Call for Papers: Ming Qing Studies 2019

Deadline: 31st Jul 2018

edited by Paolo Santangelo (Sapienza University of Rome)
We are glad to inform you that the new edition of Ming Qing Studies 2018 will be published by Aracne Publishers before the end of the year (see contents below).

Applicants are encouraged to submit abstracts for the next issue, Ming Qing Studies 2019. The contributions should concern Ming-Qing China in one or few of its most significant and multifaceted aspects, as well as on East Asian countries covering the same time period. All articles will be examined by our qualified peer reviewers. We welcome creative and fresh approaches to the field of Asian studies. Particularly appreciated will be the contributions on anthropological and social history, collective imagery, and interdisciplinary approaches to the Asian cultural studies. All submitted papers must be original and in good British English style according to our guidelines and editorial rules. Please email an abstract of the article you will submit us (300-500 words, plus a basic bibliography) in MS Word or pdf attachments along with your biographical information to the addresses listed below. Please mention your full name with academic title, university affiliation, department or home institution, title of paper and contact details in your email.

Deadline for the abstract and bibliographical notes: July 31 st , 2018.
Deadline for the article: December 31 st , 2018.

Ming Qing Studies is a yearly publication, both on line and in printed form, which continues the positive experience of Ming Qing Yanjiu (old series, 1992-2007) edited by Paolo Santangelo. Thanks to the cooperation of several scholars settled in Italy and abroad, it intends to widen the debate on the historical and cultural issues of late imperial China as well as pre-modern and modern East Asia. Although this publication focuses on late imperial China, its scope is broadened to the whole East Asia area, with its new cultural and anthropological features which are manifested in this fundamental period of transition from local to global history.

Please find the editorial norms and more information on Ming Qing Studies past issues at and

Prof. Paolo Santangelo (
Dr. M.Paola Culeddu (
Dr. Tommaso Previato ( Qing Studies 2018



Paolo Santangelo Preface

Caroline Bodolec Miaofeng: Geographical and Social Itineraries of a Monk-Architect in Late Ming China.

Anna Cavalletti The First Chinese Travelogues in Europe in Late Imperial China: The Gaze of the Unknown or the Reflection of the Already Imagined?

Chen Dandan Rethinking Shame: Literati Consciousness in the Early Qing.

Cheng Yu-Yin Christian Literati of the Lower Echelon in Late Ming China: The Case of Xiong Shiqi

Laurent Chircop-Reyes Shanxi Merchants and the Threat of Brigandage in Late Qing: an Anthropological Approach of the Biaoju 镖局 Phenomenon in Northern China.

Han Ding Literature and Identity: the Motif of “Lament for the South” during the Ming-Qing Transition

Hsiao Li-Ling Picturing Guqin Music: Min Qiji’s and Other’s Illustrations of “Yingying Listens to Qin” for Xixiang Ji.

MEI Chun From a Bee-Eyed Villain to a Dim-Witted Buffoon: Wei Zhongxian and Literary Discourses on Evil in the Late Ming and Early Qing

OMATA RAPPO Hitomi Persecution or Control? On Terminological Issues in Writing the History of Christianity in Modern East Asia

ZHANG Jing A Filial Publisher’s Unfilial Subjects: Printing, Literati Community, and Fiction-Making in Stories by Sixty Authors

ZHU Jing Visualising Human Differences in Late Imperial China: Body, Nakedness and Sexuality





Download this announcement as PDF: MQS_CallForPapers_2019