonzales Espana                   Mr. Pavel Ostrov                             Centro de estudios de Asia oriental,       c/o European Commission in Moskva,           Universidad autonoma de Madrid, 5, Pta.    Pevchesky pereulok 2/10 (ex-Astakhovsky),    Rectorado Cantoblanco,                     109028 Moskva, Russia                        E - 28049 Madrid                                                                                                                   Ms. Stefi Potsch                             Prof. Christoph Harbsmeier                 Wörthstr. 8, D - 81667 München               P.O. Box 1030, Blindern, University of                                                  Oslo,                                      Dr. Paul Thompson                            N - 0315 Oslo                              86, Sydney Rd., London N8 OEX, UK                                                                                                    Prof. Hans Peter Hoffmann                  Dr. Marina Timoteo                           Eberhardstr. 28, D - 72072 Tübingen        Instituo giurico "A.Cicu", Via Zamboni                                                  27/29, I - 40126 Bologna                     Ms. Brigitte Höhenrieder                                                                Eberhardstr. 28, D - 72072 Tübingen        Dr. Odd Arne Westad                                                                     Nobelinstituttet, Drammensveien 19 , N -     Ms. Fabienne Jagou                         0255 Oslo                                    146 bd. Diderot, F - 75012 Paris                                                                                                   Mr. Marc Denis Winter                        Anne Kerlan-Stephens                       Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität          67, rue Pascal, F - 75013 Paris            Zürich, Zürichbergstr. 4, CH - 8032                                                     Zürich                                       Prof. Hermann Kogelschatz                                                               Burgholtzweg 81, D - 72070 Tübingen        Dr. Zhang Yong                                                                          IIAS, P.O. Box 9515, NL - 2300 RA Leiden                                                                                                 


Association europeénne d’études chinoises

European Association of Chinese Studies


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Candidate’s signature: Date:


Membership fee is presently DM 30 per annum (DM 35 for Eurocheques). It includes the EACS Newsletter. Please SEND PAYMENT to: Treasurer EACS Brunhild Staiger, Institut für Asienkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 32, D-20148 Hamburg 13. Bank account: Dresdner Bank, BLZ 200 800 00, acct 40 30 24 200. Fee payment for two or three years is recommended to save transfer costs.

Please SEND THIS APPLICATION to: Secretary General EACS Harald Böckman, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1116, Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway.


Change of address information and all membership payments should be sent to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg. New members in addition should send application forms to Harald Böckman in Oslo. Other business of the EACS should be sent either to Harald Böckman in Oslo or to Rudolf Wagner in Heidelberg. Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Marja Kaikkonen in Stockholm. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES – SEE BELOW.


Anyone who wants more information about any of the items in this EACS Newsletter should contact the relevant person/organization directly whenever possible in order to be sure of getting the fullest information.

Contributions to the Newsletter are welcomed in any roman-script language although English and French are preferred. Please remember to check your copy carefully before sending it, particularly telephone etc. numbers. Every effort is made to include all relevant news. However, we must reserve the right to omit contributions if there is a shortage of space.

The mailing address for contributions is below. Please fax your information or email!


President Treasurer

Rudolf Wagner Brunhild Staiger

Sinologisches Seminar Institut für Asienkunde

Universität Heidelberg Rothenbaumchaussee 32

Akademiestrasse 4-8 D-20148 Hamburg

D-69117 Heidelberg GERMANY



email: Tel.: + 49 – 40 44 30 01

Tel.: + 49 – 6211 54 77 65 Fax: + 49 – 40 410 79 45

Fax: + 49 – 6211 54 76 39

Secretary-General Newsletter Editor

Harald Böckman Marja Kaikkonen

Centre for Development and Institute of Oriental Languages

the Environment Stockholm University

University of Oslo S-10691 Stockholm

P.O.Box 1116 Blindern SWEDEN

N-0317 Oslo

NORWAY email:

Tel.: + 46 – 8 – 16 14 12

email: Fax: + 46 – 8 – 155 464

Tel.: + 47 – 22 85 89 00

Fax: + 47 – 22 85 89 20

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