Grants and Awards Archive

Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies: Scholarships for Master 1 and Master 2 students — Academic year 2025-2026

Université Paris Cité, France
Deadline: 17th Jan 2025

The SMARTS-UP program of Université Paris Cité aims at promoting the internationalization of Master’s courses and attracting the best foreign students. For 2024-2025, 160 grants of 10,000 € are available for incoming foreign students in the various Master programs.
Candidates should submit their application online between the 1st of December 2024 and the 17th of January 2025 (17:00, Central European Time).

Download this announcement’s official PDF:

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Deadline Extended: EACS Young Scholar Award 2024 (YSA)

Deadline: 15th Apr 2024

The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.

The Young Scholar Award is made possible through the generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 EACS biennial conference in Heidelberg. Many papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next YSA will be announced at the 25th biennial conference in Tallinn, Estonia, 27-30 August 2024.


Candidates for the YSA should be 35 years of age or below (2022 YSA candidates must have been born in 1988 or later) AND their rank of academic employment should be below that of Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer, or the equivalent ranks in other systems.… Read more ⤻

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Library Travel Grant 2024

Deadline: 31st Mar 2024

Thanks to the generous support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the EACS will continue the Travel Grant scheme in 2024. The scheme aims to support researchers who wish to undertake specialised research in one of the major European sinological libraries or museums for Chinese art. Visits should normally not exceed one week. The award of a Travel Grant is subject to the availability of funds at the time of application.

Applications received before the deadline of 31st March 2024 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt. Applicants should be paid-up EACS members based in Europe, but applications from non-members, especially from students and young scholars (up to 35 years), will also be considered if accompanied by a recommendation letter from an EACS member.

Applications for Travel Grants are restricted to two applications by the same applicant, with first-time applicants having priority. Once the grant has been approved, the beneficiary must use it within six months from the approval date.… Read more ⤻

Call for Submissions – EACS Young Scholar Award 2022

Deadline Extended: 15th Mar 2022 The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions. The Young Scholar Award is made possible through the generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 EACS biennial conference in Heidelberg. Many papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next

EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA) 2020

On 19th September 2020, the three finalists of the EACS Young Scholar Award presented their lectures to an audience of EACS members and a jury of experts during an online Zoom event. The YSA jury received 32 submissions of high quality which were subsequently reviewed by both internal and external reviewers. The finalists and their topics were: Richard Sage (Hong Kong Baptist University) Liezi's story about the man who fell ill with forgetfulness through the eyes of Fan Zhixu (?-1129) Elke Papelitzky (NYU Shanghai) Shi Shipiao's map of Southeast Asia: Making a case for maritime trade Kwok-Fai Law (SOAS, London) Between resistance and collaboration: Maritime teaboys and the making of working-class political culture in China's wartime shipping industry, 1937-1941

Research Grant Program of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Deadline: 30th Sep 2020 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin invites international researchers to apply for a research grant in 2021 within the framework of the Grant Programme of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The scholarships are available for research in Berlin with the extensive collections of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, such as the holdings of the East Asia Department and CrossAsia, as well as those of other SPK institutions. "With its unique collections, the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (State Library at Berlin) is a research library of international ranking, which offers excellent working conditions to scholars especially in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, in Law and in the History of Science."

Travel grant: Sino-Tibetan Languages: Research Methodologies and Approaches to Linguistic Field Studies and Language Documentation among Tibeto-Burman Speaking Minorities in China

Ghent, Belgium 26th-30th Oct 2020 Deadline: 31st Jul 2020 Thanks to the generous support of the TIANZHU FOUNDATION, we are pleased to award up to 800 Euros in travel remuneration of five international PhD students. This money can be used for travel, accommodation, and meals. To apply for this travel grant, please send a one-page cover letter and your CV to by July 31st

Call for Applications: Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants and China Travel Grants

Deadline: 9th/16th Oct 2020 Once a year, supported by the Peters Beer Foundation, part of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to young academics with an international focus. The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches (this includes among others China, Japan and Singapore). The total term of funding

CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2021

Deadlines: 20th Mar & 20th Oct 2020 Thanks to the support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the EACS will continue to fund in 2020, one-week visits for specialized research in Sinological libraries or for research in one of the major European museums for Chinese art, depending on the availability of funds. Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt. Applicants should be Sinologists based permanently in Europe, preferably paid-up members of the EACS. Non-members will be considered, especially in case of students and young scholars (up to 35 years), if accompanied by a recommendation letter from an EACS member. Applications for Travel Grants are restricted to two applications by the same applicant, with first-time applicants

Announcement of the Charles Leslie Prize 2020

Deadline: 15th Apr 2020 The Charles Leslie prize seeks to honour the work of Charles Leslie and his dedication to IASTAM, and aims to encourage young scholars in the field that he helped to establish. This prize is awarded to the best original, unpublished scholarly essay on Asian medicine submitted to the competition and judged by the IASTAM Council.The nominee for the award must be a member in good standing of IASTAM, and must fall into any of the following categories: a practitioner of an Asian medical tradition (with fewer than three publications), or a graduate student, or a recent PhD who received his/her doctoral degree fewer than five years prior to the deadline for nomination, or a scholar who is in a contingent faculty position without tenure or long-term contract

EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA)

Deadline: 15th Jan 2020 The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions. The Young Scholar Award is made possible through generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 biennial conference in Heidelberg. Many papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-

Max Weber Foundation China Travel Grants

China Travel Grants Deadline: 18th Oct 2019 Since 2018, the Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad (MWS) – awards travel grants once a year (for three years to begin with), with the support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The grants will be awarded to scientists (doctoral and post-doctoral) from sinology or related subjects, whose professional qualification phase is concerned with Chinese history, language or culture in the broadest sense and for whose research a stay in China is indispensable. Every year, two travel grants will be awarded for a period of research of up to three months, for the purposes of fieldwork, archive and/or

PhD studentship: Mining ‘realms of memory’ for alternative histories of Mao’s China

SOAS University of London, UK Deadline: 14 Mar 2019 In recent years the history of the early decades of the PRC has attracted considerable attention in both Chinese and Western-language historiographies. Standard accounts of ‘liberation’ and the subsequent building of the New China on the one hand and violent coercion and subsequent failed socio-economic experiments on the other are increasingly challenged. Instead questions arise about the ways in which grass-roots experiences of that time might be recovered and used to understand the complexity of historical processes and their continuing impact on present realities. Given the importance of mythologised versions of the past in the current political environment in the PRC

CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2018

Deadlines: 20th Mar & Oct 2018 Thanks to the continued support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation the EACS also in 2018 is able to fund one-week visits for specialised research in Sinological libraries in Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Munich, Oxford or Paris. Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt.

Call for Submissions: EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA)

Deadline: 15th Jan 2018 The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions. The Young Scholar Award is made possible through generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 biennial conference in Heidelberg. Many papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next YSA will be announced at the XXII biennial conference in Glasgow, United Kingdom, in August 2018.

Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants

Deadline: 13th Oct 2017 Once a year, supported by the Peters Beer Foundation, part of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to young academics with an international focus. The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History. The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and

CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2017

Deadlines: 20th Mar & Oct 2017 Thanks to the continued support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation the EACS also in 2013 is able to fund one-week visits for specialised re-search in Sinological libraries in Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Munich, Oxford or Paris. Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt. Applicants should be Sinologists based permanently in Europe and preferably paid-up members of the EACS. Applications from non-members will be considered, especially in case of students and young scholars (up to 35 years), if accompanied by a recommendation letter from an EACS member.

CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2016

Deadlines: 20th Mar & Oct 2016

Thanks to the continued support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation the EACS also in 2016 is able to fund one-week visits for specialised research in Sinological libraries in Berlin, Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Munich, Oxford or Paris. Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt.

Price of the French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation

Deadline: 30th Jun 2016

The French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation was established in 1996 under the aegis of the French Academy for Social and Moral Sciences with the purpose of “awarding every year two prizes to natural persons or legal entities whose achievements or projects in the fields of arts, culture or social sciences contribute to the enhancement of cultural exchange between Taiwan and Europe.”

EACS Young Scholar Award 2016

Deadline: 15th Jan 2016

The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.

The Young Scholar Award is made possible through generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 biennial conference in Heidelberg. Almost all papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next YSA will be announced at the XXI biennial conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, in August 2016.



Candidates for the YSA should be 35 years of age or below (2016 YSA candidates must have been born in 1981 or later) AND their rank of academic employment should be below that of Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer or the equivalent ranks in other systems.… Read more ⤻

EACS Young Scholar Award 2014

YS Award-s


Chen LI (University of Oxford, UK)  |  Stone Carved Tombs of the Han Dynasty: A Study on the Origins


YS Award-sYoung scholars presentationDSC 2821-s


Short-listed Candidates

Yu TAO (University of Oxford, UK)  |  Enemies of the State or Friends of the ‘Harmonious Society’?: Religious Groups and Collective Protests in Contemporary Rural China

Huiyi WU (Needham Research Institute, UK)  |  A Dialogue of Irreconcilables, or How an Eighteenth-Century French Jesuit translated a ‘Modern Atheist Chinese Philosopher’



Deadline: 15th Jan 2014


The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.


We very much welcome submissions from candidates world-wide. The Young Scholar Award is made possible through generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 biennial conference in Heidelberg.… Read more ⤻

CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2014

Deadlines: 20th Mar & Oct 2014

Thanks to the continued support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation the EACS also in 2014 is able to fund one-week visits for specialised research in Sinological libraries in Berlin, Cambridge, Heidelberg, Leiden, London, Munich, Oxford or Paris.
Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt.
Applicants should be Sinologists based permanently in Europe and preferably paid-up members of the EACS. Applications from non-members will be considered, especially in case of students and young scholars (up to 35 years), if accompanied by a recommendation letter from an EACS member.
Priorities are given to applicants as follows:
a. Central and Eastern Europe students
b. Western Europe students
c. Central and Eastern Europe scholars
d. Western Europe scholars
APPLICATIONS must include:

1) a letter stating the library to be visited and intended dates of travel;
2) a statement of purpose, to include a short description of the research project, including precise indication of the sources and material to be used (the easiest way to obtain this information is to consult the electronic catalogues of the respective libraries accessible also through the EACS website);
3) a written statement obtained from the Librarian of the institute where the proposed visit is to take place confirming that the research materials required are available for consultation;
4) a one-page curriculum vitae with a list of main publications (in case of more advanced scholars);
5) a statement of the travel expenses (Apex economy airfare or 2nd class rail fare), including a note of other sources of funding;
6) in the case of PhD students, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor;
7) in the case of non-members, a letter of recommendation from an EACS member;
8) address for correspondence, including e-mail.… Read more ⤻

Call for Applications: CEFC short-term mobility grant for doctoral research on contemporary China

Deadline: May 10th 2013

French version see below. The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is offering three fieldwork grants for doctoral students, ranging from one to three months, to be carried out between June 2013 and December 2013 in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. The grant comprises a monthly stipend of 1200 € as well as a round-trip air ticket between Europe and China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, within the limit of 1000 €.

Applicants shall satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  •     Be enrolled in a doctoral program in a French or European university (located in a member-state of the European Union or of the European Higher Education Area), in the field of humanities and social sciences.
  •     Their research project must be situated within the scope of the CEFC’s mandate, which is to study political, economic, social and cultural developments in Greater China.

Within the framework of this grant, beneficiaries accept to:

  •     Submit to the CEFC a short report on their fieldwork, which may be included for example in the annual activity report of the Centre.
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French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation Award

Deadline: 30th Jun 2012

The French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation was established in 1996 under the aegis of the French Academy for Social and Moral Sciences with the purpose of “awarding every year two prizes for artistic or literary works that shed light on relations between Taiwan and Europe and/or contribute to the enhancement of cultural exchange between Taiwan and Europe.”

Each prize rises to €25,000. Any natural person or legal entity from any European country or from Taiwan, who

EACS Young Scholar Award 2012

Deadline: 15th Jan 2012

The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.

We very much welcome submissions from candidates world-wide.The Young Scholar Award is made possible through