Current Announcements

International Workshop “Mapping Taiwan Teaching – Teaching Taiwan in Script, Speech and Performance”

7-9th Nov 2024
Trier University, Germany
Deadline: 12th Sep 2024

The Taiwan as a Pioneer (TAP) project at Trier University, Germany, is excited to announce a workshop for a diverse group of lecturers about Taiwan, including Ph.D. candidates, postdocs, and established scholars. The workshop, scheduled from 7 to 9 November 2024, will be conducted in English, Chinese, German, and Taiwanese. We aim to delve into Taiwan-related class content subjects, develop teaching recommendations, and foster connections among Taiwan-related lecturers.

We are open to receiving paper submissions on various topics, focusing on teaching Taiwanese languages, culture, and related fields. The questions addressed in the presentations of this workshop can be theoretical as well as practical ones, such as:
• important aspects of Taiwanese language and culture for intercultural teaching of German- or English-speaking students
• influence of Taiwan’s different languages (Mandarin, Taiwanese Southern Min & Hakka, Austronesian languages) on language and especially culture classes
• application of literature, films, songs, podcasts, etc.… Read more ⤻

Members’ Publication: “Die Schweiz und China – von den Opiumkriegen bis zur neuen Seidenstrasse” (Switzerland and China – from the Opium Wars to the new silk road)

Ariane Knüsel, Ralph Weber. Hier & Jetzt (Zurich), 2024, 352 p.

Hier & Jetzt, 2024

The books is based on extensive archival research, interviews with diplomats, business representatives, and sinologists, as well as a large number of (historical) newspapers and memoirs. We have also included numerous illustrations that have never been published before.

Table of Contents:

  1. Uhren und Bibeln, Opium und Kanonen 1644-1913
  2. Krieg, Krieg und nochmals Krieg 1913-1950
    Bildteil I
  3. Chinesische Kommunisten und das kapitalistische Paradies 1950-1960
  4. “Bewaffnet mit den Gedanken Mao Zedongs” 1960-1976
  5. Schweizer Goldgräberstimmung und Chinas Öffnung 1976-1989
    Bildteil II
  6. Massaker, Eklat und diplomatische Gratwanderungen 1989-1999
  7. Die Schweiz auf eigenen Wegen 1999-2024

For more information, please visit:

Ariane Knüsel (Privatdozentin, University of Fribourg)
Ralph Weber (Associate Professor for European Global Studies, University of Basel)… Read more ⤻

Call for Applications: One-year postdoctoral scholarship at Ca’ Foscari University

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Deadline: 17th Sep 2024

The Department of Asian and North African Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in the scientific disciplinary sector CULTURES AND LANGUAGES OF CENTRAL, SOUTH, EASTERN AND SOUTH-EASTERN ASIA – Cod. GSD 10/ASIA-01

Candidates should submit a research project in English on one of the topics and research themes within the scope of the Marco Polo Research Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections. The topics may cover different spaces, times (from Neolithic times to the present day), and themes (from modern geopolitics to religious identities, to archaeological sites). The main focus should be on trans-Eurasian interactions, intercultural contact, and exchange, particularly at the crossroads of the ostensible European-Asian divide. The project should be based on rigorous scholarship that would contribute to international academic conversations within and across diverse disciplines. These include but are not limited to history, international relations, economics, environmental studies, literature, languages, archaeology, art history, philosophy, religion, anthropology, geography, music, social sciences, and the digital humanities.… Read more ⤻

Workshop: Sinographic Forays into the Epiverse 游槃石刻文字山水

15-16th Oct 2024
Paris, France

Organized by Lia Wei and Manuel Sassmann, Funded by the ANR (French Research Agency) project Altergraphy

Location: Auditorium du Pôle des langues et civilisations, 65 Rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris

Inscriptions can open up a world extending far beyond chisel marks on the stone surface. In eight roundtables, we propose to explore the rich cultural history of epigraphy in East Asia. By striding out its multiple dimensions of time and space, both physical and imaginary, scholars from the sinographic sphere with diverse disciplinary backgrounds will attempt to chart together the Epiverse. The experimental format of this conference aims at facilitating present and future collaborations in the field, and defining common research paths on stone inscriptions and inscribed landscapes.

Guests: Hilde De Weerdt (KU Leuven); Yolaine Escande 幽蘭 (CNRS/CRAL/EHESS); Michael Hatch (Trinity College); Shao-Lan Hertel 何小蘭 (Cologne East Asian Art Museum); Lee Sunkyu (KU Leuven); Li Ziyi 李子怡 (China Academy of Art); Jonathan Pettit (University of Hawaii); Sakata Gensho 坂田玄翔; Thomas Hahn (UC Berkeley); Shi Tianyu (Hamburg University); Shin Jeongsoo 신정수 (Academy of Korean Studies); Yan Weitian 閻緯天 (Indiana University); Aida Yuen Wong 阮圓 (Brandeis University); Xue Lei 薛磊 (Oregon State University).… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers – Upcoming Conference: Around the Sino-French Institute (1921-1950): student diaspora, circulation of knowledge and Sino-French institutional relations

Université Jean Moulin, Lyon, France
28th May 2025
Deadline: 30th Jul 2024

Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 – IETT (Institut d’Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles)
Exchanges between China and France in the field of education, and more particularly higher education, are still under-researched and under-recognised. Based on the experience of the Sino-French Institute in Lyon, the aim of this conference will be to retrace the history of exchanges between France and China in this particular field and to highlight the dynamics of these exchanges, from the first attempts by French missionaries to those that emerged in the first half of the 20th century. While the history of certain institutions has been the subject of recent research or publications, the links between them and the future of individuals who have passed through these structures, in China or in France, are still poorly documented. Although France’s commitment to education in China began very early (17th century), it was from the end of the 19th century onwards that both Chinese and French initiatives, religious and secular, multiplied and helped to create a dynamic that developed and grew until 1950, contributing to the circulation of knowledge and the establishment of networks of relations in a wide variety of fields (scientific, legal, literary, philosophical, artistic, medical, etc.).… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: The 24th ISCP conference “Addressing Global Crises and Reimagining Solutions through Chinese Philosophy”

Ljubljana, Slovenia
20-23rd Jun 2025
Deadline: 15h Oct 2024

“The conference will revolve around the compelling theme of “Addressing Global Crises and Reimagining Solutions through Chinese Philosophy”
The current crises, such as aggressive wars, severe environmental disasters, unequal distribution of resources, viral pandemics, etc., are global problems that cannot be fully solved within the narrow framework of individual countries or nation-states. They must also be addressed within the larger framework of global cooperation and solidarity. Such strategies require the development of genuine intercultural dialogue, i.e., dialogue that goes beyond the currently fashionable terminologies and can lead to a truly equal transcultural exchange of knowledge and ideas. This conference aims to explore both traditional and contemporary Chinese philosophical perspectives, seeking their contributions towards crafting a new planetary ethos that emphasizes mutual understanding and practices of solidarity in confronting these universal challenges.

Download the official announcement’s PDF:

Visit the conference website: more ⤻

Call for Papers: 26th CHIME Conference – Sustainability and Chinese Music

University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover, Germany
Center for World Music, University of Hildesheim, Germany
3-6th Oct 2024

Urgent contemporary challenges have brought sustainability (可持续性) into sharp focus as a basic concern across musical worlds and research into music and sound. What are the historical and contemporary threats to the vibrancy of traditions and practices in Chinese music (technological, economic, political developments) and how have people acted to secure dynamic futures (heritage work, education, advocacy)? How has Chinese music been affected by the acute climate and environmental crisis, and can it become a potent force for change? Against these backdrops, how do individual musicians and researchers build lasting careers?

We welcome the following forms of proposal engaging with the broad theme of sustainability and Chinese music:

  1. Individual paper (20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions): submit an abstract of max. 250 words
  2. Panel sessions of three to four papers: submit a panel abstract of max.
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International Conference: “Ming 命 as life-conditioning force and as malleable fate: Perspectives from old(er) age.”

Ghent University, Belgium
16-18th Dec 2024
Deadline: 20th Jun 2024

Ming 命, often translated as ‘command’, ‘allotment’, ‘fate’, and more generally ‘life’, has up till today deeply pervaded Chinese societies. Within its continuous development in the three teachings (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism), ming has seen most of its intellectual debate in Confucian and later Neo-Confucian thought. In folk belief, ming knowns many interpretations and related practices, such as geomancy (fengshui 风水), fortune telling (suanming 算命), and face and palm reading (mianxiang 面相; shouxiang 首相).

Download this announcement’s PDF to read the full text:

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Call for Papers – Workshop: Apathy and Activation: Rethinking Political Passivity in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes

Center for Modern East Asian Studies, Göttingen University, Germany
15-16th Nov 2024
Deadline: 30th Apr 2024

Organizers: Dr. Henrike Rudolph, Dr. Bertram Lang (Göttingen University)
In Western political science literature, political passivity is generally regarded either as a symptom of weakening democratic institutions or, if it is observed in an illiberal regime, as an expression of citizens’ acquiescence with authoritarian rule. This binary view in which civic engagement is situated on the democratic end of the spectrum of political systems, while “passive obedience” is associated with non-democratic rule, assumes that individual agency in the public sphere is preconditioned by a clear division of state and civil society as is characteristic of liberal democracies. On the contrary, autocratic systems are believed to offer little to no space for political activism beyond the ruling party or government. There is, however, also the possibility of constituting an alternative dichotomy in which the opposite of political passivity is not civic engagement but mobilization.… Read more ⤻

International Conference: “Walking” Practices and Trades in East Asia. Traces and Techniques of Circulation on Foot: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives

17 & 18th Oct 2024
Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Deadline: 31st Mar 2024

D2iA – Asian Dynamics, Interactions, Interculturality – Until the arrival of various modern means of locomotion, there was “no alternative to walking for the vast majority of people”, as tells us Joseph A. Amato. Moving on foot seemed to be a necessity in many situations and, as Antoine de Baecque points out, walking is through time “a continual reinvention of a pedestrian tradition”: from shepherds and pedlars in the Alps to communities of Compagnonnage, from Tuareg caravanners to the Sami, not forgetting certain Native Americans such as the Sioux, there are peoples, practices and trades “whose very identity is pedestrian”.

What about East Asia, where, depending on the region, it took a relatively long time to modernise certain modes of transport? To what extent did this human “animal machine” made for the terrestrial locomotion, as described by the physiologist Étienne-Jules Marey, play a part in weaving the remarkable Est-Asian network, perhaps more often than we think by treading on paths, roads and tracks?… Read more ⤻

Revised & Extended Edition of the Hanyu Da Cidian 漢語大詞典

In collaboration with Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe 上海辞书出版社, a revised & extended edition of the Hanyu Da Cidian has been published: Hanyu Da Cidian Chongxin Paiban 《漢語大詞典》(重新排版). It was created based on the original print data and is exclusively available as a digital resource at the following address:

The digital dictionary platform includes numerous other reference works, such as a newly digitized version of the Kangxi Zidian 康熙字典, the Xiandai Hanyu Da Cidian 现代汉语大词典, and specialized works like the Zhonguo Wenxue Da Cidian 中国文学大辞典, Zhonguo Lishi Da Cidian 中国历史大辞典, or the Zhongguo Kaogu Wenxue Da Cidian 中国考古学大辞典. In total, over 120 volumes and databases are available. Interested individuals are offered free trial periods. Universities, libraries, and institutions can request separate test accounts upon inquiry.… Read more ⤻

Upcoming Online Workshop « Commentary and the Dissemination of Knowledge »

20-22nd Nov 2024
Deadline: 18th Mar 2024

« Illustration as a Mode of Commentary in Chinese Textual Traditions », the first workshop of the research program entitled « Commentary and the Dissemination of Knowledge », at the CRCAO (, will take place online from the 20th to the 22nd of November 2024.
The call for paper and all information about the organization of the workshop are available on the conference website:
To submit a proposal, the deadline is March 18th 2024.… Read more ⤻

Members’ Publications: Humanism in Trans-Civilizational Perspectives: Relational Subjectivity and Social Ethics in Classical Chinese Philosophy

Springer, 2023

Jana S. Rošker, 2023. Humanism in Trans-Civilizational Perspectives: Relational Subjectivity and Social Ethics in Classical Chinese Philosophy. Cham: Springer.

Preview at

Jana Rošker is pleased to announce the publication of some of her recent books. Two of these works, both published by Brill, are already freely available in Open Access format:

Furthermore, We are looking forward to the upcoming Open Access release of two additional titles, currently not yet available online:

Thank you for your attention and support.… Read more ⤻

Youth in Chinese History: Bibliography and Video-Papers

The research project ‘Youth in Chinese History: Education and Representations of Young People in Chinese Sources between Tradition and Modernity,’ coordinated by Giulia Falato (University of Parma, former Oxford University) and Renata Vinci (University of Palermo), included the organisation of the Youth in Chinese History Workshop at the China Centre, University of Oxford, in September 2023. From this rich moment of exchange and dialogue, the idea arose to create digital resources to make the research of project participants available to the academic community and a broader audience.

On the project’s website, you can consult a thematic bibliography and a video-papers series produced by project participants on topics related to education and the representation of young people in imperial times. Both resources are constantly updated, so we invite you to visit the website and subscribe to the Youtube channel. You will already find the first four video-papers, and by subscribing to the channel, you will receive a notification whenever a new video is uploaded.… Read more ⤻

Workshop “Illustration as a Mode of Commentary in Chinese Textual Traditions”

Paris, France
20-22nd Nov 2024
Deadline: Mar 18th

We are delighted to inform you of the call for papers for the workshop Illustration as a Mode of Commentary in Chinese Textual Traditions” to be held in November 2024, in Paris, France, and online.
Numerous texts have given rise to illustrations in the course of their transmission, whether literally supplemented by images or figures, or enriched by discourses suggesting parallels, reformulating or arguing by example. By juxtaposing images or other texts, illustration, literally or figuratively, establishes a dialogue with a source text and questions its content. It is this notion of illustration, of exemplification, of image, that we propose to explore, as part of a research program exploring the critical tradition of commentary in China, and its role in the transmission of knowledge.
Please visit our website for all information:
Thank you for your attention and for spreading the word!
Rainier Lanselle, Marie Bizais
East Asian Civilizations Research Centre (CRCAO), Paris, France

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Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC)

We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC) has gone to press. It is available online here: Natascha Gentz and Christopher Rosenmeier

Table of Contents for Volume 35, Number 2 (Winter 2023):
“Note from the Editors,” by Natascha Gentz and Christopher Rosenmeier
“Passion and Passio: The Chahua nü and Late Qing Courtesan Narratives,” by Tony D. QIAN
“Modernizing Classical Poetics and Cultural Traditions: Wu Mi’s Enterprise of Rewriting George Gordon Byron,” by Hanjin YAN
“’A Wider and Stranger Space’: World Literature and World-building in Xue Yiwei’s Fiction,” by Pamela HUNT
“Knowing the World and Educating the Self: Reportage in Chinese Left-Wing Culture in 1936,” by Ying XIONG
“Toward a Regime of Emotional Authenticity: Eileen Chang’s Literary Transmediation of Theater and Cinema in Two 1940s Love Stories,” by Renren YANG
“Patior Ergo Sum: Date Surveillance and Necropolitics in Han Song’s Hospital Trilogy,” by LYU Guangzhao… Read more ⤻

Conference “Writing as Visual Experience”

University of Cambridge, UK
20–22nd Sep 2024
Deadline: 31st Mar 2024

The VIEWS project (Visual Interactions in Early Writing Systems) at the University of Cambridge is now accepting paper proposals for its first conference.

Writing is an intrinsically visual practice. How script looks—and how it is seen—are often of crucial importance. This conference asks how we may approach the study of the visual aspects of writing. What factors contribute to the way writing looks? How socially and culturally dependent are they? What difference does it make to think of writing as a visual phenomenon and practice? What sensory and aesthetic factors attend the production of written material and encounters with them, by people of differing levels of literacy?

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars and practitioners from a diverse range of backgrounds and approaches to explore methodologies for studying these aspects of writing practices. We invite papers that address these questions from a wide range of perspectives (e.g.,… Read more ⤻

Members’ Publications: Voiced and Voiceless in Asia

Zawiszová, Halina, ed. / Lavička, Martin, ed. Palacky University Olomouc 2023.

This volume consists of 19 chapters that reflect the titular theme – Voiced and Voiceless in Asia – from a variety of angles, making use of diverse scholarly approaches and disciplines, while focusing specifically on China, India, Japan, and Taiwan. The chapters are broadly divided into two parts: (1) Politics and Society, and (2) Arts and Literature, although the texts included in the second part also deal with social themes. In addition to historical topics, such as Japanese colonialism or Chinese agricultural reforms in the 1950s, the volume also addresses current issues, including restrictive Chinese policies in Xinjiang, Japanese activist movements against gender-based violence and discrimination, or the problems of migrant laborers in India and performing arts in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, it provides insight into satirical woodblock prints from the Boshin War period or works of literature produced in Japanese leprosariums in the first half of the 20th century, as well as into selected topics in contemporary Chinese, Japanese, and Sinophone Tibetan literature.… Read more ⤻

Sixth Ph.D. Student and Young Scholar Workshop “First Books in the Ancient World”

International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures
Renmin University of China, Suzhou, PRC
22–26th Aug 2024

The International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures (ICSATC) at Renmin University of China, holds its sixth Ph.D. Student and Young Scholar workshop on August 22–26, 2024, in Suzhou (near Shanghai). Four renowned scholars from Ancient Chinese, Greek, and Latin Literature will present lectures and seminars on the topic of “First Books,” that is, the early development of book culture in these different ancient civilizations. Student research activities will complement the lectures. The principal language of instruction and interaction is English.

Meeting Place: Renmin University of China, Suzhou campus

Prof. emeritus Glenn Most, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Greek Literature)
Prof. emeritus Denis Feeney, Princeton University (Latin Literature)
Prof. Jianwei Xu, Renmin University of China (Chinese Literature)
Prof. Martin Kern, Princeton University (Chinese Literature) 

August 21: Arrival and registration
August 22–25: Lectures, seminars, and research activities
August 26: Student presentations and plenary conclusion

Following the workshop, students are invited to stay in Suzhou, a World Heritage site for its beautiful gardens and canals, for an international conference on the same topic, to be held on August 28–29.… Read more ⤻

Open Positions in Modern Chinese Literature

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Deadline: 31st Jan 2023

Open positions – Professor(s) / Associate Professor(s) / Assistant Professor(s) in Modern Chinese Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department/ Institution: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Closing Date: 31 January 2023

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature is now inviting applications for the posts of Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in the area of modern Chinese literature. Applicants with research interests in (1) modern Chinese literature, transnational/global Chinese literature, and (2) Chinese film and media studies are particularly preferred.
Areas of specialization are open, but preference will be given to candidates whose research falls in the period of 1970s and beyond for the post in modern Chinese literature. Applicants of the last recruitment exercise are welcome to apply.

For more details, please refer to

For general inquiries, please contact the Department by email at… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Youth Political Mobilization and Socialization in Contemporary China

8th Sep 2022 (All day) Virtual event, registration required Deadline: 30th Mar 2022 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the official establishment of the Chinese Communist Youth League (中国共产主义青年团, CYL), one of the largest youth political organizations in the world. As the Chinese Communist Party’s assistant and reserve force, the CYL is the Party’s main channel to socialize youth in the official political discourse and practices, and mobilize them to support the current system. Despite the importance of the organization, English-language academic work on its history, politics and multifaceted role in contemporary China remains

Members’ Publications: Xiaoyan Hu

The Aesthetics of Qiyun and Genius: Spirit Consonance in Chinese Landscape Painting and Some Kantian Echoes. Published by Lexington Books (an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield), 320 Pages, 2021.

In The Aesthetics of Qiyun and Genius: Spirit Consonance in Chinese Landscape Painting and Some Kantian Echoes, Xiaoyan Hu provides an interpretation of the notion of qiyun, or spirit consonance, in Chinese painting, and considers why creating a painting—especially a landscape painting—replete with qiyun is regarded as an art of genius, where genius is an innate mental talent. Through a comparison of the role of this innate mental disposition in the aesthetics of qiyun and Kant’s account of artistic genius, the book addresses an important feature of the Chinese aesthetic tradition, one that evades the aesthetic universality assumed by a Kantian lens. 

Drawing on the views of influential sixth to fourteenth-century theorists and art historians and connoisseurs, the first part explains and discusses qiyun and its conceptual development from a notion mainly applied to figure painting to one that also plays an enduring role in the aesthetics of landscape painting.… Read more ⤻

CrossAsia Online-Survey: “Chinese Studies Research Conditions in Europe”

Between research needs and access to resources - Getting an overview of the situation in different countries in Europe Deadline: 5th Sep 2021 Despite the growing importance of Asia-related expertise, European researchers and their communities often have only limited access to digital material published on Asian and international markets because researchers are comparatively small in number and dispersed over institutions, countries and regions. We at CrossAsia would like to check and underpin our assumption with this questionnaire on the research conditions and requirements in Chinese studies in different countries in Europe. Our goal - together with European

Statement by the EACS Board regarding the sanctions issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs against European China researchers 

The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) supports and advocates for independent academic research on China and hence disapproves of the People’s Republic of China’s reaction to foreign governments’ and administrations’ diplomatic actions by holding directly responsible academic researchers, their relatives, and their institutions in Europe. As an independent professional academic association of European scholars, EACS trusts in the good faith of researchers and in the transparency of academic research on China, and firmly believes that such approaches contribute significantly to the sustainability of international relations.

In Memoriam: Stefano Zacchetti

Professor Stefano Zacchetti, who died on 29 April 2020 at the age of 52, was one of the world’s most distinguished scholars and teachers in the field of Buddhist Studies. His untimely death has shocked all of us who knew him and were fortunate enough to be his friends and colleagues. An intellectual of the highest order whose boundless energy and thoroughness showed in each and every one of his published papers and monographs in both English and Italian, he was also an exceptionally charming and generous man, a loving father, and a steadfast and loyal friend. As I sit down to write this tribute to the Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies and fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, I do it in the full knowledge that he would quite possibly