Vacant Position: Professorship in Chinese Studies with a Concentration on Modern China (Open Rank) 100 %

Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland
Deadline: 10th May 2023

The University of Zurich invites applications for a professorship in Chinese studies with a concen­tration on modern China (open rank).

The position should be filled as soon as possible. Depending on the qualifications of the appointee, the professorship will take the form of a tenured full or associate professorship, or an assistant professor­ship with tenure track.

The focus of the chair to be filled lies on the Chinese-speaking world, in particular the People’s Republic of China and its rapidly growing international importance as a cultural, political and economic actor. Based on a high competence in original language sources, the appointee is expected to be capable of integrating cultural and social science aspects of contemporary Chinese studies into their research and teaching.

A PhD in Sinology/Chinese Studies completed at the time of application, or in a social science discipline, as long as equivalent China competencies can be proven, is required.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin (m/w/d)

Deadline: 28th Feb 2023
Starting date: 16th Apr 2023

An der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main ist im Fachbereich Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften am Institut für Ostasiatische Philologien, Arbeitsbereich Sinologie, zum 16.04.2023 die Stelle für eine*n

Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin (m/w/d)
(E 13 TV-G-U, halbtags)

zunächst befristet für drei Jahre zu besetzen. Die Eingruppierung richtet sich nach den Tätigkeitsmerkmalen des für die Goethe-Universität geltenden Tarifvertrages (TV-G-U).

Derdie Mitarbeiterin wird wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen – einschließlich Studienberatung – in Lehre und Forschung erbringen. Es wird die Gelegenheit zur Arbeit an einer Dissertation gegeben.

Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium mit chinabezogener/sinologischer wissenschaftlicher Qualifikation und sehr gute Kenntnisse des modernen Chinesisch. Erwünscht sind ferner Kenntnisse im Klassischen Chinesisch, sehr gute Englisch-Kenntnisse und Vertrautheit mit Geschichte und Kultur Chinas – insbesondere von der späten Qing-Zeit bis zur Gegenwart.

Die Goethe-Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert deshalb besonders Frauen zur Bewerbung auf. Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung und Befähigung vorrangig berücksichtigt.… Read more ⤻

How to Read Chinese Poetry Podcast: Three episodes on Ming and Qing poetry by Professor Grace Fong

Hosted by Zong-qi Cai, Lingnan University
Feb 14, 21, 28th 2023
Himalaya, Google

“This podcast presents cutting-edge scholarship on Chinese poetry to a broad general audience. In its 52 episodes, leading experts guide listeners through a pleasurable journey of Chinese poetry, poem by poem, genre by genre, and dynasty by dynasty.”

Visit the podcast at: https://anchor.fm/how-2-read-chinese-poetry?fbclid=IwAR0klGX-JEuHu8UqfOHFrq-p6P3PSpktGtxR-8VYRoiHBOCB2uDObh0qq4I

Visit the podcast at: https://www.ximalaya.com/album/56654041?fbclid=IwAR2KhaiVMk0txF7y-6iwlJo8xDMB8VqeSwdIBXyKMGpL8ckpvoDIyiBP3HI

Visit the podcast at: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy83ZmU1ZmFlMC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw?sa=X&ved=0CAcQrrcFahcKEwiArqro1KT9AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQLARead more ⤻

Lecture Series: The vernacular culture of etiquette of late imperial China as represented in the Ming-Qing novel

Series of four lectures by Prof. Roland Altenburger (Univ. of Würzburg), Guest Prof. at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Hybrid (Teams) | Paris, France

10-17-24-31 Mar 2023
2-4pm (CET)

This lecture offers an introduction to the system and practice of social etiquette – addressing, greeting and clothing – of late imperial China as reconstructed on the basis of a range of novels of the Ming and Qing (16th-18th c.). While social etiquette constituted codes of distinct forms and licences of usage, their practice was dynamic and open to negotiation and manipulation. The novelistic representation of characters’ social interaction permits the interpretation of social etiquette in practical context.

Lectures summaries and access link on:

Teams Meeting ID: 371 689 151 888 / password: CzUsiD… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Assistant or Assistant Professor for Department of Chinese Studies

Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Deadline: 3rd Mar 2023
Start date: 1st Sep 2023

Department of Chinese Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, opens a call for applications for the position of Assistant or Assistant Professor. Details (including the link to electronic application) can be found here: https://www.phil.muni.cz/en/careers/available-positions/75926 .
This is a position with the assumption of permanent cooperation, not dependent on grant funding.… Read more ⤻

Members’ Publications: Stéphanie Homola

Berghahn Books, 2023

Homola, Stéphanie. 2023. The Art of Fate Calculation. Practicing Divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng. New York: Berghahn Books (Asian Anthropologies Series). ISBN 978-1-80073-812-6

This book dives into Chinese fate calculation, a practice which enthralls the Chinese despite official condemnations which have disparaged this traditional knowledge as “superstitions” since the beginning of the 20th century. From housewives to students and high-ranking officials, people from all social backgrounds visit fate calculation masters to learn about and make the most of their destiny, be it to choose a career, get promoted, make an investment, or get married. How do clients experience fate calculation consultations? How do they choose a diviner and how do they assess his/her skills? How does one become a fortune-teller? What controversies structure the professional milieu? How is a person’s fate calculated? Through an investigation that takes us from Taiwan to China to meet the various actors of fate calculation, this work explores why so many people are interested in a form of knowledge which everyone admits to be highly complex and questionable.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Positions (PhD and Postdoc), Project “Religious Text Production and Identity Formation in China, 17th to 21st Centuries”

Leipzig & Paris
Deadline: 20th Mar 2023
Starting 1st Jul 2023

The project “Religious Text Production and Identity Formation in China, 17th to 21st Centuries” has been funded by the DFG and ANR (German and French research agencies), in a scheme for bilateral cooperation for the period July 2023-June 2026. The two PIs are Prof. Philip Clart (Leipzig U) and Vincent Goossaert (EPHE, PSL).
The project is now welcoming applications for two positions for the duration of the project: one doctoral student, based in Leipzig, and one postdoctoral researcher, based in Paris. The two positions are independent, but will work in coordination with each other.

Brief project outline

This project is based on the massive production of religious texts in the modern (1600-1900) and contemporary (post-1900) Chinese world, which is now largely available but unexplored. Tens of thousands of religious books printed in late imperial and modern China have become available over the last twenty years through voluminous collections of reprints, as well as through libraries around the globe digitizing their collections, but they have so far have been employed as primary sources by scholars to a limited extent only.… Read more ⤻

Members’ Publications: Qing Cao

Routledge Studies in Chinese Discourse Analysis

The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China – A Case Study of the Xinmin Congbao and the Minbao, 1902-1910, Qing Cao, Routledge Studies in Chinese Discourse Analysis, January 2023: 148pp

The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China investigates the linguistic and intellectual roots of China’s modern transformation by presenting a systematic study of the interplay between language innovation and socio-political upheavals in the final decade of the Qing Empire.
This book will be useful and relevant to academics, postgraduate students and final year undergraduate students in the field of Chinese Studies, and anyone
interested in the role of language in shaping modern intellectual history.… Read more ⤻

JEACS, Volume 3, 2022 “New Views on Visual Materials 視覺影像刮目相看”

We are happy to announce that vol. 3 (2022) of the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies is now online. As usual, it is fully open access (CC BY 4.0). This volume contains a special section on « Visual materials in local gazetteers » and three other research articles, four book reviews, and a list of PhDs defended in 2021 (at European institutions). You’ll be able to download each contribution there: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/issue/view/594

Finally, we would like to remind you of the ongoing call for vol. 4: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/announcement/view/99

Best wishes and a happy new year to all,

The editors of the JEACS

Table of Contents

Alexis Lycas, Marie Bizais-Lillig, Laura De Giorgi, Alison Hardie, Sascha Klotzbücher, Frank Kraushaar
Editorial: New Views on Visual Materials 視覺影像刮目相看
Kenneth Hammond 
Visual Materials in Chinese Local Gazetteers 中國視覺方志
Xin Yu 余 欣
Scenic Views of Administrative Units in Ming China 明代方志中的府州縣景致研究
Sander Molenaar 
Locating the Sea: A Visual and Social Analysis of Coastal Gazetteers in Late Imperial China 給海洋定位: 明清時期沿海方志的視覺及社會分析
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Call for Papers: Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies 2023 Edition

Deadline: 30th Apr 2023

The Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies (Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung) is now accepting submissions in either English or German for edition 46, which is scheduled for publication in winter 2023‒24. All papers submitted will undergo double-blind peer review.
The Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies (BJOAF) has been published since 1978 by the Faculty of East Asian Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. It serves as an international forum for academic publications on East Asian research.
To get an idea of the scope of topics and research approaches that have received coverage in the Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies, please view the PDF files of back issues (http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/oaw/en/bjoaf.shtml).
Authors are kindly requested to use our template (http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/oaw/en/bjoaf-template.docx) and to send their paper as an email attachment to ‹ bjoaf@rub.de › by April 30, 2023.

Download this announcement’s PDF:

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Vacant Positions: Three Postdoctoral Researchers

Erlangen, Germany
Deadline: 31st Jan 2023

The Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations — at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) currently invites applications for three Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) positions.

1 Postdoctoral Researcher (100%, E13 TV-L, 2,5 years) – Mathematics in 19th Century China

The position is part of the interdisciplinary project “The Language of Algorithmic Mathematics” funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2021–2026). Although this project has a strong digital humanities component, we also welcome research that focuses on small corpora of texts or specific mathematical domains (for example conic sections).

1 Postdoctoral Researcher (100%, E13 TV-L, 3 years) – Quantification in Modern or Contemporary China

The position is part of the interdisciplinary project “Quantification from Europe to East-Asia”. This project focusses on political and historical epistemologies of statistical production and forecasting practices and their global/transregional circulation.

1 Postdoctoral Researcher (100%, E13 TV-L, 2,5 years) – Statistics in Contemporary China

The position is part of the interdisciplinary project “Quantification from Europe to East-Asia” funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2021–2026).… Read more ⤻

Open Positions in Modern Chinese Literature

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Deadline: 31st Jan 2023

Open positions – Professor(s) / Associate Professor(s) / Assistant Professor(s) in Modern Chinese Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department/ Institution: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Closing Date: 31 January 2023

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature is now inviting applications for the posts of Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in the area of modern Chinese literature. Applicants with research interests in (1) modern Chinese literature, transnational/global Chinese literature, and (2) Chinese film and media studies are particularly preferred.
Areas of specialization are open, but preference will be given to candidates whose research falls in the period of 1970s and beyond for the post in modern Chinese literature. Applicants of the last recruitment exercise are welcome to apply.

For more details, please refer to https://cuhk.taleo.net/careersection/cu_career_teach/jobdetail.ftl?job=220002R7&tz=GMT%2B08%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FHong_Kong

For general inquiries, please contact the Department by email at chi-dapc@cuhk.edu.hk… Read more ⤻

CfP – Conference: The Evolution of the Global Payments System – A GloCoBank Project Event

St Hilda’s College
University of Oxford
23-24 March 2023
Extended Deadline: 2nd Jan 2023

The global payments system represents the underlying plumbing of globalisation, determining the efficiency and security of cross-border payments for goods and services. Despite its fundamental importance surprisingly little is known about the evolution of this system, especially the dynamics of the network of bilateral bank relationships used for cross-border settlements across the past 150 years.
The European Research Council funded ‘Global Correspondent Banking 1870–2000’ project would like to invite proposals from researchers at all levels for a conference on the evolution of the global payments system during the 19th and 20th centuries. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

• Correspondent banking, international banking networks and the development of the global payments system

• The changing shape, patterns and dynamics of international banking networks, and the impact of financial crises, world events and regulatory changes

• Banking technologies and the ‘plumbing’ of the international payments system, e.g.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Junior Researcher in Chinese Studies and Cultural Mediation

University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy
Deadline: 5th Jan 2023

A Junior Researcher (RtdA) position in Chinese studies at the University for Foreigners of Siena (Italy) is open until the 5th of January 2023. The position is related with a Tuscany regional project about cultural mediation in medical settings, with a specific focus on the Chinese community residing in Tuscany. The researcher will have to work in order to deepen the understanding on the effectiveness of medical specialists – non-Italian speaking patients (specifically Chinese ones) interaction, as well as on the support of cultural mediation in medical settings.
Requirements: PhD, Italian native or quasi-native language knowledge, Chinese language proficient knowledge, and possibly English language knowledge.
Web links to the call for applications (deadline: 5th January 2023):

Job type: full time
Location: Piazza Rosselli 27/28, 53100 Siena (SI), Italy
Other specialties recommended: Intercultural Studies, Migration Studies, Cultural Mediation
Application deadline: 05 January 2023
Contact information: scibetta@unistrasi.it… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Associate Professor in Literature and Culture of Modern China

University of Münster, Germany
Deadline: 8th Jan 2023

The Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies in the Faculty of Philology (FB 9) at the University of Münster (WWU), Germany, seeks to fill the following position at the earliest possible date:

W1 associate professor (Juniorprofessor) with W2 tenure track in Literature and Culture of Modern China

The prospective appointee should represent the subject of Sinology from the late imperial era to the present and possess research and teaching expertise in Chinese literature and culture. An additional sound knowledge of Digital Humanities, or the willingness to develop a DH profile during the associate professorship, is desirable.

For more details, please refer to https://www.uni-muenster.de/Rektorat/Stellen/ausschreibungen/st_20221129_mb2.html

Please submit your application with the customary documents (CV, list of publications and given courses, proof of third-party funding experience, outline of your future research and teaching activities, copies of your degree certificates and official documents) via email (in a single PDF file) by 8 January 2023 to the Dean of the Faculty of Philology (FB 09)

Prof.… Read more ⤻

Open positions – Professor(s) / Associate Professor(s) / Assistant Professor(s) in Modern Chinese Literature

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Deadline: 31st Dec 2022

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature is now inviting applications for the posts of Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor in the area of modern Chinese literature. Applicants with research interests in (1) modern Chinese literature, transnational/global Chinese literature, and (2) Chinese film and media studies are particularly preferred. Areas of specialization are open, but preference will be given to candidates whose research falls in the period of 1970s and beyond for the post in modern Chinese literature. Applicants of the last recruitment exercise are welcome to apply.

For more details, please refer to https://cuhk.taleo.net/careersection/cu_career_teach/jobdetail.ftl?job=220002R7&tz=GMT%2B08%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FHong_Kong
For general inquiries, please contact the Department by email at chi-dapc@cuhk.edu.hk… Read more ⤻

Open Post-Doctoral Fellowship (BIPD): Labour market-leading migrations from Asia (AspirE)

Lisboa, Portugal
Deadline: 23rd Dec 2022

The Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa is accepting applications for one post-doctoral researcher position as part of the European project “Decision making of Aspiring (Re)Migrants to/within the EU: The case of labour market-leading migrations from Asia (AspirE)”, funded by the European Commission (HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-04). 

About the project: 

Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, Europe continues to be a major destination for transnational migrants, notably from Asia and Africa. The way in which this phenomenon has been unfolding underlines the urgent need to further conceptualise transnational migration by analysing the decision-making of aspiring (re)migrants. This scholarly enterprise is critically important as mainstream migration theories put more of a focus on broader social processes and dynamics, thereby overlooking the human aspects of migration. Basing itself on several migration theories in various disciplines, this proposal adopts a framework that humanises 

research on (non-)migration decision-making, i.e.… Read more ⤻

Today: Online Lecture Series “Other Epistemologies: Remapping the Literary Field in the Sinosphere”

organized by the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies at the University of Zurich

    1. Thursday, December 8, 2022, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) / 15:15-17:00 (GMT)
    Dr. Victor Fan (King’s College London) on “The Insight-Image: Illuminating the Reality of Deleuze’s Time-Image”

    2 Thursday, December 22, 2022, 14:00-16:00 (CEST) / 13:00-15:00 (GMT)
    Dr. Caroline Chia (National University of Singapore, Asia Research Institute) on “Uncovering Lesser-Known Regional Groups Pertaining to Traditional Chinese Theatre”

    For further information and registration please see the attached flyers and the following link:
    https://www.aoi.uzh.ch/de/institut/events/series/epistemologies.htmlRead more ⤻

    For EACS Members: EACS Newsletter #57, Nov 2022

    Access to our latest newsletter (#57) is restricted to our members. If you want to apply for membership in the EACS, please fill in the registration form. If you already are an EACS member but didn’t receive the newsletter or wish to have it re-sent, please contact the mailing list-operator Justyna Jaguścik (mailinglist@chinesestudies.eu).

    Topics in this issue

    EACS Addresses ………………………………………………………… 3
    Message from the Newsletter Editor …………………………. 5
    Report from the President …………………………………………. 6
    Report from the Former President…………………………….. 7
    Report on the Ukraine Emergency Package ……………. 12
    Report from the Secretary ……………………………………… 13
    Financial Report from the Treasurer ………………………. 15
    CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant ……………………… 18
    Report on the Olomouc 2022 Conference ………………. 21
    New Books …………………………………………………………………24
    Call for Papers: JEACS ………………………………………………. 26
    Guidelines for sharing information via the
    EACS mailing list and website …………………………………… 27
    EACS Membership Payments ……………………………………. 29
    EACS Officers and Board Members ………………………….. 30

    See also:

    EACS Newsletter Repository

    Open archive from No.… Read more ⤻

    Call for Papers: The Lone Guardian. Politics, Culture, and Society in China under the Yongzheng Emperor

    University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy
    6-7th Jul 2023

    Deadline: 31st Dec 2022

    Organizers: Dr. habil. Phillip Grimberg (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg), Dr. Federico Brusadelli (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
    The Yongzheng Emperor 雍正 (1678-1735) and his reign (1723-1735), overshadowed by the towering personalities of his father, Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722), and his son, Emperor Qianlong (1736-1796), remains an obscure figure in Chinese history with a rather bleak reputation. He ascended the throne after his father’s death under suspicious circumstances that haunted him for the rest of his life and would shape his image to this day. Nevertheless, the emperor was a shrewd statesman and an
    efficient administrator who fought rampant corruption within the government and court society, as well as a gifted artist and patron of the arts who laid the foundation for his son’s splendour. The goal of this workshop, which coincides with the 300th anniversary of Yongzheng’s accession to the throne, is to examine the multi-faceted personality of this often overlooked Chinese emperor in all its facets and from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.… Read more ⤻

    Call for Papers: 4th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) “Interpretation and Reinvention”

    Macerata, Italy
    16-18th Jun 2023
    Deadline: 31st Dec 2022

    The 4th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP) will take place in Macerata (Italy) on June 16-18, 2023. The theme of the conference is “Interpretation and reinvention.”

    Every philosopher always has a forerunner to interpret. Any new philosophical theory is grounded in an existing theory, which it reinvents or contrasts. Every concept has its own history of contrasting and converging interpretations and reinvention. While this is obvious in the case of Western Philosophy, it is not always the case for China, whose cultural history is often improperly represented as static, converging, and repetitive. We all have in mind Raffaello Sanzio’s fresco The School of Athens that plastically represents the opposing visions of nature in ancient Greece. The painting is dynamic and full of individual traits of the more than twenty philosophers represented. Those figures, freshly painted by Raffaello, are opposing, rejecting, or reinventing their masters’ teachings and common sense.… Read more ⤻

    Members’ Publications: Alison Hardie

    New York & Shanghai: SCPG, 2023

    Alison Hardie, An Illustrated Brief History of Chinese Gardens: People, Activities, Culture, New York & Shanghai: SCPG, 2023, 164pp., US$19.95, ISBN 978-1-93836-887-5.

    This book, illustrated with many images of Chinese gardens, ancient paintings, block prints, and other artefacts, is a social history of Chinese gardens, focusing on how gardens have functioned and been used in Chinese society through the ages. Apart from the aesthetic or philosophical aspects of Chinese gardens, it discusses how gardens functioned as real estate, how they gave opportunities of employment to skilled artisans, how they opened up outdoor space to both elite and lower-class women, and how they allowed men of different social classes and of different ethnicities to interact and gain mutual benefit; in short, how the existence of gardens exerted an influence on society as a whole. At the same time, the reader can find how the wider society, and even socio-economic changes beyond China’s own borders, had an impact on how gardens in China developed.… Read more ⤻

    Vacant Position: Tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Chinese studies

    Chapel Hill, North Carolina
    Review begins 7th Nov 2022

    The Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (http://asianstudies.unc.edu) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Chinese studies to start July 1, 2023. Candidates should have completed Ph.D. in Chinese studies or related field and should possess native or near-native fluency in English and Mandarin. Duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses; conducting research on transcultural Chinese studies, Chinese thought/philosophy, or Chinese new materialist studies; and service work such as participating in the continued development of the Department’s program in Chinese studies. Qualified applicants should apply online at https://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/241758. Applications should include a letter detailing research and teaching interests, CV, sample syllabi (if available), writing sample, and a list with names, titles, and email addresses of four professional references who may be asked for letters of recommendation. The Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies seeks to foster a climate where diversity is valued in all its forms.… Read more ⤻

    First All-Mediterranean Chinese Studies Conference “Chinese Studies Beyond the Centre of Gravity”

    1-3rd Feb 2023
    Deadline: 15th Nov 2022
    University of Malta

    The Department of Middle Eastern & Asian Languages & Cultures at the University of Malta and Confucius Institute at the University of Malta

    present the

    First All-Mediterranean Chinese Studies Conference

    “Chinese Studies Beyond the Centre of Gravity”

    The geographical location of Malta has made it a gathering place for peoples across the world. As such, it has become a salient point of contact between Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Mediterranean. The Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Malta was established in 1999. The Chinese studies programme was formalized in 2009 with the help of the Confucius Institute. Since that time, the Department has been dedicated to Chinese language teaching and research in Chinese area studies and has recently been renamed the Department of Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures. The Department of Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures, in conjunction with the Confucius Institute, warmly extends an invitation for scholars around the world to participate in its inaugural conference on Chinese studies to be held in February 2023.… Read more ⤻

    Vacant PhD Position in Chinese Studies (TV-L 13), Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts”

    University of Hamburg, Germany
    Deadline: 31 October 2022

    The Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts” invites applications for a PhD position (“research associate”) in Chinese Studies with the focus on written artefacts from any historical period. For the full announcement and the application form, please visit the University of Hamburg website: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=f6f91e1f7f0ef4efcb6b8bf359ff05edb5c63317.

    The successful candidate will be enrolled in the Cluster’s graduate school and participate in research colloquia, lectures and workshops. Furthermore, the position includes active engagement in the research field “Inscribing Spaces” or “Graffiti”, which in turn offers a great opportunity of working in an inspiring interdisciplinary team and to join the collaborative research activities of the Cluster. For further information, see https://www.csmc.uni-hamburg.de/written-artefacts.html.

    We welcome applications for projects with a clear focus on the study of written artefacts and relating to the research scope of the Cluster. Candidates should have a strong interest in cooperating beyond disciplinary boundaries, especially across the humanities, natural sciences and computer sciences.… Read more ⤻

    International Online Conference “Analyzing the Sinophone Narrative on the Russian Invasion in Ukraine”

    Online | Zoom
    14th Oct 2022

    The Ukrainian Associations of Sinologists, jointly with A. Krysmkyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Science of Ukrainian and Helvetica Publishing Group, is pleased to invite you to an international online conference “Analyzing the Sinophone Narrative on the Russian Invasion in Ukraine” that will take place on 14 October 2022 at 3-7 pm Kyiv time (GMT+3) on Zoom. The programme of the event and the sign up form are accessible at https://sinophone-narratives.org/ . Looking forward to welcoming you at the event!… Read more ⤻

    Vacant Positions: 9 Doctoral Candidates at Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS)

    Freie Universität
    Berlin, Germany
    Deadline: 14th Nov 2022

    Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS) at Freie Universität, Berlin, will admit up to 9 doctoral candidates to its PhD program “East Asian Studies” again, beginning October 1st, 2023.

    The application period starts on 15 September 2022. Deadline for submissions: 14 November 2022.

    GEAS offers at FU Berlin offers a structured 3-year PhD program for 4-year PhD procedures with a regional focus on East Asia (China, Japan, Korea). Doctoral dissertations at GEAS are expected to analyse modern or contemporary East Asia in the field of politics, society, economy, culture, law or history.

    Scholarship Availability

    Two fully funded scholarships for international candidates are available upon nomination to the DAAD-GSSP program by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Two fellowships for candidates with Chinese citizenship are available through the cooperation of Freie Universität and the Chinese Scholarship Council through the FUB-CSC PhD scholarship program. Candidates not offered a scholarship can be admitted to the program, provided they apply for and secure external funding from other foundations and sponsors before or at the same time as applying for GEAS.… Read more ⤻

    Members’ Publications: Björn Alpermann

    Björn Alpermann, Xinjiang — China and the Uyghurs, Würzburg University Press, (open access in French and German)

    I am happy to announce that my book “Xinjiang — China and the Uyghurs” published last year in German (Würzburg University Press) is now also available in French. Both versions are open access. You find the blurbs in both languages and the download links below.

    Le Xinjiang – la Chine et les Ouïghours
    La situation au Xinjiang, région du Nord-Ouest de la Chine, a ces dernières années suscité une attention internationale croissante. Les rapports sur les internements massifs de Ouïghours et d’autres groupes ethniques dans des camps de rééducation, le travail forcé, les stérilisations forcées et autres atteintes aux droits humains font la une de l’actualité et affectent les relations entre la Chine et ceux qui la critiquent. Le gouvernement chinois, en revanche, justifie sa manière d’agir par la lutte contre le terrorisme, l’extrémisme islamique et le séparatisme ethnique.… Read more ⤻

    Call for Papers: International conference hosted by IDK “Philology: Practices of premodern cultures, global perspectives and future concepts”

    Beyond Comparison: Towards a Connected Philology
    Munich, Germany
    14–16th Jun 2023
    Deadline: 30th Nov 2022

    Much of the recent work on global philology has focused on pointing out parallels between philological methods and traditions in various cultures; that is, on straightforward comparison. This conference is focused rather on identifying and examining the actual connections that create or lie behind such parallels. As scholars in transcultural studies have pointed out, global connectivity and migration are not only features of modernity, but are in fact an essential part of the formation of culture. Considering the temporal depth and geographical breadth of philological tradition(s), it is limiting to assume that the philological traditions of a specific culture have remained untouched by these connections, no matter the enthusiasm with which a state may employ their manuscripts and philological history in service of their respective “unique” nationalist identities.
    This conference topic encourages a practice of philology in full view of the extended contacts and relationships between cultures, against the “methodological nationalism” of our existing disciplinary frameworks.… Read more ⤻

    Members’ Publications: Alison Hardie

    Hong Kong University Press, 2022, 320pp.

    Alison Hardie, The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng: Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2022, 320pp., HK$750, ISBN 978-988-8754-07-6.
    The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng: Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China is the first monograph in English on a controversial Ming dynasty literary figure. It examines and re-assesses the life and work of Ruan Dacheng (1587–1646), a poet, dramatist, and politician in the late Ming period. Ruan Dacheng was in his own time a highly regarded poet, but is best known as a dramatist, and his poetry is now largely unknown. He is most notorious as a ‘treacherous official’ of the Ming–Qing transition, and as a result his literary work—his plays as well as his poetry—has been neglected and undervalued. Hardie argues that Ruan’s literary work is of much greater significance in the history of Chinese literature than has generally been recognised since his own time.… Read more ⤻

    Journal of the European Association of Chinese Studies (JEACS) Special issue: Culture and Memory

    Deadline: 15 January 2023

    This special issue welcomes scholarly papers across disciplines dealing with various aspects of culture and memory related to the pre-modern, modern, and contemporary sinophone world and its vicinities.

    Departing from the broad understanding that memory and culture are mutually constitutive, we are interested in papers exploring profound linkages of memory and culture from aesthetic, historical, spatial and comparative perspectives.

    Topics might address, but are not limited to, the following:

    cultural memory and memory culture in (post)dictatorships

    spatialized memory and social spaces

    cultural memory in textual and visual cultures

    memory as form in literature and arts

    memory and mobilization

    the future of memory

    cultural memory and new media culture.

    For further information on submission please consult JEACS’ webpage: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/about/submissions

    Please submit your paper via the journal’s webpage: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/index

    The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2023.

    The volume will be published in September 2023.

    JEACS editorial team


    Download this announcement as docx: Cfp JEACS4 Culture and MemoryRead more ⤻

    Call for Papers: Current Scholarship on the Book of Changes 易經

    Among Chinese classics, the Book of Changes (or I Ching, Yijing) has been immensely popular among Western readers because of its graphic images, its method of divination, and its philosophy of change. But the Book of Changes is notoriously difficult to read due to its complex textual body and its competing commentarial traditions. The problem is further compounded by differing renditions of the text in western languages, causing a confusion as to how to approach this fascinating text.

    For the first time in English, Dao Companion to the Book of Changes will provide the full scope of current scholarship on the Book of Changes. Scheduled to be published by Springer in 2024, this volume will address three fundamental issues:

    (1) How do we make sense of the original text?
    (2) How do we come to grips with its commentarial traditions?
    (3) What do we learn from the Western interpretations of the texts?

    As the editor of this volume, I have invited scholars to contribute articles.… Read more ⤻

    Members’ Publications: Frank Kraushaar

    Fern von Geschichte und verheißungsvollen Tagen. Neoklassizistische Cyberlyrik im ChinaNetz und die Schreibweise des Lizilizilizi (2000-2020)

    (Distant From History and Auspicious Days. Neoclassicist Cyberpoetry in the ChinaNet and the Poetic Diction of Lizilizilizi (2000-2020))

    As a first attempt to explore in greater detail the contemporary phenomena of “modern verse in old style” 舊體新詩 published and read online, this book-essay contributes to a shift of perception in the studies of modern Chinese literature postulated by individual scholars and manifested collectively “not only to set right the misconception of the deterministic view regarding the development of the Chinese literary tradition, but also to affirm its vitality, continuity, and power of rebirth. (“Frankfurt Consensus”,2015)

    In the first two parts of the book, the phenomena is approached from various angles: 1. biased perception and representation (via translation) of modern and classical Chinese poetry in the West, 2. transition from “old style poetry” to “new old style poetry” in China, distinction between “classicist” and “neoclassicist” diction, 3.… Read more ⤻

    Vacant Position: Lecturer in East Asian History

    Deadline: 4th Jul 2022
    University of Melbourne, Australia

    The Faculty welcomes applications from History Specialists to fill the role of Lecturer in East Asian History and to complement its strengths and support its teaching and research objectives. You will be expected to teach, research, supervise and administer at a level commensurate with a Level B Lecturer.

    This role contributes to teaching at undergraduate, honours and postgraduate levels, and will undertake research or engage in professional activities appropriate to your discipline area. You will also undertake administration primarily relating to your activities within the Faculty.

    In a typical week at work, you may:

    Prepare and deliver lectures, tutorials, and seminars as appropriate
    Initiate, develop, and review subject material at the undergraduate (including 4th-year Honours) level
    Actively participate in research seminars, and national and international conferences
    Actively engage in service, leadership and coordination roles in the discipline, School and Faculty

    About You

    You will have a strong passion for teaching the East Asian history, with experience teaching a broad range of undergraduate, honours and masters level units in the field.… Read more ⤻

    EACS ‘Ukraine Emergency Support Package’

    Now that war has, once again, struck Europe, the vulnerability of both individual academics as well as academic communities has yet again become evident. As an academic association, the European Association for Chinese Studies stands in firm solidarity with colleagues and students in Ukraine whose personal and professional lives are deeply affected by the current war, and with Russian academics who disapprove of the military aggression and suffer from the consequences of their stance. Convinced that actions speak louder than words, the EACS, representing Chinese Studies in Europe, is reaching out to the Chinese Studies community in Ukraine with an emergency support package that aims to support Ukrainian colleagues and students in their academic work or studies, so as to help enable their continued involvement in the European sinological community. As part of the emergency package, the EACS has decided to allocate a total of up to €20,000 to implement the following support measures:

    1. Free EACS membership for all academics and students based in Ukraine for four years (2022-2026)
    2. Preferential treatment of applications for Library Travel Grants
    3. Financial support on a case-by-case basis for students applying to Chinese Studies programmes at European universities to continue their studies, including application fees or tuition fee support
    4. Administrative and financial assistance with finding temporal institutional affiliations for academics in Chinese Studies, including subsidies for visa fees, university and research institution bench fees for use of facilities, and other related fees
    5. Support with scholarly materials (e.g.,
    Read more ⤻

    Vacant Position: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Chinese language and modern/contemporary literary studies

    University of Naples Deadline: 13th Apr 2022 The University of Naples “L'Orientale” seeks to fill a position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Chinese language and modern/contemporary literary studies. Here below you can find the official advertisement for the job opening (see p. 3, position n. 3): https://www.unior.it/ateneo/view_news/29471/5683/1/anno-2022-procedura-selettiva-per-il-reclutamento-di-n9-ricercatori-a-tempo-determinato-di-tipo-b-ai-sensi-dell-art24-della-legge-240-2010-dm-856-2020-daam-dsus-dllc.html For online applications

    Upcoming Workshop: Legacy of the Tsinghua Logic School

    21st Apr 2022 Venue: Hybrid  The Joint Research Center for Logic, Tsinghua University In 1926, recently graduated from Columbia University, Jin Yuelin came back to China and founded the Department of Philosophy at Tsinghua University. With new appointments of Shen Youding and Wang Xianjun in subsequent years, the logic group grew very fast and attracted many young talents. One prominent student of Jin Yuelin was Wang Hao, who later took his PhD degree at Harvard and became a well-known logician worldwide. This pioneering history was recorded in a recent article by Jan Vrhovski: “The Qinghua Logic School: Mathematical Logic at Qinghua University in

    Lecture Series: “Philology In Our Time: The Early China Project Room”

    Online | Zoom Feb to Jul 2022 “What is the future of ancient texts? Will ancient words of wisdom continue to guide us, as they have done for readers for thousands of years? If promises have been made by archaeological discoveries, novel theories, and our own critical self-reflection, then how will they be fulfilled in a future where our very survival is under question? Is there another ‘golden age’ awaiting us? For these questions, the Early China Project Room does not supply ready answers, but we recognize the possibility of an ever-expanding backdrop, traversing past, present, and future, against which one begins the equally modest and daring act that is the reading of a text.

    Call for Papers: China-Workshop „Iserlohn 2022“

    Schwerte, Germany 16–17th Jul 2022 Deadline: 5th Apr 2022 The "Iserlohn Network" is a loose circle of young social scientists working on China. Our annual workshop will be held from 16 to 17 July 2022 at Haus Villigst near the town of Schwerte. This time, we focus on "Chinese Research and Academic Discourses in Contemporary China Studies". The presentations should address the differentiation within China Studies or China-related research, within the discourses and paradigms that affect your respective work. We would like to discuss the conflicts within or between different academic communities, between academic disciplines, or between theory and practice. We hope that

    Call for Papers: Youth Political Mobilization and Socialization in Contemporary China

    8th Sep 2022 (All day) Virtual event, registration required Deadline: 30th Mar 2022 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the official establishment of the Chinese Communist Youth League (中国共产主义青年团, CYL), one of the largest youth political organizations in the world. As the Chinese Communist Party’s assistant and reserve force, the CYL is the Party’s main channel to socialize youth in the official political discourse and practices, and mobilize them to support the current system. Despite the importance of the organization, English-language academic work on its history, politics and multifaceted role in contemporary China remains

    Two Vacant Positions: University Instructors of Chinese

    Helsinki, Finland Deadline: 15th Mar 2022 The University of Helsinki is one of the leading multidisciplinary universities in the world. Our research and education are world-class, as shown by several indicators. We work daily to improve teaching and promote lifelong learning, and believe passionately in the power of thought to change attitudes, people and society – for a better world. The University of Helsinki Language Centre https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/language-centre is one of Finland’s largest language training institutes in terms of both staff numbers and the curriculum. The Language Centre is responsible for the language and communication studies required for academic

    Call for Submissions – EACS Young Scholar Award 2022

    Deadline Extended: 15th Mar 2022 The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions. The Young Scholar Award is made possible through the generous support by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. It was first awarded during the 2004 EACS biennial conference in Heidelberg. Many papers submitted by shortlisted candidates in previous competitions have now appeared as peer-reviewed publications. The next

    CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant 2022

    Deadlines: March 20 and October 20, 2022 Thanks to the support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the EACS will continue to fund in 2022, one-week visits for specialized research in Sinological libraries or for research in one of the major European museums for Chinese art, depending on the availability of funds. Applications received before the two deadlines of March 20 and October 20 will be considered within 3 weeks after receipt. Applicants should be Sinologists based permanently in Europe, preferably paid-up members of the EACS. Non-members will be considered, especially in case of students and young scholars (up to 35 years), if accompanied by a recommendation letter from an EACS member. Applications for

    Call for Papers: PhD Thesis Workshop

    Online | Zoom 5–6th May 2022 Deadline: 21st Feb 2022 The Economic History Society is pleased to invite submissions to its PhD Thesis Workshop, to be held for the second year via Zoom in May 2022. Participants will share thesis papers or chapters-in-progress with fellow doctoral colleagues in economic and social history, and give and receive feedback on each other’s work. The workshop aims to provide opportunities for PhD students to develop their research and peer reviewing skills, as well as the chance to build horizontal networks with fellow early career scholars. Last year’s inaugural workshop was received positively and participants welcomed the opportunity to receive detailed feedback on their research

    Call for Papers – Conference: Categories, Digital Reconfiguration and Mobility in China

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark 18-20th May 2022 Deadline: 15th Feb 2022 The conference is a joint opening conference for the Network Categorizing People and Resources in Contemporary China (CatCh) and the Moving Data - Moving People (MDMP) project on mobility and China’s social credit system. The conference aims to provide an open interdisciplinary forum for discussing the potential of categorization and configuration as original and innovative approaches to study social life, relations, practices,

    JEACS, Volume 2, 2021 “Youth”

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest special issue of the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (Volume 2, 2021), with a special issue on youth and a spotlight on Jaroslav Průšek, young Taiwanese voters, the recent German-China discourse, book reviews, and the list of PhDs in Sinology/China Studies defended at European institutions in 2020. All articles are open access. We thank our authors and peer-reviewers for their work!

    Website: https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/index

    The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (JEACS) is a fully open access journal: All content is ready to be downloaded from everywhere and free of charge. No login, no individual subscription fees, no so-called “author processing fees” or hidden transfer-payments by subscriptions of your library or funding organization.
    We enhance our authors and readers to store and make available content of the JEACS in their repositories and websites all over the world and to distribute it under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permit unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.… Read more ⤻

    Members’ Publications: Walter Lee

    Principles and Laws in World Politics: Classical Chinese Perspectives on Global Conflict (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2021) by Walter Lee, 524 pages

    The search for universal principles and laws in world politics is a colossal common task for all civilisations. It should not be monopolised by the Western liberal paradigm. Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, global conflicts have been satisfactorily resolved neither by communism nor liberalism. Humanitarian intervention, now under the cover of the responsibility to protect (R2P), has destabilised many societies, leaving justice undone. This inspiring book invites debates on the post-liberal imagination of “emancipated Leviathan”: an almighty political authority which exercises awe and force to restore order, as well as enshrines globally-negotiated values of common conscience and reinvented cosmopolitanism. Human well-being will truly become reality when we synergise pre-modern and pre-liberal ways of thinking, worldviews, ethics, and aesthetic styles by means of cross-civilisational, cross-disciplinary fundamental research, and let an emancipated Leviathan exercises principles and laws of virtue derived from the study.… Read more ⤻

    Second Call for Papers: The 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag DOT – 100th Anniversary

    Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
    12–17th Sep 2022
    Extended Deadline: 31st Dec 2021

    The 34th Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT) is organized by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft and will take place at the Freie Universität Berlin from 12th to 17th September 2022.

    The submission deadline for abstracts is 31.12.2021 and 01.10.2021 for panel proposals. We welcome early abstract submissions.

    “The DOT was first organized by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG) in Leipzig in 1921. The DMG is the oldest association of German Orientalists. Its members dwell mostly on languages and cultures of the Middle East, parts of Asia, Oceanica and Africa. The DOT has since been established as the largest and most important event of German cultural studies on Africa and Asia. The 34th DOT at the Freie Universität Berlin marks its 100th anniversary. Participation is open to all scholars, students and members of the public worldwide and does not require membership in the DMG. The languages of the conference are all common scholarly languages.”… Read more ⤻

    For EACS Members: EACS Newsletter #56, Nov 2021

    Access to our latest newsletter (#56) is restricted to our members. If you want to apply for membership in the EACS, please fill in the registration form. If you already are an EACS member but didn’t receive the newsletter or wish to have it re-sent, please contact the mailing list-operator Lisa Indraccolo (lisa.indraccolo@tlu.ee).

    Topics in this issue

    EACS Addresses ………………………………………………………………… 2
    Message from the Newsletter Editor ……………………… 2
    Report from the President ……………………………………………. 3
    Report from the Secretary ……………………………………………. 5
    Financial Report from the Treasurer ……………………….. 6
    CCK Foundation Library Travel Grant ……………………… 8
    Report on the Leipzig 2021 EACS Conference ….. 10
    EACS 2022: 24th Biennial Conference …………………… 13
    New Books ………………………………………………………………………….. 14
    Call for Papers: Journal of the European
    Association for Chinese Studies ……………………………….. 16
    Guidelines for sharing information via the
    EACS mailing list and website ……………………………………. 17
    EACS Membership Payments …………………………………….. 19
    EACS Officers and Board Members ………………………… 20

    See also:

    EACS Newsletter Repository

    Open archive from No.… Read more ⤻

    Online Seminar “China’s Economy: Challenges Created by the Reform Era”

    University of Oslo
    8th Sep 2021
    3:00—4:30 pm CET
    21:00 Beijing, 09:00 am Washington DC

    Due to unforeseen circumstances this event will be postponed by one week. The new time is 8th of September 3pm Oslo time. All welcome!

    China’s economic reforms have caused rapid growth for a period of forty years. The Chinese Communist Party’s gradualist approach to reform was not inevitable. What were the alternative routes and why were they abandoned? What new obstacles for further Chinese economic development may change its future course?

    For more information and to sign up for this event, visit:

    External link…Read more ⤻

    Call for Papers: Nr. 28 Other Modernities “Words, powers and pandemics”

    Open Access Academic Journal To be published Nov 2022 Deadline: 15th Oct 2021 Edited by Ana María González Luna, Kim Grego, Giovanna Mapelli and Bettina Mottura The year 2020 has witnessed the forceful emergence of the theme of pandemic worldwide, highlighting the multifaceted mechanisms of reaction put into play against it. The activation of the resources needed to face risk, uncertainty, difficulties and tragedy has taken all the forms of human and social life, sometimes also determining the rediscovery of past experiences. Women, men, social and professional groups, the media, public institutions have had to draw upon the tools, the memories, the knowledge and the practices necessary to adapt and protect body and spirit from

    Upcoming Conference: “Language, Teaching, and Politics in Arabic and Chinese”

    Online | Milan, Italy 16th Dec 2021 Deadline: 15th Sep 2021 University of Milan (Italy) Department of Studies in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication - Standard Arabic and Standard Chinese are both official languages of the UN with a huge number of users. However, as is well known, their respective impact on the cultural identity and political culture of speakers is vastly different. Standard Arabic (MSA) - the official language of 22 countries - lacks a centralized language policy as a consequence of the political fragmentation of the Arab-speaking world. This results in several competing national language academies, with different degrees of authority, ideally

    Members’ Publications: Xiaoyan Hu

    The Aesthetics of Qiyun and Genius: Spirit Consonance in Chinese Landscape Painting and Some Kantian Echoes. Published by Lexington Books (an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield), 320 Pages, 2021.

    In The Aesthetics of Qiyun and Genius: Spirit Consonance in Chinese Landscape Painting and Some Kantian Echoes, Xiaoyan Hu provides an interpretation of the notion of qiyun, or spirit consonance, in Chinese painting, and considers why creating a painting—especially a landscape painting—replete with qiyun is regarded as an art of genius, where genius is an innate mental talent. Through a comparison of the role of this innate mental disposition in the aesthetics of qiyun and Kant’s account of artistic genius, the book addresses an important feature of the Chinese aesthetic tradition, one that evades the aesthetic universality assumed by a Kantian lens. 

    Drawing on the views of influential sixth to fourteenth-century theorists and art historians and connoisseurs, the first part explains and discusses qiyun and its conceptual development from a notion mainly applied to figure painting to one that also plays an enduring role in the aesthetics of landscape painting.… Read more ⤻

    CrossAsia Online-Survey: “Chinese Studies Research Conditions in Europe”

    Between research needs and access to resources - Getting an overview of the situation in different countries in Europe Deadline: 5th Sep 2021 Despite the growing importance of Asia-related expertise, European researchers and their communities often have only limited access to digital material published on Asian and international markets because researchers are comparatively small in number and dispersed over institutions, countries and regions. We at CrossAsia would like to check and underpin our assumption with this questionnaire on the research conditions and requirements in Chinese studies in different countries in Europe. Our goal - together with European

    Vacant Position: Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor of International Studies

    Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Suzhou, P.R.C. Deadline: 3rd Sep 2021 Located in Suzhou, China, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is a young, dynamic and EMI university founded in 2006, and is a unique collaborative institution and first joint-venture university in China to offer both UK (University of Liverpool) and Chinese (Ministry of Education) accredited undergraduate degrees for more than 100 programmes. XJTLU also aims to become truly research-led and has committed significant investment into research development and the expansion of master’s and PhD student numbers on campus. The university has over 18,000 students and nearly 1000 academic staff

    Upcoming Conference: “Historical Network Research in Chinese Studies”

    Online | Harvard Zoom Jul 23—24th & 30—31st 2021 9:00 am — 11:30 am EDT Network analysis is a burgeoning field in East Asian digital humanities. In recent years, the digitization of source materials, the proliferation of databases, as well as the development of digital tools, have greatly facilitated the study of networks in Chinese studies. To promote interdisciplinary dialogue between

    Vacant Position: Stanley Family and Hua Hsia Chair in Chinese Culture and Institutions

    University of Iowa, U.S.A. Review begins: 15th Sep 2021 The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences invite applications for the position of C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Hua Hsia Chair in Chinese Culture and Institutions. The successful candidate will be appointed as a full professor with tenure to commence in August 2022. The position will be situated in a department appropriate to the specialization of the candidate, where normal review process, assignment of teaching duties, and responsibility for mentorship etc. will reside. The position is an endowed chair with a reduced teaching load and a research fund. The chair will also hold a 0% appointment in International Programs and is expected to

    Vacant Position: Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Assistant Professor in Art History

    Hong Kong, P.R.C. Deadline: 30th Jun 2021 Lingnan University, a distinctive liberal arts institution in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, is committed to the provision of quality whole-person education by combining the best of Chinese and Western liberal arts traditions. It strives to pursue excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship and community engagement. With three academic Faculties, it offers a wide range of undergraduate degree programmes in arts, business and social sciences. Lingnan’s liberal arts education is characterised by a broad-based interdisciplinary curriculum with specialised disciplinary studies; close student-staff relationship; a vibrant

    Research fellowship “The maritime ceramic road: Chinese ceramics in Asia and Africa”

    Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Deadline: 18th Jun 2021 The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road – integral part of the monumental Belt and Road Initiative, which includes a direct connection between China and Italy (through Trieste) – is a major development plan that aims to connect China with the rest of Asia, Africa and Europe. This strategic initiative broadly runs in the footsteps of the naval expeditions of Admiral Zheng He (1371-1433) and the maritime routes covered by the Portuguese at the beginning of the 16th century. However, an extensive seaborne commerce had developed since the 8th century, when the land routes across central Asia had become unsafe and when the demand for

    Upcoming Lecture: Aude Lucas-Lesain “Tales of Success and Failure: Predictive Dreams of Imperial Examinations in Qing Xiaoshuo Literature”

    Online | Erlangen, Germany 1st Jun 2021 6:15–7:45 pm CET US East Coast: 12:15–1:45 pm EST China: 0:15–1:45 am CST Speaker: Aude Lucas-Lesain (Chinese Literature; Centre de recherche sur les civilisations d’Asie orientale, Paris; IKGF Visiting Fellow) This lecture intends to depict the antagonistic look of the literati upon the civil service examination system through xiaoshuo and biji narratives of the Qing period. The analysis relies on tales of dream predictions that portend success or failure at the examinations, and shows

    Call for Position Papers: “Chinese Identity in an Age of Anti-Asian Racism and #StopAsianHate”

    British Journal of Chinese Studies Deadline: 15th Aug 2021 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, racism against Chinese and other East and Southeast Asian communities has surged globally. At the same time, Chinese communities in different parts of the world have mobilised themselves to raise awareness of and fight against Sinophobia and anti-Asian racism. Social media hashtags such as #StopAsianHate or #StopAAPIHate have attracted a large following and galvanised unprecedented political energy. In this process, we observe a simultaneous mobilisation of and a conscious departure from Chinese identity. Some people hold on to the notion of Chinese identity, believing in its political and social relevance, whereas

    Joint Ph.D. Position “Shaping Taste, Building Knowledge: Collecting China in Scotland in the Early 20th Century” University of Glasgow & National Museum of Scotland

    Deadline: 4th Jun 2021 Starting: 1st Oct 2021 Supervisors: Prof Nick Pearce and Dr Minna Törmä (University of Glasgow); Dr Qin Cao and Dr John Giblin (NMS) The presence of Chinese material culture in Scotland has grown significantly over the last 200 years, much of it during Britain’s imperial expansion. However, Scottish collecting of Chinese material culture has never been studied through the lenses of critical collecting practices or

    International Workshop: “Dynamics of knowledge transmission and linguistic transformation in Chinese textual cultures”

    Online | Paris, France 10-11th Jun 2021 The circulation and the dissemination of knowledge rely in essential ways on forms of linguistics transformation, alteration and manipulation. An apparently simple act such as adding a lexical gloss next to a term can potentially reveal the complex interpretative and translational processes that are needed in order for a specific verbal structure to continue to operate as a meaningful sign in a new setting. Furthermore, it can encapsulate the individual and contextual factors and constraints that might affect the way

    Upcoming Seminar: “Taiwan’s Opportunities and Challenges During the Pandemic: Domestic Politics, Foreign Relations, and Global Health Strategies”

    Online | Helsinki, Finland 25th May 2021 10:00-12:00 Helsinki Time 9:00-11:00 Copenhagen Time 8:00-10:00 London Time Between the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and spring 2021, Taiwan’s global visibility has increased thanks in large part to its successful handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak. It is now almost a cliché to elaborate the way in which a small island of nearly 24 million

    Upcoming Lecture: Ute Wallenböck “Tibetan Food(s) and Identity in a Global Context”

    Online | Helsinki, Finland 9th Jun 2021 11:00-12:30 Helsinki Time 10:00-11:30 Prague Time Speaker: Ute Wallenböck (Masaryk University & Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic) My current research deals with the cultural aspects of Tibetan foods and beverages since I argue that everyday foods illustrate cultural identity: Food(s) are vehicles for expressing culture. In course of my past project on the construction of the collective identity of the Tibeto-Mongol population in the contemporary Henan Mongol

    Upcoming Lecture: Daniel Burton-Rose “The Layman and the Spirit-Writing Altar: Peng Shaosheng (1740-96) and the Historiography of Divine Communication”

    Online | Erlangen, Germany 18th May 2021 6:15 pm–7:45 pm CET US East Coast: 12:15 pm–1:45 pm EST China: 0:15 am–1:45 am CST Speaker: Daniel Burton-Rose (Chinese History; IKGF Visiting Fellow). This talk is part of a series of virtual lectures hosted by the International Research Consortium “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication” at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The full schedule is available - for online participation, please register anytime at

    International Summer Seminar “From late imperial to Republican China: continuities and ruptures”

    La Rochelle, France 6-10th Sep 2021 Application deadline: 15th Jun 2021 Coordination: Paola Calanca (École française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris), Chen Hsi-Yuan (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei), Luca Gabbiani (École française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris), François Gipouloux (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris), Lian Lingling (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei), Xavier Paulès (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris), Wu Jen-shu (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei) Organisation: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, École française d’Extrême-Orient, École

    15th Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS) “Continuity and Change”

    Online | Olomouc, Czech Republic 26–27th Nov 2021 Deadline: 30th Jun 2021 The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc is currently accepting individual paper, organized panel, and research poster proposals for its 15th Annual Conference on Asian Studies to be held on November 26–27, 2021 in Olomouc, Czech Republic and online, using Whova, a conference (web)app. The general theme of the conference this year is Continuity and Change. We invite contributions that concern any region or culture in Asia and address the conference theme from a variety of perspectives. We welcome both synchronic and diachronic approaches grounded in a range of disciplines

    Research Associate: Academic Freedom, Globalised Scholarship and the Rise of Authoritarian China

    London, UK Deadline: 20th May 2020 This is a fixed term Research Associate position within the Research Project Academic Freedom, Globalised Scholarship and the Rise of Authoritarian China. This is one of two positions available, the other is based at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). Our AHRC and DFG-funded, collaborative German-UK research project brings together team of scholars working in the fields of law, political studies, Chinese area studies, human rights and moral philosophy, based at the University of Erlangen and at King’s College London, to investigate how transnational

    Call for Contributions: “China and Global History” International Online Workshop

    1-3rd Sep 2021 Deadline: 1st Jun 2021 Update: The following PDF is the workshop's handout and contains information regarding the program, the keynotes and the registration link of the online workshop "China and Global History". The workshop takes place on Zoom between 1-3 September, and is co-organized by Mr. Sebestyén Hompot (University of Vienna), Ms. Sabine Hinrichs (University of Vienna), and Ms. Tanja Kotik (University of Graz): China_and_Global_History_Online_Workshop_handout Main organizer: Sebestyén Hompot

    Summer School: EU-China Cooperation. Green Transition and Digital Economy Between National Policies and Multipolarism

    19-24th Jul 2021 Deadline: 4th Jun 2021 Green transition and digital economy will revolutionize manufacturing, services, finance and, ultimately, our daily life. After the Covid-19 pandemic, this trend is due to accelerate, thanks to the implementation of the Next Generation EU and China's XIV Five year plan. Will Bruxelles and Beijing's policies lead us towards a better, more equal planet? Which technologies will be improving our

    Call for Submissions: Sixth International Conference on Chinese Studies “The Silk Road”

    5-6th Jun 2021 Deadline: 30th Apr 2021 The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Studies “The Silk Road”, organized by the Confucius Institute at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, will be convened ONLINE on June 4 - 5, 2021. The conference aims with the help of modern technology to continue and build on the rich cultural exchange between China and the world, between East and West, hence it covers a wide range of topics in the field of Chinese and Oriental

    Statement by the EACS Board regarding the sanctions issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs against European China researchers 

    The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) supports and advocates for independent academic research on China and hence disapproves of the People’s Republic of China’s reaction to foreign governments’ and administrations’ diplomatic actions by holding directly responsible academic researchers, their relatives, and their institutions in Europe. As an independent professional academic association of European scholars, EACS trusts in the good faith of researchers and in the transparency of academic research on China, and firmly believes that such approaches contribute significantly to the sustainability of international relations.

    Call for Papers: Global Storytelling issue 2.1 – Special Issue on Serial Narrative: “Streaming and Seriality”

    Deadline: 1st Aug 2021 Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images is a new journal founded by Editor-in-Chief Ying Zhu, hosted at Hong Kong Baptist University, and published by University of Michigan. This special issue of Global Storytelling will investigate how streaming media has impacted the production, distribution, and reception of serial narratives. Television research, beginning with Herta Herzog’s landmark study of radio listeners “On Borrowed Experience”, privileged the soap opera as an object of research due to the special problems

    PhD Student Position (65%, E13 TV-L, 3 years)

    Erlangen, Germany Deadline: 31st May 2021 The Chair for Sinology with a focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China — Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations — at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) invites applications for the position of a PhD student (f/m/d) with an interest in the global/transregional history of quantification and/or modern or contemporary history of science in China, in particular statistics or predictive sciences. The position is part of the interdisciplinary project “Quantification and Prediction from Europe to East-Asia” funded by the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (2021–2026). In cooperation with the IKGF

    Postdoctoral Researcher (100%, E13 TV-L, 4 years)

    Erlangen, Germany Deadline: 31st May 2021 The Chair for Sinology with a focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China — Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations — at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) invites applications for the position of a Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) with an interest in the global/transregional history of quantification and/or modern or contemporary history of science in China, in particular statistics or predictive sciences. The position is part of the interdisciplinary project “Quantification and Prediction from Europe to East Asia” funded by the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation (2021–2026). In cooperation with the

    China in the 17th Century: Trauma, Transition and Global Transformations

    An International Workshop to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the journal Ming Qing Yanjiu 20-21st Oct 2021 This will be an online workshop hosted by the University of Naples "L'Orientale". Should the global situation allow it, it will be held as a hybrid event. Organized by : Prof. Donatella Guida, Dr. Federico Brusadelli. Keynote Lecture : Prof. Timothy Brook (University of British Columbia) Deadline for Abstract Proposals: Apr 25th 2021 Notification of Acceptance: May 25th 2021 Within the “global crisis” of the 17 th century (Parker 2013), that put under

    “Conversations on Chinese Philosophy” – A Virtual Symposium

    Spring Semester 2021 Organized by Federico Brusadelli, Chiara Ghidini & Lisa Indraccolo. Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” - Centre for East Asian Studies. Tallinn University - Institute of Humanities MICROSOFT TEAMS - REGISTER HERE: https://cutt.ly/vkYG9fk March 4, 11.30 am CET - Jana Rosker, Lee Ming-huei, F. Heubel

    Vacant Position: Research Associate for the Project “Archiving Artefacts”

    Hamburg, Germany Deadline: Extended As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, cooperative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally. The Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures” invites applications for a RESEARCH ASSOCIATE FOR THE PROJECT “Archiving Artefacts”

    In Memoriam Kristofer Schipper (1934–2021)

    It is with sadness that we have to announce the decease of Kristofer Marinus Schipper in Amsterdam on 18 February 2021. Born on 23 October 1934 in Järnskog, Sweden, Kristofer Schipper grew up near Edam, Netherlands. He studied in Taiwan, where he was initiated as a priest in the Zhengyi School of Taoism. He worked as researcher at the École française d’Extrême-Orient, taught at the École pratique des hautes études in Paris, and was head of the Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises of the Collège de France. In 1993, he was appointed at Leiden University. He was also member of the Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences. Kristofer Schipper was one of the most eminent scholars on Taoism. Apart from The Taoist Canon, a work he edited with Franciscus Verellen (The University of Chicago Press 2005),

    EACS 2021: Call for Late-Breaking Session Submissions

    Leipzig, Germany 24-28th Aug 2021 Deadline: 15th Mar 2021 The EACS 2021 is now accepting a limited number of late-breaking panel proposals for inclusion at the 23rd biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), which will be held in Leipzig from August 24 to August 28, 2021. Topical and timely late-breaking panels provide a forum for engaging in dialogue on current events that affect our

    PhD (or Postdoc) scholarship in a Kang Youwei project at KU Leuven, Chinese Studies, funded by Research Foundation (FWO)

    Flanders, Belgium Deadline: 15th Mar 2021 4 years PhD (October 2021–September 2025) or 3 years Postdoc (October 2021– September 2024) This scholarship is offered in the context of a research project on the portrayal of Kang Youwei as an “in-between” figure in contemporary Chinese academia (for more details, see “Project” below). We are looking for a PhD (or Postdoc) student in Sinology, Chinese studies, Chinese philosophy, or Chinese intellectual history willing to research current views on Kang Youwei in relation to past, present and future issues in religion, politics,

    Vacant Position: Assistant Professor in Museum Studies and Art History, Department of Visual Studies

    Hong Kong, P.R.C. Lingnan University, a distinctive liberal arts institution in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, is committed to the provision of quality whole-person education by combining the best of Chinese and Western liberal arts traditions. It strives to pursue excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship and community engagement. With three academic Faculties, it offers a wide range of undergraduate degree programmes in arts, business and social sciences. Lingnan’s liberal arts education is characterised by a broad-based interdisciplinary curriculum with

    Call for Papers: Online International Workshop “Dynamics of knowledge transmission and linguistic transformation in Chinese textual cultures”

    Paris, France 10-11th Jun 2021 Update: The workshop will be held online via Zoom. Access is free but registration is required. For registration, please visit https://knowl-lingtrans.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/3 The workshop is jointly organised by Barbara Bisetto (University of Verona, Italy) and Rainier Lanselle (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, CRCAO, Paris, France). For inquiries, contact: knowl-lingtrans@sciencesconf.org Hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages and

    2021/22 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Hong Kong Baptist University Deadline: 1st Dec 2020 The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University attaches great importance to

    Call for Papers: Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Volume 2 (2021)

    Deadline: 31st Mar 2021 For its second volume, the Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies invites scholars to submit papers dealing with aspects of youth in the pre-modern, modern, and contemporary Chinese world. We welcome unpublished papers that discuss the concept of youth and its impact on Chinese society especially in a diachronic and comparative way, on topics including, but not limited to: ● Youth and childhood in pre-modern China ● Youth within families and as social groups in society: intra- and transgenerational perspectives ● The transition from childhood to youth, and to adulthood

    Vacant Position: Assistant Professor – Pre-modern East Asia/China

    Toronto, Canada Deadline: 19th Nov 2020 The Department of East Asian Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of Pre-modern East Asian cultural studies, with a focus on China, including the late imperial period. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an expected start date of July 1, 2021, or shortly thereafter. Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. degree in East Asian Studies or a related discipline by the time of appointment, or shortly thereafter, with a demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and enhance existing

    EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA) 2020

    On 19th September 2020, the three finalists of the EACS Young Scholar Award presented their lectures to an audience of EACS members and a jury of experts during an online Zoom event. The YSA jury received 32 submissions of high quality which were subsequently reviewed by both internal and external reviewers. The finalists and their topics were: Richard Sage (Hong Kong Baptist University) Liezi's story about the man who fell ill with forgetfulness through the eyes of Fan Zhixu (?-1129) Elke Papelitzky (NYU Shanghai) Shi Shipiao's map of Southeast Asia: Making a case for maritime trade Kwok-Fai Law (SOAS, London) Between resistance and collaboration: Maritime teaboys and the making of working-class political culture in China's wartime shipping industry, 1937-1941

    Call for Papers for the upcoming conference “Chinese Popular Culture in Translation and Transmission”

    University of Leicester, UK 22–23rd Jul 2021* Deadline: 15th Jan 2021 Popular culture is elusive to define, yet through a multitude of forms and expressions, its influences across cultural boundaries are often effective, efficient and far-reaching. The conference will bring together academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange views and ideas about Chinese popular culture in the context of global circulation. It aims to outline scenes and trajectories of Chinese popular culture in translation and transmission from the 1990s, focusing on paradigms, trends, shifts and issues in the processes of production, dissemination