ASAA 20th Biennial Conference: AsiaScapes: Contesting Borders

Univ. of Western Australia, Perth
8th – 10th Jul 2014
Deadline: 29th Nov 2013

This conference invites presentations addressing shifts, continuities, innovations and tensions in Asia. We welcome engagement from scholars and practitioners in the humanities, social sciences and other sciences, as well as interdisciplinary explorations of Asia and Asia-Australia relations.

The pace of globalisation has made contestation of national borders a key part of both lived realities and academic analysis. Global problems increasingly demand international engagement and cross-disciplinary approaches.  As an integrating theme of the 20th Biennial ASAA (Asian Studies Association of Australia) Conference we focus on both senses of border-crossing – national and disciplinary – in the multipolar world.


Conference Theme

Although ‘landscape’ as a metaphor is well-worn, ‘-scape’ remains a productive suffix, spawning terms such as ethnoscapes, technoscapes, mediascapes, ideoscapes and so on, to account for the movement of peoples, technologies, money, images, ideals and ideologies throughout the world. This Conference seeks to emphasise the involvement of Asia as a region of origin, transmission and reception in such flows, extending from the local to the global in scale.… Read more ⤻

New Issue: Early China (Journal)

Li Xueqin 2013

Li Xueqin 2013

EC 35-36 (2012-2013) is now in print. This volume is dedicated to Li Xueqin (s. photo) and guest-edited by Xing Wen. It includes interviews with Li Xueqin by Sarah Allan and Wang Tao; articles by David Keightley, Constance Cook, Xing Wen, Shu CHEN, Harold Roth, Donald Harper, Jeffrey Riegel, Crispin Williams, Yau Shun-chiu, Robin Yates, Marc Kalinowski, Michael Loewe, and Helen Wang; a review by Moss Roberts; and the usual Shigaku zasshi translations and annual bibliography. (Details below)

Subscribe now with a form or by Paypal and become a member of the Society for the Study of Early China, at: https://www.dartmouth.edu/~earlychina/docs/2012-2013/publorderonline2012-13.html.

EARLY CHINA 35-36 (2012-13)

Dedicated to Li Xueqin on the occasion of his eightieth birthday
Guest editor: XING Wen



The Life of a Chinese Historian in Tumultuous Times: Interviews with Li Xueqin, by  Sarah Allan and WANG Tao

The Period V Ritual Postface: Prospective or Retrospective, by David N. Keightley

Sage King Yu 禹and the Bin Gong Xu 豳公盨, by Constance A.… Read more ⤻

Two Vacant Positions: Tenure-track Assistant Professor

Columbia University, NY, USA

Review begins: 1st Oct 2013


Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Modern Chinese Film and Visual Culture

Columbia University, New York, USA

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in modern/contemporary Chinese humanities specializing in film, visual arts, and/or media. Demonstrated interest in comparative research and a deep knowledge of modern Chinese literature and culture are necessary. Ph.D. required by the time of appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to sustain an active research and publication agenda and be prepared to lead graduate seminars as well as direct thesis projects. Responsibilities for this position include teaching and developing new courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels and integrating modern Chinese humanities into East Asian area studies. The department specifically seeks a creative scholar with the potential for developing new directions in humanistic studies.  To apply, candidates should visit:  academicjobs.columbia.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=58137. … Read more ⤻

Chang, Ting. “Travel, Collecting, and Museums of Asian Art in Nineteenth-Century Paris”, Ashgate, 2013.

Chang cover sm

Chang cover sm

"Travel, Collecting, and Museums of Asian Art in Nineteenth-Century Paris" with Ashgate. This book examines a history of contact between modern Europe and East Asia through three collectors: Henri Cernuschi, Emile Guimet, and Edmond de Goncourt. Drawing on a wealth of material including European travelogues of the East and Asian reports of the West, Ting Chang explores the politics of mobility

Call for Papers: Conference “Sound, Noise and the Everyday: Soundscapes in China”

Aarhus University, Denmark / CHIME,

21-24 August, 2014

Deadline: 16th Feb 2014

China is filled with sounds; indeed, some people would say that it is a noisy place. Some sounds immediately come to mind, for example those of music, radio and TV broadcasts, along with blaring loudspeakers, public announcements and street conversations, or speech/language and communication more generally. Some types or notions of sound may be difficult to grasp or to categorize, for example the sound of a city, sounds of progress, sounds of revolution or sounds of change.


Sounds may be deliberately produced (and manipulated), or may be brought forth unintentionally, and they can be direct and physical or indirect and abstract (or both at the same time). To all events, sounds appear everywhere, with a variety of different intentions and meanings; the same can be said for noise and silence.
Aarhus University and CHIME invite scholars from all disciplines to explore ‘sounds & noise’ in China.… Read more ⤻

Doleželová-Velingerová, Milena, and Rudolf G. Wagner. “Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870-1930) Changing Ways of Thought”

"This is a set of pioneering studies on Chinese encyclopaedias of modern knowledge (1870-1930). At a transitional time when modern knowledge was sought after yet few modern schools were available, these works were crucial sources of information for an entire generation.

This volume investigates many of these encyclopaedias, which were never reprinted and are hardly known even to specialists, for the first time. The contributors to this collection all specialize in the period in question

Vacant Position: Research Assistant in Chinese Media, Literature & Culture

St. Gallen, Switzerland

The University of St Gallen seeks to appoint, in the context of a SNF-financed Research Grant, a

Research Assistant in Chinese Media, Literature & Culture (75%)

(Two-year position, starting immediately)

This position is designed for work on a research project on contemporary Chinese literature, media and culture (English medium). The project examines Chinese literary writings, Internet writings, blogs, and works of art (1997-2013) to investigate issues including urban culture, globalization, gender, and the culture of consumption.
Desired qualifications include:

  • PhD (or near completion) in Chinese Studies, Literary/Cultural Studies or Media Studies with a focus on China
  • Excellent (native or near native) Chinese reading skills
  • Excellent English writing skills
  • Research experience

Salary according to SNF / University of St Gallen guidelines. For inquiries please contact Professor Daria Berg, email: daria.berg@unisg.ch, Chair of Chinese Culture and Society, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of St. Gallen, Girtannerstrasse 6, CH-9010 St Gallen, Switzerland.





 … Read more ⤻

Lectureship in the study of premodern China

Leiden, Netherlands
Deadline: 23rd Sep 2013

Leiden University invites applications for a fulltime University Lectureship in the study of premodern China. Research specialization is open, but we are especially interested in scholars of literature. Teaching will include Classical Chinese, history, and topics of choice depending on specialization, in Chinese Studies and (East) Asian Studies. This is a replacement position, and appointment will be fixed-term from January 2014 through June 2017. Leiden University aims to employ more women in areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore especially invited to apply. Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break. Review of applications from 23 September 2013.

More details at: External Link





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Call for Applications: 3 Postdoctoral Fellowships – Distant Worlds: Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies

Munich, Germany
Deadline: 23rd Sep 2013

In the Graduate School “Distant Worlds” important areas in the field of Ancient Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich join together with the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften along with five Munich museums and collections to promote junior research in Ancient Studies. The central aim of this institute is to promote innovative research and early scholarly independence.

The unique feature of the School is the two-fold structure, which links the taught programme of Research Training Groups to organised research groups.

The taught programme will unite University and non-University teaching capacities. Accordingly, these workshops, which will deal with the specific research topics of the various museums and the Academy, are a significant supplement to the course offering. The taught programme is consciously developed to increase the competence of the doctoral students in Ancient Studies and, at the same time, to strengthen their ability to reflect upon the relevant theories in Cultural and Literary Historical Studies.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor – Late Imperial/Early Modern Chinese History

Princeton University, USA

Preliminary Deadline: 1st Oct 2013
Anticipated start date September 1, 2014.  The Departments of History and East Asian Studies at Princeton University invite applications from scholars who specialize in the history of late imperial/early modern China.  Teaching responsibilities include: undergraduate lecture courses on late imperial/early modern China and East Asia, upper level undergraduate seminars, and graduate seminars on specialized topics.  Review of files will begin on October 1, 2013, but applications will be considered until the departments choose to close the search. Applicants should provide a detailed letter of application, curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract, and dissertation chapter outline.  Applicants should also provide contact information for at least three recommenders as part of the online application process. AA/EOE.  
Please apply online at: https://jobs.princeton.edu – Requisition #1300497.





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Call for Papers: Ming Qing Studies 2014


Deadline: 31st Dec 2013

We are glad to inform you that the new edition of Ming Qing Studies 2013 is going to be published by Aracne Publishers in Fall 2013.
Applicants are encouraged to submit abstracts for the next issue of Ming Qing Studies 2014. The contributions should concern Ming-Qing China in one or few of its most significant and multifaceted aspects, as well as on East Asian countries covering the same time period. All articles will be examined by our qualified peer reviewers. We welcome creative and fresh approaches to the field of Asian studies. Particularly appreciated will be the contributions on anthropological and social history, collective imagery, and interdisciplinary approaches to the Asian cultural studies.
All submitted papers must be original and well written in English according to our guidelines and editorial rules. Please email your abstract (300-500 words) in MS Word or pdf attachments along with your biographical information to the addresses listed below.… Read more ⤻

Two Vacant Positions: Contemporary Chinese Studies

Cork, Ireland
Deadline: 5pm, 30th Jul 2013

We are seeking two lecturers with expertise in contemporary Chinese/East Asian studies to join the successful and developing School of Asian Studies at UCC.
Successful applicants should be able to commence employment on 1 September 2013, or earlier by agreement.
Appointees will teach, or contribute to the teaching of, modules in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. An indicative list of areas due to be taught from September 2013 is given at the end of this circular and applicants should indicate in their letter of application which of these areas they can teach.
One post is full-time (1.0fte), the other part-time (0.5fte); both are tenable for 12 months.
Salary will be determined in accordance with the normal UCC lecturer pay scales available at http://www.ucc.ie/en/media/support/hr/paysbenefits/SalaryScales2013.pdf .
For both these fixed-term posts, application is by (a) a letter of application and (b) full curriculum vitae including the names and contact details of two academic referees.… Read more ⤻

Call for Drafts for the Inaugural English-language Edition of Heritage and Transition: Studies in Chinese Humanities

Deadline: Nov 30th 2013
Shandong University’s Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy (Wen Shi Zhe) is one of mainland China’s most well-known and well-respected academic journals. It has appeared bi-monthly for more than half a decade and has gained the highest repute among Chinese scholars. The Journal focuses on presenting scholarly work on various aspects of China’s traditional culture and society.
Due to the rising demand and desire

PhD programme: Regional and/or Rising Powers

Hamburg, Germany
Deadline: 1st Oct 2013

The GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies jointly with the University of Hamburg seek to hire two Doctoral Students.
The successful candidates will join either the GIGA Doctoral Programme or the Graduate School of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg. They will conduct research on the theme of “Regional and/or Rising Powers”. At GIGA, they will be integrated into one of GIGA’s re­search programmes (RP 1: Legitimacy and Efficiency of Political Systems, RP 2: Violence and Security, RP 3: Socio-Economic Challenges in the Context of Globalisation, RP 4: Power, Norms and Governance in International Relations) and research institutes (Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East). At the University of Hamburg, they will be integrated into the research unit of Wars, Armament and Develop­ment.

Desired qualifications:

An excellent grade point average and a final degree (masters or equivalent) in political science/international relations, economics, history or a related discipline.… Read more ⤻

Conference: “Max Weber and China: Culture, Law and Capitalism”

5th - 6th Sep 2013
Deadline: 3rd Sep 2013

SOAS, University of London, UK
Max Weber is not only celebrated as a founder of modern social science but also for his view that modern capitalism was the achievement of a uniquely Western rationalism. His celebrated study of China argued that its legal institutions and ethical and religious culture had prevented a similar development there. But he also drew on his knowledge of China in developing his ideas of bureaucracy, authority and legitimacy.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowships

Hong Kong, China
Deadline: 1st Dec 2013

The CEFC would like to draw the attention of prospective PhD candidates to this attractive scheme funded by the Hong Kong government to bring foreign research students to Hong Kong. The CEFC may be able to help interested French and EU candidates identify and contact relevant supervisors. It is possible on an ad hoc basis to apply for double supervision between a French/European and a Hong Kong University. The CEFC encourages prospective French PhD students to consider this funding opportunity.  

Hong Kong Universities are looking for PhD students with evidence of academic excellence, research ability and potential, and good communication, interpersonal and leadership abilities for full-time PhD study in Hong Kong within the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.

The scheme pays for:

  • Full 3 year tuition scholarship
  • Monthly stipend of HK$20,000 (approx. US$2,600)
  • Annual book and equipment allowance of HK$20,000 (approx. US$2,600) not at all universities !!!
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Vacant Position: Research and Teaching Associate

Leipzig, Germany
Deadline: 23rd Aug 2013

The Chinese Studies section of the University of Leipzig’s Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies/ East Asian Institute seeks to fill the following position by October 1, 2013:
Research and Teaching Assistant (initially limited to 3 years, full-time employment )
Salary: Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L
The position is linked to the chair of Chinese Culture and History (Prof. Philip Clart, Ph.D.) and is intended to complement and expand the current focus areas of research and teaching in Chinese Studies at Leipzig. In the interest of sharpening the research profile of the Chinese Studies section, candidates with a research focus on Late Imperial China (Song-Qing) will be given priority. However, scholars working on other periods of Chinese history are also encouraged to apply.


– Teaching in the Chinese Studies programmes (BA & MA, 4 hours per week)
– Pursuit of an independent research agenda
– Administration


– Doctorate in Sinology/Chinese Studies or related field
– Independent research project (to be described in a detailed proposal)

Applications citing the reference number 162/2013 and including the usual supporting materials (degree certificates, application letter, CV, 1-2 selected article publications, research proposal) must be submitted to the following address by August 23, 2013, either by regular mail or electronically (pdf):

Universität Leipzig
Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften
Herrn Dekan Prof.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Professor of China Studies

Aarhus University, Denmark
Deadline: 16th Sep 2013

The Department of Culture and Society at Aarhus University invites applications for a permanent position as Professor of China Studies with a focus on contemporary Chinese society.  The position is available from 1st March 2014.



The department is especially interested in applicants with documented research on the effects of globalisation on Chinese society. The successful applicant will be expected to strengthen the department’s research activities and output as well as helping to raise the profile of research in modern and contemporary China Studies at Aarhus University.
The successful applicant will be required to teach and supervise Chinese language and society at all levels. He or she is furthermore expected to take a leading role in developing new multidisciplinary study programmes in Area Studies, in collaboration with representatives of other existing Area Study programmes.

The successful applicant is expected to take an interest in interdisciplinary research cooperation, especially with relevant areas at the School of Business and Social Sciences.… Read more ⤻

Conference: Questioning Modernity 質問現代性 Critical Engagement with Western Knowledge in Late Imperial and Republican China 晚期中華帝國與民國時期針對西學的批判性交涉

Göttingen, Germany
22nd 24th Nov 2013

"Over the past 20 years, the development of modern knowledge in China has been a focus of much research. Core topics of debate have included whether the late Ming-early Qing period already contained indigenous elements of modern science; that is, the relative weight and importance of internal traditions and their dynamic developments vis-à-vis external, mostly Western factors. Many projects have focused on the reception

Second Call: Phd Scholarships in EUAP Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China
Deadline: 15th Aug 2013

International Research Scholarship (PhD Scholarship) – The European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) is inviting applications for a PhD Scholarship in the fields of European Union Studies / EU Relations with China / East Asia.

The EUAP is a consortium of four universities in Hong Kong, co-financed by the European Commission. It is dedicated to strengthening research expertise on the European Union and its engagement with and in East Asia.
The EUAP welcomes cutting-edge inter-disciplinary research proposals from prospective candidates. The Scholarship Scheme is an excellent opportunity for outstanding Master degree students from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to conduct doctoral research at one of the EUAP member universities in Hong Kong.

Applications are now invited in the following areas:


  • Trade and economic relations
  • Comparative Law
  • Civil society relations
  • Security and/or foreign policy.

The successful candidate will be awarded the scholarship in the form of a monthly studentship sufficient to cover tuition fee, accommodation and sundries for a maximum period of three years (approx.… Read more ⤻

Doctoral Research Fellow position in East Asian and South Asian Language Based Area Studies

Oslo, Norway
Deadline: 1st Sep 2013


One PhD position are available within East Asian or South Asian language based area studies at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS). The topic of the applicant’s PhD project should be related to geographical areas in Asia relevant for research at the Department (China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, India, Bangladesh). It is also required that the project is thematically relevant to current research at the Department. The applicant must document relevant language competence and the project should be based on sources in Asian language(s).

The appointment is for a period of 3 years and the doctoral thesis is expected to be completed within the given time frame.

The person appointed will be affiliated with the Faculty’s organized research training. The academic work must result in a doctoral thesis that will be defended at the Faculty with a view to obtaining the degree of PhD.… Read more ⤻

5 Doctoral Positions (according to the German TV-L) and 5 PhD Scholarships

Munich and Regensburg, Germany
Deadline: 1st Sept 2013

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies invites applications for 5 Doctoral Positions (according to the German TV-L) and 5 PhD Scholarships.

These positions and scholarships are available from November 15, 2013 for two years initially. Subject to evidence of satisfactory progress at the end of this period, they will be extended for a maximum of eighteen months.
The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies is a cooperative venture organized by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich and the University of Regensburg. The School is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the German Excellence Initiative from November 2012 until October 2017. Research at the Graduate School will be conducted in three broad, interdisciplinary fields:

  • Origins and Forms of Social and Political Change
  • Cultural Systems
  • Infrastructure, Migration and Transfer of Knowledge

Research at the Graduate School especially focuses on interrelations and interdependencies between East and Southeast Europe and other regions of the World.… Read more ⤻

The Society for the Study of Early China’s (SSEC) Second Annual Conference

Philadelphia, USA
26th Mar 2014

More than 40 scholars attended the Society’s first annual conference on 21 March 2013 and heard a broad range of outstanding papers. We hope the second annual conference will be even more successful. As in 2013, the second SSEC conference will take place the day before the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting and at the same venue.

The organizing committee invites individual proposals for presentations of 15-20 minutes concerning any aspect of early China studies. Submit proposals in PDF or DOC format to SSECconference2014@gmail.com. Each proposal should include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation and rank, contact information, paper title, and an abstract not to exceed 250 words in length. The deadline for proposals is November 15, 2014.

All are welcome to attend the SSEC conference in Philadelphia. If you are not a current member of the Society for the Study of Early China, we urge you to become one now by ordering its journal, Early China (see www.earlychina.org… Read more ⤻

European Association For Asian Art And Archaeology (EAAA) newly founded

Deadline: 15th Nov 2013
Olomouc, Czech Republic
25th - 27th Sept 2014

The board of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology is pleased to announce the establishment of EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR ASIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY (EAAA).
The association shall:
- encourage and advance all academic and scholarly activities related to Asian Art and archaeology in all countries of Europe;


Call for Applications: Visiting Fellows (Sinology)

Erlangen, Germany
Deadlines: 15th Jan, 15th Apr and 15th Sep

Postdoctoral and Senior Fellowships at IKGF "Fate, Freedom and Prognostication" (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)

The International Consortium for Research in the Humanities "Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication. Strategies of Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe" at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg invites applications for fellowships. We primarily invite scholars from the broader field of Sinology who are working on issues related to our research focus "Fate, Freedom and Prognostication" and preferably those who are open to a comparative approach in an Asian-European perspective. A project description may be downloaded at Research > General Outline.
The project will run until 2015 and will cover the following research phases:
Phase 1: Philosophy and Intellectual History, Sacrality, Authorities, Places
Phase 2: Divination and Rationality, Elites and Counsel to Rulers
Phase 3: Modernity, Historical Thought.

We offer an inspiring research atmosphere in an interdisciplinary and international environment. Salary is competitive and offers the possibility to substitute the fellow at his or her home institution.… Read more ⤻

Public Lecture Series: International Consortium for Research in the Humanities 2013

Erlangen, Germany
14th May - 16th July 2013

International Consortium for Research in the Humanities IKGF -  www.ikgf.fau.de

Tue 14.05. The Eschatological Meaning of the Templum Domini in Jerusalem (Dome of the Rock)
Dr. Michelina Di Cesare (IKGF Visiting Fellow) Kollegienhaus, KH 2.012

Tue 28.05. Astromania, Astrophobia, Futuroscopia, and the Last Death of the Astrologer-Doctor in Golden Age Spain

Stellenausschreibung: Universitätsprofessorin / Universitätsprofessor für Chinesisch: Sprache, Kultur, Translation

Universität Mainz
Deadline: 1st Aug 2013

Im Fachbereich 06 - Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft , Arbeitsbereich Chinesische Sprache ist zum 01.04.2014 die Stelle einer Universitätsprofessorin oder eines Universitätsprofessors für Chinesisch: Sprache, Kultur, Translation (Bes.Gr. W 2 BBesG) zu besetzen.
Die Stelleninhaberin oder der Stelleninhaber vertritt das Fach in Forschung und Lehre im M.A.

9th International Sinology Forum

Leiria, Portugal,
20th – 22nd Feb 2014

The Portuguese Institute of Sinology is currently organizing its 9th International Sinology Forum, to be held on 20, 21 and 22 February in Leiria (Portugal) on the topic “China: Tradition and Modernity”.
For this purpose it is welcoming papers from specialists on China, in particular researchers, scholars and postgraduate students.
China is a huge country with a history stretching over millennia. An immeasurable number of its customs and values have lasted down the ages, surviving the impact of successive waves of modernity that have assailed it. Some of the old values came down to us often confused with habits or traditions. And so it is that, with every aspect of contemporary Chinese society being deeply rooted in tradition, the country is at the same time experiencing a period of increasing creativity. Tradition and modernity are in fact complementary, and together they may represent socio-cultural equilibrium. With the theme ‘China: Tradition and Modernity’, the 9th International Sinology Forum will address the various contemporaneities of this extraordinary country, looking at their philosophical, cultural, economic and social facets.… Read more ⤻

International Conference “Sinologists as Translators in the 17-19th Centuries: Archives and Context”

SOAS, London, UK
19th - 21st Jun 2013

This conference is jointly organized by the Department of the Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and the Research Centre for Translation Studies at the Chinese University Hong Kong (CUHK).
This conference is sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (Taiwan) and the Research Centre for Translation Studies at CUHK.
Please note that the venue of this conference is at the SOAS Vernon

International Conference “Standards of Validity in Late Imperial China”

Heidelberg, Germany
4th – 6th Oct, 2013

Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies. Making a major contribution to the global history of science and knowledge, this conference aims to reconstruct the standards of validity that governed scholarly discourses in late imperial China. By recovering the implicit criteria of truth or credibility that were encoded in argumentative practices, we seek to interrogate how Chinese scholars made and maintained shared assumptions about validity and veracity in the absence of explicit logical systems. Scholars of early-modern European science have explicated how scientists and philosophers developed distinct “cultures of reasoning” by creating logical mechanisms for assessing the validity of observations and truth claims. We seek to demonstrate that reasoning was not unique to European culture, for late imperial Chinese scholars also developed shared standards to assess and critique the validity of arguments long before they encountered “Western learning.” By analyzing concrete and historically situated argumentative practices, we hope to reconstitute the rules of argumentation in late imperial China from the ground up, and within the diverse intellectual contexts in which they emerged.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Part-Time Research Assistant, China Press

CEFC, Hong Kong
Start date: 22th July 2013

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC), based in Hong Kong, seeks a well-organized, energetic research assistant (P/T) to coordinate its monitoring and analysis of the Chinese-language press.
Candidates should be interested in working in a friendly, high-paced, collaborative trilingual (English, Chinese, French), academic environment, and have a strong academic interest in contemporary China (e.g. politics, economics, international relations, etc.) and/or PRC and Hong Kong press.

Job Description. The Research Assistant will work closely with the CEFC researchers and associate researchers to contribute to the CEFC’s research and publication activities, including:

    Supporting research work on a wide range of thematic issues covered by the Centre (politics, economics, society, culture) through monitoring mainland and Hong Kong newspapers, Websites, journals, and other sources;
    Maintaining and developing the Centre’s thematically-organized digital press archive, and small library (this includes some administrative tasks such as keeping track of subscriptions, book orders, etc.);… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies

The Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies (i.e., former Journal of Chinese Studies, ISSN: 2224-2716), recently indexed by the EBSCOhost™ database system and ProQuest™ database system to improve its visibility, is an international peer-reviewed academic journal (in English) which is edited by the Overseas Education College of Xiamen University in China. It publishes articles and reviews on a full gamut of Chinese studies which include but are not limited to Chinese language education, Chinese linguistics, Chinese culture, Chinese literature, Chinese arts, Chinese history, Chinese society, Chinese politics and economy. It intends to promote research and provide an interface for scholarly communications and discussions in the fields.

The deadlines for submission of papers are Febuary 15, May 15, August 15, and November 15 respectively for the March, June, September, and December issues. We are now calling for submission of papers for the fourth issue of the first volume.

All submitted articles should be original and are subjected to blind peer review and to the discretion of the editors.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Globalisation – Challenges for Translators and Interpreters

Zhuhai, Jinan University, PR China

29th – 30th Nov 2013


We are delighted to announce the following researchers as our keynote speakers:

–  Professor Roberto Valdeón (University of Oviedo, Spain)
–   Professor Myriam Salama-Carr (University of Salford, United Kingdom)
–   Associate Professor Henrik Gottlieb (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
–   Dr. Saihong Li (University of Salford, United Kingdom)


In translation studies the usual paradigms involve thinking about the two languages and the problems of communicating between them. It is assumed that any qualified or certified translator/interpreter is ‘functionally bilingual’ and has a high degree of competence in the grammatical and semantic properties of two or more languages. However, the question that is seldom asked is ‘What is one language?’ Is English one language? Is Chinese? Is Arabic? There are vast differences in cultural value, and in cultural assumptions, between an ‘English’ interpreter from China who has an Australian accent and one who has a British accent.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Oriens Extremus

Deadline 30th Mar 2014

Oriens Extremus invites contributions to a special section on changing notions of childhood and education in East Asia. Child and youth education has been a primary concern for East Asian societies for more than two millennia. From pre-natal education to primers, “family instructions,” private tutors, and national universities, concepts of childhood and education have influenced East Asian cultures in manifold ways.

Oriens Extremus calls for papers that deal with these concepts from a historical perspective and address issues and questions like the following: How did social transformations affect the conceptualization of childhood and education? In which ways are they reflected in changing school curricula? How did they relate to concepts such as “individuality,” “personhood,” “morals,” and “ethical relations”? How were concepts of childhood expressed in poetry and the visual arts?

Moreover, Oriens Extremus continues to welcome articles from any field pertaining to East Asian cultural and intellectual history. We also encourage the submission of reviews and review articles at any time.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Transcultural Identity Constructions in a Changing World

Dalarna University, Sweden
2nd - 4th Apr 2014

Deadline: 15th Oct 2013

 Updated leaflet...

Globalising processes have led, in recent decades, to critical re-evaluations of the ways in which ‘culture’ has traditionally been understood. Global capitalism, worldwide diffusion and popularisation of communication technologies, as well as increased mobility of people, information, and consumer goods, are some of the

Vacant Position: Research Assistant Professor

European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP)
Deadline: 15th Jun 2013

The EUAP now seeks outstanding applicants for a Research Assistant Professorship, which is created and funded as part of an overall strategy to strengthen research and teaching in current European Union affairs. The position is suitable in particular for younger researchers who would like to gain more experience in the public and academic discourse between the EU and the greater China region. Applicants should hold a PhD in political science, economics or another social science-related discipline and currently work on topics of European Union developments, preferably with an emphasis on ‘Europe 2020’ strategies.

The position will be available 1 September 2013 for one year. Salary will be in line with the University’s common rates for Research Assistant Professorships.

Interested candidates may make informal confidential enquiries via the EUAP office (euaphk@hkbu.edu,hk), Mr. Martin Ho. Further information can also be obtained through the EUAP website (http://europe.hkbu.edu.hk/euap/) or via Facebook ‘HKEUAP’.… Read more ⤻

Visiting Scholarships (PostDoc)

European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP)

The European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) is inviting applications for Visiting Scholarships at the postdoc level for research/teaching sojourns of four months duration (one semester) at EUAP institutions in Hong Kong (fall/winter term 2013, 2014, 2015).

Review of applications will begin by late March 2013 and will continue until the positions are filled. The envisaged starting date for the first Visiting Scholar is 1 September 2013.

Successful applicants will receive a monthly stipend plus accommodation allowance of max. 53,000 HK$ to cover living expenses and an additional travel allowance to/from Hong Kong up to 12,000 GK$.

Interested candidates may make informal confidential enquiries via the EUAP office (euaphk@hkbu.edu.hk), Mr. Martin Ho.

Application Procedure:

Applicants are invited to write a detailed letter of motivation in response to the requirements and provide a portfolio documenting previous relevant experience. They should also fill in an application form, which is obtainable by downloading from http://pers.hkbu.edu.hk/applicationforms… Read more ⤻

International Workshop: War of Ideas, Ideas of War – The Role of Military Thought in Early China

5th – 6th Jun 2013

Barcelona, Spain

Co organized by: Albert Galvany (Pompeu Fabra), Paul van Els (U. Leiden)
Funded by: Chiang Ching kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Marie Curie Actions
Intra European Fellowships
Location: Classroom 40.113, Campus Ciutadella, UPF, Ramon Trias Fargas 25 – 27, Barcelona
Free admission. For more information: http://www.upf.edu/mxina/


External Link to this events website



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Anecdotes Workshop Chinese texts

Leiden, Netherlands
31st May – 1st Jun 2013

Featuring over a dozen presentations by specialists from a variety of nations and affiliations, the Anecdotes Workshop explores the various functions of anecdotes in early Chinese texts. Time: Friday Mai 31 and Saturday June 1 Venue: Blue Room of City Hotel Nieuw Minerva (Boommarkt 23, Leiden) All are welcome! Admission is free, but registration is required, as seat availability is limited. For registration and further information about the workshop, please contact the organizer Paul van Els.

The Anecdotes Workshop is sponsored by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.






External Link to this events website



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Vacant Position: Professorship in Transcultural Studies (Chinese Studies): Economy and Society of China and East Asia

Heidelberg University
Deadline: 7th Jun 2013

The Center for East Asian Studies at Heidelberg University invites applications for the position of Full Professor (W3) in Transcultural Studies (Chinese Studies): Economy and Society of China and East Asia The position is part of the university program 2012 (to accommodate for growing numbers of students) initiated by the state of Baden-Württemberg and shall be filled as soon as possible. Depending on the field of applicants the position may be redesignated as an assistant professorship (W1) with a tenure track option and filled accordingly. Scholars at both levels of qualification are encouraged to apply.

The position is located at the Institute of Chinese Studies but designed to cooperate closely with colleagues in other institutes within the Center for East Asian Studies and at the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context.” The successful candidate is expected to contribute to research and teaching challenging the limitations of conventional area studies and social sciences.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Akademischer Rat/Rätin A 13 (TV-L E13)

Erlangen, Germany
Deadline: 31st Jul 2013

Am Lehrstuhl für Sinologie der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ist zum 15. November 2013 die Stelle eines/einer akademischen Rates/Rätin A 13 (TV-L E13) im befristeten Beamtenverhältnis (zunächst für drei Jahre) zu besetzen. Voraussetzungen sind ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium im Fach Sinologie, sichere Sprachkenntnisse im vor-modernen und modernen Chinesisch sowie sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.


Der/die Stelleninhaber/-in soll wissenschaftliche und administrative Aufgaben in Lehre
und Forschung übernehmen.


  • Lehrtätigkeiten im Bachelor- und Master Studiengang im Umfang von 5 Semesterwochenstunden pro Semester mit den Schwerpunkten klassisches Chinesisch, traditionelle chinesische Literatur und Hilfsmittel der Sinologie.
  • Beratung und Betreuung von Studierenden und Studieninteressierten.
  • Administrative Tätigkeiten wie die Gestaltung von Lehrveranstaltungsplänen, die Führung von Prüfungsterminlisten, die Auswahl und Führung wissenschaftlicher Hilfskräfte, Werbung für das Studienfach, Behandlung von Fragen hinsichtlich der Prüfungsordnungen, allgemeine Verwaltungstätigkeiten, Mitwirkung in der Selbstverwaltung der Hochschule und bei der Evaluierung der Studiengänge.
  • Mitwirkungen bei Prüfungen oder der Bewertung von Abschlussarbeiten.
  • Bereitschaft zur Beteiligung an Lehr- und Forschungsprojekten des Lehrstuhls.
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Vacant Position for Foreign Professors (Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor)

Hankuk Univ., Korea
Deadline: 25th May 2013

Specialization Areas: Classical Chinese Literature or Comparative Literature (Chinese-America/English Literature). Language Proficiency: Bilingual in Chinese and English. Duration: 2013.9-2014.8 (one year extension will be arranged, if necessary). Preferences: scholars with a long track record of publishing in A&HCI journals.

Materials to be submitted (in a form of electronic file)

1. Curriculum Vitae (with a photo)
2. Academic Certificates (original & copy)
3. Certificate for current employment (original & copy)
4. Certificates for previous employment (original & copy)
5. List of publications, and works
6. Digital Photo
7. Video clips, speaking in Chinese for 5 to 10 minutes & in English for 5 to 10 minutes

Contacts & Inquires: wenxuezhongguo@hanmail.net  

Dead Line: 2013.5.25 (By 2013.5.26 for the video clips)


Download the full vacancy ad with application form as DOC or PDF




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Call for applications: Summer School “Sites of Knowledge: Space, Locality, and Circulation between Asia and Europe.”

Heidelberg, Germany
4th – 8th Aug 2013
Deadline: May 31st 2013

The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University welcomes applications for its Summer School 2013 "Sites of Knowledge: Space, Locality, and Circulation between Asia and Europe." It will take place from August 4 to 8 in Heidelberg, Germany.

This year's Summer School will explore the significance of space and locality for the generation and circulation of knowledge. Starting from the premise that space and place shape the social interactions in which knowledge is made and remade, the Summer School will address questions such as: Is all knowledge local? Does the situatedness of knowledge preclude claims to 'truth' and 'universality'? And how can we best conceptualize the liminal spaces in which knowledge is traded or transmitted? Individual sessions will focus on selected places involved in circulations of knowledge between and within early modern Asia and Europe, ranging from courts, schools, academies, temples, and observatories to print shops, bazaars, roadhouses, ports and ships.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Manchester Chinese Studies -post 1500 literature and arts

Manchester, UK
Deadline: 5th Jun 2013

We welcome applications from candidates working on any aspect of Chinese culture, but preference will be given to candidates working on literature and/or the arts, ideally post-1500.  Candidates MUST be fluent in English and Chinese. You will join Manchester’s Centre for Chinese Studies, a leading interdisciplinary teaching and research unit which brings together research into diverse aspects of China and Asia.
The post is available from 1 September 2013.
Interviews are provisionally scheduled for mid-June 2013.

Position Manchester Chinese Studies -post 1500 literature and arts
Closing date :05/06/2013
Reference :HUM-02717
Faculty / Organisational unit :Humanities
School / Directorate :School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
Division :Language Based Area Studies
Salary : £33,230 to £45,941
Employment type :Permanent
Hours per week :Full-time
Location :Oxford Road

For more info please see

External Link…

Dagmar Schäfer , Chair,  Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS), History of Technology | School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures (SALC) |
The University of Manchester | Manchester M 13 9PL, UK |Oxford Road, Samuel Alexander Building | Tel: +44 (0)161 2757052 | Fax: +44 (0)161 2753031|




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Full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship on The history of mathematics in relation to astral sciences — ancient and medieval Indian sources

Paris, France
Deadline: 21st Jun 2013

European Research Council (ERC) project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW): New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day”

Karine Chemla (Principal Investigator)

Agathe Keller & Christine Proust (Co-directors)

The European Research Council Project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW)” is calling for applications for a full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship.

General aims of the project. The SAW project is dedicated to sources that have come down to us from the ancient world and attest to mathematical activities, specifically, though not exclusively, to sources produced in Mesopotamia, China, and the Indian sub-continent. The ambition of SAW is to
develop new theoretical approaches to the history of ancient mathematics in order to highlight a motley of practices within what at the present day too often are presented as homogeneous wholes, as shown by the frequent use of terms such as “Mesopotamian mathematics”, “Chinese mathematics”, and “Indian mathematics”.… Read more ⤻

Full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship Ancient mathematics in secondary schools: issues, current practices and new perspectives

Paris, France
Deadline: 21st Jun 2013

European Research Council (ERC) project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW): New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day”

Karine Chemla (Principal Investigator)
Agathe Keller & Christine Proust (Co-directors)

The European Research Council Project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW)” is calling for applications for a full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship, rewarding the most relevant topic with respect to its objectives.

General aims of the project. The SAW project is dedicated to sources that have come down to us from the ancient world and attest to mathematical activities, specifically, though not exclusively, to sources produced in Mesopotamia, China, and the Indian sub-continent. The ambition of SAW is to
develop new theoretical approaches to the history of ancient mathematics in order to highlight a motley of practices within what at the present day too often are presented as homogeneous wholes, as shown by the frequent use of terms such as “Mesopotamian mathematics”, “Chinese mathematics”, and “Indian mathematics”.… Read more ⤻

Full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship Mathematical practices in the context of astral sciences in ancient China

Paris, France
Deadline: 21st Jun 2013

European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Research project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW): New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day” Karine Chemla (Principal Investigator) Agathe Keller & Christine Proust (Co-directors)
The European Research Council Project “Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW)” is calling for applications for a full-time doctoral or post-doctoral scholarship, rewarding the most relevant topic with respect to its objectives.

General aims of the project. The SAW project is dedicated to sources that have come down to us from the ancient world and attest to mathematical activities, specifically, though not exclusively, to sources produced in Mesopotamia, China, and the Indian sub-continent. The ambition of SAW is to
develop new theoretical approaches to the history of ancient mathematics in order to highlight a motley of practices within what at the present day too often are presented as homogeneous wholes, as shown by the frequent use of terms such as “Mesopotamian mathematics”, “Chinese mathematics”,
and “Indian mathematics”.… Read more ⤻

Vacant Position: Executive director, Confucius Institute

Bremen, Germany
Deadline: 20th May 2013

Das neu gegründete Konfuzius-Institut Bremen e.V. (KIB) sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Geschäftsführer/in mit einer wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit von 29,5 h. Die Vergütung erfolgt in Anlehnung an die Ent-geltgruppe 10 oder 11 des TV-L. Neben der allgemeinen Aufgabe eines Konfuzius-Instituts – der Vermittlung von Sprache und Kultur Chinas – legt das Bremer Institut seinen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf die Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik Chinas. Als Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Capital Normal University in Beijing mit Bremer Hochschulen, Verwaltungen und Unternehmen will es die Bremer China-Kompetenzen weiter stärken und zusätzlichen Raum für den Dialog mit China bieten.

Der Aufgabenbereich der zu besetzenden Stelle beinhaltet u.a.:

  • Gründungsaktivitäten wie Büroeinrichtung, Büro- und Arbeitsorganisation und grundle-gende KIB-Planungen
  • Kontaktaufnahme und Pflege der Beziehungen zu regionalen, nationalen und internatio-nalen Einrichtungen und Institutionen
  • Ausarbeitung, Organisation und Umsetzung vielfältiger Projekte mit verschiedensten ge-sellschaftlichen Institutionen und Gruppen
  • Betreuung des aus China entsandten Personals / Zusammenarbeit mit Personal und Insti-tutsvorstand
  • Vorbereitung der Vereinssitzungen, Berichte für den Vorstand und Hanban
  • PR-Arbeit
  • Erstellen von Prospektmaterialien

Dafür suchen wir eine Person, die folgende Qualifikationen aufweist:

  • Abgeschlossenes wirtschafts- oder sozialwissenschaftliches Studium mit Schwerpunkt China und Chinesisch oder abgeschlossenes sinologisches Studium mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft/ Gesellschaft
  • Berufserfahrung, Projekterfahrung, Chinaerfahrung
  • Planungs- und Organisationskompetenzen einschließlich Finanzplanung
  • Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit, insbesondere auch der interkulturellen Kommunikation
  • Marketing- und PR-Fähigkeiten
  • Fremdsprachenkenntnisse: Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift, Chinesisch sehr gut
  • Computerkompetenzen einschließlich Content-Management der Homepage

Bewerbungen mit vollständigen und aussagefähigen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Kopien der Zeug-nisse) senden Sie bitte bis zum 20.… Read more ⤻

PhD Scholarship in Global History

Salzburg, Austria
Deadline: 22nd May 2013

Applications are invited for a 48 months (4 years) doctoral scholarship to be undertaken in the field of Global History with a research focus on the history of cross-cultural relations, knowledge and science transfer, or commercial/economic exchange relations to be carried out at the Department of History, Salzburg University, Austria (supervisor Prof. Dr. Angela Schottenhammer).
The position will be available from 1 October 2013. Applications from candidates with a focus on Sino-Islamic relations, Sino-Central Asian/Eurasian/East-West connections or on the history of seafaring/nautics/shipbuilding/navy in Asia are especially welcome. The scholarship provides an opportunity to work in international and interdisciplinary network of scholars working on global history.

The successful candidate should be open for new methodological approaches including the combination of textual and archaeological sources, possesses a strong knowledge of classical Chinese and at least one other language related to the topic of his/her research. Working language will be English and/or German.… Read more ⤻

IV International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies

Barcelona, Spain

1st Jul 2013

The fourth symposium for young researchers is aimed at students who are about to begin their research, master students, doctoral students, and students who have recently completed their PhD theses. The objective of the symposium is to provide a scientific forum within which the next generation of researchers can exchange ideas and present the research they are carrying out in the field of Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies.


As well as papers presented by participants, there will be a plenary lecture given by internationally renowned researcher.

The symposium will take place on the 1st of July 2013 at the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Papers are welcomed on topics relating to the research interests of the Department of Translation and Interpreting. These include:

Translation and Interpreting

  • Specialized translation
  • Literary translation
  • Audiovisual translation and media accessibility
  • Interpreting
  • Information and communication technologies in translation
  • Translator and interpreter training
  • History of translation and interpreting
  • Interculturality, ideology and the sociology of translation and interpreting
  • Textuality and translation
  • Cognitive studies in translation and interpreting
  • Professional aspects of translation and interpreting
  • Empirical research in translation and interpreting

East Asian Studies

  • East Asian languages and literatures
  • Politics and international relations in East Asia
  • Culture, thought, and interculturality in East Asia
  • Economy of East Asia

The languages of the symposium are Catalan, Spanish and English.… Read more ⤻

PhD Summer School: Translation Studies, Intercultural Studies, East Asian Studies

Barcelona, Spain
24th Jun - 1st Jul 2013

The PhD Summer School, now in its fourth edition, is organised by the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. This week-long summer school aims at promoting quality research by encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences amongst young researchers and providing a forum within which students and lecturers can share interests and experiences.

Vacant position: Researcher

Salzburg, Austria
Deadline: 22nd May 2013

Am Fachbereich Geschichte der Universität Salzburg gelangt die Stelle eines/r wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters/in im Forschungs- und Lehrbetrieb gemäß UG und Angestelltengesetz mit einem/r Universitätsassistenten/in gem. § 26 Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten (Dissertant/in) zur Besetzung. (Verwendungsgruppe B1; das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt € 1.899,00 brutto (14 x jährlich) und kann sich eventuell auf Basis der kollektivvertraglichen Vorschriften durch die Anrechnung tätigkeitsspezifischer Vorerfahrungen erhöhen)

  • Vorgesehener Dienstantritt: 1. Oktober 2013
  • Beschäftigungsdauer: 4 Jahre
  • Beschäftigungsausmaß in Wochenstunden: 30
  • Arbeitszeit: nach Vereinbarung
  • Aufgabenbereiche: wissenschaftliche Unterstützung im Forschungs- und Lehrbetrieb im Bereich Globalgeschichte sowie administrative Aufgaben, selbständige Forschungstätigkeiten einschließlich der Abfassung und Veröffentlichung einer Dissertation und grundsätzlich ab dem dritten Verwendungsjahr selbständige Lehre im Ausmaß von zwei Wochenstunden; Mitarbeit beim Forschungsprojekt "The East Asian Mediterranean – The Indian Ocean World: The Making of the First Global Economy in the Context of Human-Environment Interaction" ist Voraussetzung (cf.http://indianoceanworldcentre.com/Team_3); der/die erfolgreiche Kandidat/in sollte einen historischen Forschungsschwerpunkt besitzen in den Bereichen interkulturelle Beziehungen, Wissens- und Wissenschaftstransfer, Umweltgeschichte, oder Handelsbeziehungen besitzen.
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New English language MA in Modern China Studies

Freiburg, Germany
Deadline: 15th Jul 2013

As of this autumn, Freiburg University offers an English language MA program Modern China Studies. Students will spend their 3rd semester abroad.
Prospective students should hold a BA degree in Chinese Studies. Alternatively, they may have graduated from other disciplines from the humanities or social sciences and have Chinese language skills equivalent to HSK 4.
We would appreciate if you could

Clart, Philip. Chinese and European Perspectives on the Study of Chinese Popular Religions. 中國民間宗教、民間信仰研究之中歐視角

This volume results from a conference held at the University of Leipzig (Germany) in the fall of 2010. Of the book's twelve chapters, five are in Chinese and seven in English. The authors include: Andreas Berndt, Nikolas Broy, Adam Yuet Chau, Gao Hongxia, Vincent Goossaert, Barend J. ter Haar, Volker Olles, Shao Yong, Tang Lixing, Xiaobing Wang-Riese, Xu Maoming, and Zhou Yumin.

Vacant position: Deputy Director of SOAS China Institute

SOAS China Institute, London, UK
Deadline: 7th Jun 2013

SOAS, University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies) will launch the SOAS China Institute (SCI) in Autumn 2013. The SCI will be at the forefront of a major strategic initiative, designed to confirm and strengthen the position of SOAS as the UK's foremost centre of research, teaching, and outreach with reference to China. The Institute will be an interdisciplinary "knowledge hub" bringing together the expertise of the largest community of China scholars housed under one roof in the Western world. It will promote independent, critical analysis of China, provide new and exciting opportunities for postgraduate training and postdoctoral research, and produce scholarly work of the highest international quality.

To support this initiative, the School seeks to appoint to this newly created Senior Lecturer/Reader position a scholar who has an established international reputation for research, preferably in the social sciences, and can display extensive experience of collaborative work in an interdisciplinary context.… Read more ⤻

Vacant position: Director of SOAS China Institute

SOAS China Institute, London, UK
Deadline: 17th May 2013

SOAS, University of London, (School of Oriental and African Studies) will launch the SOAS China Institute (SCI) in Autumn 2013. The SCI will be at the forefront of a major strategic initiative, designed to confirm and strengthen the position of SOAS as the UK's foremost centre of research, teaching, and outreach with reference to China. The Institute will be an interdisciplinary "knowledge hub" bringing together the expertise of the largest community of China scholars housed under one roof in the Western world. It will promote independent, critical analysis of China, provide new and exciting opportunities for postgraduate training and postdoctoral research, and produce scholarly work of the highest international quality.

To lead this initiative, the School seeks to appoint a senior scholar in the field of contemporary China studies, with particular reference to the social sciences, to assume the inaugural Directorship of the SCI, either immediately upon appointment or after an appropriate period of familiarization with the institution.… Read more ⤻

International Workshop: “Techniques of Prediction I: Chronomancy”

Erlangen, Germany
May 7th - 8th 2013

Convenors: Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner (IKGF director), Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard (Univ. Heidelberg, Univ. Lille 1, IKGF Former Visiting Fellow)
Location: Senatssaal (Schloss, Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen)

Our workshop series’ focus is upon techniques of inductive or highly rationalized divination, modes of divination that do not depend entirely (or not at all) on inspired

Call for papers: Ming Qing yanjiu

Deadline: 30th Nov 2013

MING QING YANJIU, founded in 1992, is a journal dedicated primarily to advanced studies of pre-modern China. This journal provides a forum for scholars from a variety of fields related to late imperial and early republican period that aim to have a cross-disciplinary discourse. Contributions in sociology, literature, psychology, anthropology, history, geography, linguistics, semiotics, political science, and philosophy, as well as book reviews are welcome.
Han and Non-Han: identities, foreign influences and characters from the “Barbarian dynasties” of XI-XII century to early republican China
Deadline: November 30, 2013
Intended date of publication: July 2014       
For information please refer to External Link
And/or contact mingqing@unior.it; dguida@unior.it

Published by the Università degli Studi di Napoli“L’Orientale”
Dept. Asia, Africa and Mediterraneum



 … Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: XXIV. Jahrestagung der DVCS “Raum und Grenze”

Würzburg, Germany
8th - 9th Nov 2013

Mit dem Tagungsthema „Raum und Grenze“ möchten wir zur Erkundung und Reflexionräumlicher Zusammenhänge in den China-Studien einladen. Im Sinne des „spatial turn“ in den Kulturwissenschaften soll eine Leitfrage dieser Tagung in der Auslotung des Erkenntnispotentials der Hinwendung zum Raum in der China-Forschung bestehen. Wir erhoffen uns Auseinandersetzungen

Call for Applications: CEFC short-term mobility grant for doctoral research on contemporary China

Deadline: May 10th 2013

French version see below. The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is offering three fieldwork grants for doctoral students, ranging from one to three months, to be carried out between June 2013 and December 2013 in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. The grant comprises a monthly stipend of 1200 € as well as a round-trip air ticket between Europe and China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, within the limit of 1000 €.

Applicants shall satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  •     Be enrolled in a doctoral program in a French or European university (located in a member-state of the European Union or of the European Higher Education Area), in the field of humanities and social sciences.
  •     Their research project must be situated within the scope of the CEFC’s mandate, which is to study political, economic, social and cultural developments in Greater China.

Within the framework of this grant, beneficiaries accept to:

  •     Submit to the CEFC a short report on their fieldwork, which may be included for example in the annual activity report of the Centre.
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Symposium: From Print to Publishing: The Changing Role of the Book in China and the UK

Manchester, UK
May 9th 2013

This one-day symposium brings together professionals, academics, curators and artists from the fields of publishing in China and the UK to discuss the changing character of print and art book publishing; the developing role of self-publishing and artists’ book initiatives, and the impact of online

Workshop: Contemporary Research on Chinese Women 當代中國女性研究研討會

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

May 11th 2013

The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and the Centre Franco Chinois cordially invite you to attend the following workshop: 法國現代中國研究中心及中法中心誠邀閣下參加以下研討會:WORKSHOP “CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH ON CHINESE WOMEN” 當代中國女性研究研討會

Venue: Wenbei Building, Room 206 05 月11 日 清華大學文北樓 206 室


SESSION 1: Property Ownership and Gender Inequality Speakers: Tang Can (Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Sally Sargeson (Research Fellow, Australian National University), and Leta Hong Fincher (Ph.D. Candidate, Tsinghua University) Discussant: Aurore Merle (Assistant Professor, Sociology Department of Tsinghua University) 论坛1: 物产与性别不平等 主講:唐灿(中国社会科学院社会学研究所家庭与性别研究室研究员),Sally Sargeson (澳大利亚国立大学研究员) ,及洪理达 (清华大学社会学系博士生) 评论: Aurore Merle 梅晓红 (清华大学社会学系讲师)

SESSION 2: Feminism and Gender studies in contemporary China Speakers: Feng Yuan (Independent Scholar) and Guo Yuhua (Professor, Sociology Department of Tsinghua University) Discussant: Jean-Philippe Béja (Researcher,CNRS, SciencePo Paris) 论坛2: 当代中国的女权主义和女性研究 主講:冯媛(独立学者)和郭于华(清华大学社会学系教授) 评论: Jean-Philippe Béja 白夏 (巴黎政治学院教授,法国国家科研中心研究员)


For registration, please contact: contact@beijing-cfc.org


Download the program 下載程序表 as PDF



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Workshop: Southeast Asia regional Security in the Context of Sino-U.S. Rivalry

SOAS, London, UK

7th June 2013

Venue: G50, Russell Square Campus Main Building, SOAS, University of London

Workshop Schedule

10:30AM Registration and Coffee

11:00AM Keynote Speech
Prof. Rosemary Foot (Oxford)
‘The Disruption of China's Resurgence: Reflections from an IR Perspective’

12:00PM Lunch

1:30PM Session 1: Southeast Asia and Geopolitics
Moderator: Dr. Stephen Hopgood (SOAS)

Dr. Alan Collins (Swansea)
‘The South China Sea Dispute: A State-Induced Security Dilemma’

Dr. Cheng-Chwee Kuik (Oxford)
‘Malaysia between the Great Powers: Policy Tradeoffs in a Small State’s Alignment Choice’

Dr. Jurgen Haacke (LSE)
‘Myanmar: Now a Site for
Sino–US Geopolitical Competition?’

Discussant: Dr. Evelyn Goh (Royal Holloway)

3:30PM Coffee Break

4:00pm Session 2: Southeast Asia and Non-conventional Security
Moderator: Dr. Dafydd Fell (SOAS)

Dr. Lee Jones (Queen Mary)
‘Non-Traditional Security, Political Economy and State Transformation: The Case of Avian Influenza in Indonesia’

Dr. Elena Barabantseva (Manchester)
‘Marriage Migration and Security on the Sino-Vietnamese Border’

Discussant: Dr.… Read more ⤻

Public Lecture Series: SOAS Centre for Chinese Studies


London, UK, 2013

The seminars are free, open to the public and no booking is required (unless otherwise stated).


China’s Unfinished Revolution: The Challenges Facing the New Leadership

Date: Wednesday, 1st May 2013 Time: 5.00 – 6.00 pm, Speaker: Mr Jonathan Fenby (Research Associate, CCS), Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings Room: Khalili Lecture Theatre, Details: External Link…


The Shanghai-Beijing Nexus and the Invention of the Capital Correspondent in the Late Qing and Early Republic

Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2013 Time: 5.00 – 7.00 pm,  Speaker: Tim Weston, University of ColoradoVenue: Russell Square: College Buildings Room: 4418, Details: External Link…


Centre of Chinese Studies Studies www.soas.ac.uk/chinesestudies/ Connect with us on > FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/China.SOAS


Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this email is as accurate as possible at the time it is sent. We cannot guarantee, however, that subsequent changes have not been made.Read more ⤻

Vacant position: Juniorprofessur (W 1, Tenure Track) für Sinologie

Tübingen, Germany
Deadline: 15th May 2013

In der Abteilung für Sinologie und Koreanistik des Asien-Orient-Instituts der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ist zum 1. Oktober 2013 eine Juniorprofessur (W 1, Tenure Track) für Sinologie zu besetzen.

Die Besetzung erfolgt im Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit, zunächst für vier Jahre. Eine Verlängerung um weitere zwei Jahre ist nach positiver Evaluation vorgesehen. Die Besetzung der Juniorprofessur ist mit Tenure Track für die Berufung auf eine W 3-Professur verbunden. Das weitere Berufungsverfahren wird angemessen vereinfacht und ohne neuerliche Ausschreibung durchgeführt (§ 48 Abs. 2 LHG).
Die Professur soll sich in der Forschung mit der Rolle Chinas in der Geschichte der Globalisierung auseinandersetzen, mit einem Schwerpunkt im Zeitraum vom 16. Jh. bis in die Gegenwart. Für die Anschlussfähigkeit der Professur ist zudem eine profunde theoretische Orientierung gegenüber den entsprechenden historischen Fächern der Universität unerlässlich.
Vorausgesetzt wird eine umfassende Vertrautheit mit relevanten akademischen Diskursen in West und Ost sowie, je nach Schwerpunkt, die vollumfängliche Beherrschung moderner und vormoderner chinesischer Sprachformen.… Read more ⤻

20th NZASIA Biennial International Conference: “Environment, Dis/Location and Cultural Space”

Auckland, New Zealand,
22-24 November 2013
The University of Auckland this year hosts the twentieth conference of the New Zealand Asian Studies Society.  Panels and papers which respond to the theme are particularly invited and will be considered for publication, but the conference will cover the full range of disciplinary and area studies approaches to East, Southeast and South Asia and all paper and panel proposals will be given full consideration.

Call for papers: International Journal of Area Studies

Deadline: 15th Jun 2013

Planned publication time: Oct 2013


We would like to invite proposals for articles for an open access academic English language blind peer review journal ‘International Journal of Area Studies‘ to be published in October, 2013. This issue is devoted to Chinese and Taiwanese studies.
The Journal, published semiannually in March and October, is devoted to area studies from the humanities and social sciences perspectives (including but not limited to research on history, religion, philosophy, politics, and social processes in the regions of the world).
We are interested in receiving article proposals related to different facets of the aforementioned scientific fields.
Though the Journal first of all is aimed at becoming a scholarly outlet for scholars engaged in area (including North European) studies who are based in Central and Eastern Europe, it naturally welcomes contributions by authors residing and working anywhere in the world. In addition, the Journal welcomes texts by aspiring young researchers, including graduate and post-graduate students.… Read more ⤻

Lecturer in Contemporary Chinese Studies (fixed-term)

Nottingham, Uk
Deadline 1st May 2013


Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the above post based in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Management, Human Resource Management, International Business and Marketing. The role will undertake original research of international excellence in relevant areas compatible with existing activity within the School, publish results of research in internationally-leading peer-reviewed journals and seek and secure external research funding as appropriate. The role holder will be expected to disseminate research findings through the media, as well as at conferences, workshops and meetings. Furthermore, they will also give instruction through high quality lectures, tutorials or demonstrations to classes of all grades of students and contribute to assessments for initial and higher degrees of the University. The role holder will undertake administrative and personal tutor duties and generally assist with the efficient and effective completion of the work of the School as required.… Read more ⤻

Vacant position: Lectureship in Modern China Studies (38 hours a week)

Leiden, Netherlands
Deadline: 22nd Apr 2013

The Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University invites applications for a fulltime, fixed-term replacement lectureship in Modern China Studies. We seek a scholar with expertise in the politics of modern and contemporary China (including the political, administrative and legal system) in both domestic and international contexts, with special attention to East Asia. Teaching will include survey courses and seminars on topics of choice. The lecturer must have an excellent command of modern Chinese. Competence in other East Asian languages is an advantage. S/he must be open to interdisciplinary and inter-regional collaborative work. The appointment will be for the period from August 2013 through January 2016. Leiden University aims to employ more women in areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore especially invited to apply.

Since its founding in 1575, Leiden University has built an internationally recognized record of excellence in teaching and research.  Leiden University is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). … Read more ⤻

Call for Submission of Manuscripts for Eurosinica Series

EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches.

Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings.… Read more ⤻

Offering of one-year fellowships (post-doctoral position)

Prague, Czech Republic
Deadline: 31st May 2013

Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague is offering one-year fellowships to outstanding scholars (with a preference on non-Czech residents) of history and cultures of the countries of Asia (with a preference on Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, East Asia) for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Eligibility: This position is open to recent PhDs (as a post-doctoral position). PhD must be completed by September 1, 2013.
Terms: The position is open beginning by September 2013 (negotiable). The annual salary will be in the 12.000-14.500 EUR range. Researchers are expected to be in residence at the Oriental Institute in Prague. During their residence, researchers are required to produce academic publications (ideally turn their doctoral dissertations into monographs) and participate in all Oriental Institute seminars and other events. We reserve the right not to fill this position.
Deadline for applications: May 31, 2013.
Notification: June 30, 2013.… Read more ⤻

PhD studentship: Deconstruction and construction of national traditions and science in China (DEKONTRAV)

Charles University, Prague

The Institute of East Asian Studies at Charles University, Prague, announces a three year PhD studentship associated with the research project Deconstruction and construction of national traditions and science in China (DEKONTRAV). The studentship will be tenable from the academic year 2013–14.
Science and the scientific spirit were important attributes of modernity for the early twentieth century Chinese intellectuals. On the other hand, scientists and scientific educators in the same period shared the patriotic enthusiasm and cultural sensitivity of the post-May-Fourth intellectuals. This project explores through a range of detailed studies the mutual interplay of science, patriotism and cultural criticism in the years ca. 1900–1950, with a possible extension until the start of the Cultural Revolution. More details about the project can be found on our website http://www.cck-isc.ff.cuni.cz/en/dekontrav.html.
Applicants can focus on any relevant topic within the broad field covered by the project description, with the following areas especially welcome:


  1. History of particular scientific disciplines in China before 1950 (including the social sciences), their relation to the nation-building discourse and to particular elements of Chinese culture.
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International Conference “The Forbidden City, Imperial Palaces and Royal Courts: Symbols of Imperial and Monarchical Power in the East and West Compared”

Boulogne-sur-mer, France
25th - 28th Sep 2013
Deadline: 10th Apr 2013

Organization: Université du Littoral Cóte d'Opale, in collaboration with the GRSL (Group Societies, Religions, Secularism), EPHE-CNRS, France, and with colleagues from the Palaces Museum, Beijing, China.

Conference languages: French, English or Chinese.

The organisers of the conference welcome contributions on the following themes, around the Symbols of Chinese Imperial Power

The 4th Academy Forum of International Society for Lu Xun Studies (ISLS): Seoul Forum

Seoul, Korea
14th – 15th Jun 2013
Deadline: 12th Mar 2013

On behalf of the International Society for Lu Xun Studies(ISLS), together with The Korean Society of Modern China, and some other institutes concerned. We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th Academy Forum of International Society for Lu Xun Studies (ISLS): Seoul Forum, from 14-15 June , 2013.
The purpose of this forum is to promote international academic research and communication on Lu Xun. Because of your outstanding research on Lu Xun, We cordially invite you to vibrant exchange of academic research and ideas at our upcoming forum. Your participation will surely make this forum more meaningful. We hope you will join us and submit your paper at the forum .We have also invited some other outstanding experts and scholars from Korea, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, America etc. I believe this forum will provide a valuable opportunity for participants to strengthen cooperation, discover resources, and facilitate a better understanding on the study on Lu Xun.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: International Colloquium – Tea & Coffee: Cultural Representations in Language and Practice

Université Lumières Lyon 2, France
24th – 25th Oct 2013

Organised by Terminology and Translation Research Center (Université Lyon 2)

The discovery of tea goes back to Chinese antiquity, and, according to Arab legends, Mohammed
was healed by coffee. Both drinks have centuries of history to show for. Today, carried into the four
corners of the world, these two are the drinks most frequently consumed daily, right after water (and
actually, there is quite a rivalry between them for the title). This geographic and historical pervasion
makes an inquiry into their cultural representations in language and practice seem fruitful.

Numerous scientific papers have already dealt with the impact of tea and coffee on our bodies, so
we would like to take a closer look at their description and appreciation as cultural objects in
different contexts. PR and marketing have strongly changed the image of tea and coffee: We now
talk of origins and growing areas, like with wine.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Transnational Chinese Cinemas, Embodiment, Corporeality, and Desire

Deadline: 1st Apr 2013

Editors: Brian Bergen-Aurand, Nanyang Technological University, Mary Mazzilli, Nanyang Technological University, Hee Wai Siam, Nanyang Technological University. This collection invites essays considering the evolving relation among National, Transnational Chinese, and Sinophone Cinemas and conceptualizations and deployments of embodiment and the body. It seeks to consider multiple aspects of Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinematic production, distribution, exhibition, and reception (critical and theoretical). And, it strives to consider bodies located in different times, places, and situations. The editors seek perspectives on Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas in terms of representation and function, identification and recognition, as phenomenological encounter, material process, “lived experience,” “sensation,” where cognitive, emotional, and corporeal processes meet. These essays will engage with Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas in the light of new approaches to the traditional mind/body divide.

This volume on Transnational Chinese Cinema calls for examinations of these issues in all forms. The editors invite essays that consider these (and other related) topics:

Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas and affect
Transnational Chinese and Sinophone and Sinophone Cinemas and the senses
Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas and the body
Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas and cognition
Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas, Sensation, Sensuality, and Sentiment
Transnational Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas as materially-embodied structure
Desire and Disgust
Bodies in cinema and bodies at the cinema
Audio-visual-haptic Reception
Questions of Gender, Sex, Sexuality
Questions of Race, Class, Ethnicity
Questions of Religion and the body in Transnational Chinese Cinemas
Questions of the body politic and Transnational Chinese Cinemas
(Dis)ability and Crip Theory
Kinship, Age, and Attunement
Norms and Ideals
Cyborgs, Avatars, and Virtuality
Embodiment and disembodiment
New media and new cinematic experiences
New media and the Posthuman body

The submission deadline is 1 April 2013 (for 500-word abstracts).… Read more ⤻

Vacant position: University Lectureship in Modern Asian History

Cambridge, UK
Deadline: 27th Mar 2013

Faculty of History (Grade 9, currently £37,382-£47,314) Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in East Asian History, since c.1500. The post is available from 1 October 2013. Preference is likely to be given to candidates working on Chinese or Japanese history. This is a new post, designed to expand the Faculty’s coverage of global history, and complement existing strengths in South Asian and African history. The appointment provides an opportunity for the postholder to build new intellectual and teaching areas in the Faculty.

The successful candidate will be an outstanding scholar and teacher in their field. Research of international standing will be expected. The successful candidate must hold a PhD (or equivalent). The Faculty welcomes both early career scholars and those who already have established careers. The postholder will be encouraged to build collaborative research programmes as well as to conduct their individual research. The appointee will teach at all levels from undergraduate to PhD and will be expected to examine at all levels, and to take a fair share of administration.… Read more ⤻


The “Braga-Incident”, Portugal July 2014

Letter of Protest at Interference in EACS Conference in Portugal, July 2014

Report: The Deletion of Pages from EACS Conference materials in Braga (July 2014)

The “Braga Incident” – Timeline with Links to Articles and Comments


“Is Sinology a Science?” by Hans Kuijper Full Text or the Summary (PDF)


EACS Surveys


Chinese Studies in the U.K. (no. 7, 1998)


By Julian Ward and Bonnie S. McDougall


Chinese Studies in Switzerland (part of survey No. 6)


By Raoul Findeisen


Chinese Studies in The Netherlands (1996, 1997; part of survey no. 6)


By W.L. Idema


Open Letter


Open Letter to the President of the PRC





 … Read more ⤻

Completed Research Projects


Completed Research Projects

Members are invited to draw attention to research projects related to Chinese studies on this page. Please e-mail a short description with title, estimated length and affiliated persons to the secretary. In addition, you can provide documents for download (use PDF), and the web address where the project can be found, and we will create a direct link. Projects will be featured in the news-section as well as on our start-page. They will then move to the archive after completion.


 … Read more ⤻

Current Research Projects



Members are invited to draw attention to research projects related to Chinese studies on this page. Please e-mail a short description with title, estimated length and affiliated persons to the secretary. In addition, you can provide documents for download (use PDF), and the web address where the project can be found, and we will create a direct link. Projects will be featured in the news-section as well as on our start-page. They will then move to the archive after completion.


 … Read more ⤻

Publications by EACS Members


Publications by EACS Members

This new category collects and presents publications (books) by members of the EACS. Members are invited to send their bibliographical information (including short description, book cover image with web-permission, link to book sellers site (optional) to the webmaster. New items will be featured in the news-section and on our start-page. They will then move to the directory (here) after a few weeks. In case you are a publishing agency and want to advertise products related to Chinese studies on this site, please contact our secretary for detailed terms and conditions.


 … Read more ⤻

Recent Publications by EACS Members



This new category collects and presents publications (books) by members of the EACS. Members are invited to send their bibliographical information (including short description, book cover image with web-permission, link to book sellers site (optional) to the webmaster. New items will be featured in the news-section (here) and on our start-page. They will then move to the directory after a few weeks. In case you are a publishing agency and want to advertise products related to Chinese studies on this site, please contact our secretary for detailed terms and conditions.


 … Read more ⤻

Vacant position: Head of Asian and African Studies (Library)

London, UK

Deadline: March 2013

Devonshire Arts and Heritage is delighted to be recruiting for av for an internationally renowned library in London. The Library contains over 150 million items including manuscripts, printed books, newspapers, maps, photographs, stamps, sound recordings, prints, drawings and ephemera from all over the World.

The post holder has overall management responsibility for a total of 21 specialist curatorial staff; 6 of which will be direct reports.

The post is permanent and full time. First stage interviews will take place on the first week of March, so you must be fully available then, and if successful be available to start within a reasonable amount of time after that.

Vacant position: Head of Department of Chinese Culture

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Deadline: 1st Mar 2013.

Post Specification: Head of Department of Chinese Culture (Ref. 13010901) The Department of Chinese Culture is a young academic department within the Faculty of Humanities.  Its mission is to offer high-quality teaching and research programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of History, Literature,

Philosophy, Arts, and Religion.  Currently, the Department offers general education courses as well as an undergraduate minor programme, taught master’s and MPhil/PhD programmes in Chinese Culture.  The Department aims to offer a major programme in the near future.  The media of instruction are Putonghua and English.  Please visit our website, http://www.polyu.edu.hk/cc, for more information.

The University is now inviting applications or nominations for the post of Head of Department of Chinese Culture. The successful candidate will be appointed as Chair Professor/Professor, commensurate with his/her qualifications and experience, and hold a concurrent headship appointment.  The headship appointment is normally for an aggregate period of six years in two three-year terms of office. … Read more ⤻

Public Lecture Series: SOAS Centre for Chinese Studies

SOAS CCS Seminar Series 2012-2013
SOAS CCS Seminar Series 2012-2013

London, UK
19th Nov 2012 - 18th Mar 2013

The seminars are free, open to the public and no booking is required (unless otherwise stated).


Chinoiserie and subalterneity in S.I. Hsiung's Lady Precious Stream (1934)

Date: Monday, 19 November 2012 Time: 17.15 - 19.00 Speaker: Ashley Thorpe (University of Reading) Venue: Room G50, Ground Floor, Russell Square, SOAS, University of London



Call for Papers: Communicating Soft Power. Contrasting Perspectives from India and China

London, UK.
9th – 10th Sep 2013.
Deadline: 17th May 2013.


Organized by the India Media Centre and the China Media Centre of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) of the University of Westminster, London. The notion of soft power, associated

with the work of Harvard political scientist Joseph Nye, is defined as ‘the ability to attract people to our side without coercion’. Nye’s concept, whose focus is primarily on the United States, has been adopted or adapted by countries around the world. It has generated much debate about the capacity of nations to make themselves attractive in a globalizing marketplace for ideas and images.


Date: 9 and 10 September 2013

Venue: University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LS


This two-day international conference will explore competing and contrasting approaches to soft power in India and China, the world’s two fastest growing economies, whose rise is set to reconfigure global power equations in a multi-polar world.… Read more ⤻

20th International Conference China, Chinese Civilization and the World: History, Modernity and Future Prospects

Moscow, Russia
16th – 18th Oct 2013
Deadline: 15th May 2013.

Hereby we cordially invite you to take part in the 20th International Conference on China, Chinese Civilization and the World: History, Modernity and Future Prospects which will take place at the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Moscow, on October 16-18, 2013. The main theme of the Conference shall be “China in the Epicenter of Global Problems Facing the Asia-PacificRegion”.

The Conference shall be organized by the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies,together with RAS Academic Council on Comprehensive Studies of Modern China,Russia-China Friendship Association and Russia-China Committee for Friendship,Peace and Development.

Apart from two Plenary Sessions, the conference proceedings shall include theround-table discussion on Prospects for Sino-Russian Interaction in the Asia-Pacific Region (Moderator: Academician Mikhail L. Titarenko) as well as thefollowing panels:

  • China in the Global Policy and Economy Today (Moderator: Prof. Dr. VladimirYa. Portyakov)
  • RF and PRC : Interaction at the Global and Regional Levels (Moderator: Prof.
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Workshop: “Civil Society” development and transformation of authoritarian regimes

15th Feb 2013
EHESS, Paris

Workshop organized by Chloé Froissart (Rennes 2 University, CECMC) and Anthony J. Spires (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) under the PROCORE France-Hong-Kong joint research program, the Center for Research on Modern and Contemporary China, School for Higher Studies in Social Sciences and the Asia-
Pacific Research and Expertise Network

Friday, February 15, 2013
Room 640, block A, EHESS 190-198 avenue de France 75013 Paris

The development of social organizations and protest movements is one of the outstanding
phenomena of the transformation of authoritarian regimes such as China and Cuba, but also of
newly “democratized” countries whose institutional modes of functioning remain chiefly
authoritarian, such as Russia. Beyond the ambiguity of the term “civil society” exported from
twenty years by the actors of international cooperation, this workshop will investigate citizen
mobilization to defend the rights of other citizens and how it serves to transform authoritarian
regimes from within.

We propose to overcome divisions between a deterministic perspective, which has long
prevailed in political science -that of transitology- and a purely sociological perspective only
focused on practices and discourses of social actors, to take into account the relationship
between the social and the political.… Read more ⤻

Constructing and Interpreting the Daotong (Transmission of the Way) in the Perspective of Chinese and Korean Neo-Confucianism


1st - 2nd Jul 2013

International conference organised by:- The Centre of Chinese Studies (CEC, ASIEs, Inalco), - The Centre of Korean Studies (CECO, ASIEs, Inalco) - The Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul) The organising committee is pleased to invite colleagues and Ph.D students interested in Neo- Confucianism to submit abstracts for this international conference regarding the construction

Vacant Position: Research Fellow

Deadline (extended): 15.2.2013
Hamburg University, Germany

Fakultät: für Geisteswissenschaften, Department: Asien-Afrika-Institut, Seminar/Institut: Abt. für Sprache und Kultur Chinas. Ab sofort ist vorbehaltlich der Bewilligung der Mittel im Sonderforschungsbereich 950 „Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa“ die Stelle einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin oder eines

Colloque international: Aesthetics of Phantasmagoria : Ghosts in the Far East in the Past and Present

affiche fantomes2c

Feb 21st – 23rd 2013

affiche fantomes2c


Une esthétique de la fantasmagorie : fantômes dans l’Extrême-Orient d’hier et d’aujourd’hui / Aesthetics of Phantasmagoria : Ghosts in the Far East in the Past and Present

21-23 février 2013, INALCO, Auditorium, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris

Co-organisé par

Vincent Durand-Dastès, Inalco Marie Laureillard, Institut d’Asie orientale, Lyon


Jeudi 21 Février 2013

Accueil des participants

9 h15
Adresse aux participants de Jacques Legrand, président de

Conférence d’ouverture/Opening lecture
Judith Zeitlin, University of Chicago: The Ghosts of Things


1) Visions et mémoires des morts dans la Chine ancienne /
Seeing Ghosts and Remembering the Dead in Ancient China
(jeudi 21 février, 10h45-12h45)
Présidente de séance : Brigitte Baptandier, Université Paris-
Ouest Nanterre-LESC


Danielle Elisseeff, EHESS-CECMC
A quoi servent les esprits ? L’art et la manière de leur parler
selon le Liji禮記


Pan Junliang, EPHE
Le phénomène de la voyance des fantômes (jiangui 見鬼) dans le
Haut Moyen Age chinois


Annika Pissin, Lund University
« The Other » Child: Symbolic Children and Child Ghosts in Medieval


Rania Huntington, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dreaming of the Dead


Pause déjeuner


2) Traiter avec les fantômes chinois : rituels et techniques /
Dealing with Chinese Ghosts: Rituals and Techniques (jeudi 21
février, 14h-15h30)
Présidente de séance : Catherine Despeux, Inalco


Fang Ling, CNRS-GSRL
Le Jinjing 禁經de Sun Simiao 孫思邈 (581-682)
Christine Mollier, CNRS-CRCAO
La démonomanie en Chine médiévale : les ripostes religieuses


Michel Chambon, Boston University
Les dieux chrétiens à la rencontre des fantômes chinois : religion
chinoise, christianisme, hybridation, théologie catholique




3) Fantômes des îles de la Mer orientale et autres histoires /
Ghosts from the Eastern Islands and other stories / (jeudi 21
février, 16h-18h)
Président de séance : Grégory Delaplace, Université Paris-Ouest


François Macé, INALCO-CEJ
Du “traité sur les esprits” 鬼神論 d’Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725) à
“l’inexistence des esprits” 無鬼 de Yamagata Bantô (1748-1821) –
Les fantômes aux prises de l’esprit critique


Matthias Hayek, Université Paris Diderot-CRCAO
De l’invisible au visible : esprits, démons et bestiaire fantastique
au Japon


Mary Picone, EHESS
How to Visit Ghosts in Japan: from Premodern Guides of Haunted
Sites to Contemporary Paranormal Exploration


Jacques Pimpaneau, INALCO
Heureusement que les fantômes existent pour que justice soit
faite !… Read more ⤻