Soon-Young Kim Award in the History of East Asian Science and Technology

Deadline: 31st Jan 2013

The Trustees of the Needham Research Institute invite applications from suitably qualified candidates for a Soon-Young Kim Award in the History of East Asian Science and Technology, to be held in the University of Cambridge. The Award will be tenable from October 2013. The Award may be held in either of two modes: A one-year post-doctoral research fellowship.

Vacant Positions: Professor and Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Language

Bergen, Norway
Deadline: 14th Dec 2012

The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university with more than 14,000 students and close to 3,500 employees at six faculties. The university is located in the heart of Bergen. Our main contribution to society is excellent basic research and education across a wide range of disciplines. The Department of Foreign

Research Fellowship at the Needham Research Institute

Cambridge, UK
Deadline: 10th Dec 2012

The Trustees of the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge (www.nri.org.uk) invite applications for a research fellowship, open to those intending to carry out research in original source materials relating to any topic within the broad field of the history of science, technology and medicine in China without limitation of historical period. Applicants will be expected to hold the degree of PhD

4th A.S.I.A. Annual Conference

22nd – 23rd Nov 2012
Cork, Ireland

Theme of the conference is Asian Studies in Ireland and Asian-European Social Innovation.
The 4th ASIA general conference (22-23 November 2012) programme is now online. Please check out details of this conference. All welcome. External Link

 … Read more ⤻

Global goes Local: Visualizing Regional Cultures in the Arts of Greater China

Call for papers poster-1c

Deadline: 30th Nov 2012

Call for papers poster-1cClick to view Pdf…


International Conference 27 – 29 June 2013

This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to create dialogue among specialists and practitioners from the fields of Fine Art, Art History, Museum Studies, Visual Culture, Cultural Studies and other relevant disciplines, examining the role and significance of local art and cultures in balancing the impact of globalization. Focusing on the cultural ties between mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, the conference seeks to explore the representation of national and cultural identities in the creative arts produced in all of these regions. It is also designed to encourage discussion about the preservation and deployment of local art and heritage in cultural policy, art education and museum practice. Scholars, art administrators, artists and research students are invited to submit proposals for pre-formed panels or individual papers.

30 NOVEMBER 2012
Proposals in Word format, including a 300-word paper abstract and a two-page CV, should be submitted to Dr Michelle Huang at :
For further details of the conference and the abstract proposal form, please visit:
http://ava-conference2013.hkbu.edu.hkRead more ⤻

Vacant position: Associate Professor in “Chinese society and politics””

Deadline: 10th Nov 2012
University of Oslo, Norway

The China studies section a the University of Oslo is looking for a scholar who is interested in taking up a one-year associate professor position in "Chinese society and politics" starting from January 2013. The candidate must have completed a Phd in a field relevant to the study of "Chinese society and politics", and must be able to teach in English

CEFC PhD Scholarship 2013

Deadline: 1st Jan 2013

The Scientific Board of ‘Pôle Asie’ research institutes attached to the French Foreign Ministry will award a ninth months, non-renewable PhD scholarship. The scholarship comprises a monthly stipend of 1625 Euros, round-trip air travel from Europe to Hong Kong or Taiwan (when applicable), transportation of luggage up to 200 Euros and repatriation insurance in certain health problems. Applicants must be citizens of a member State of the European Union

Vacant position: Assistant professor of Asian Studies

Deadline: 12th Nov 2012
Aarhus University, Denmark

The Department of Culture and Society at Aarhus University invites applications for the position of assistant professor of Asian Studies. The assistant professorship is a full time position and it begins on 1. January 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. We are particularly interested in a candidate with a strong research focus on political relations in Asia. We are interested

Vacant Position: “Assistent” at the Institute of Chinese Studies

Deadline: 30th Nov 2012
Heidelberg University, Germany

Am Institut für Sinologie, Universität Heidelberg, ist ab 01. April 2013 die Stelle einer/eines Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters Sinologie (19./20. Jh.) zu besetzen, die der Professur für Sinologie mit Schwerpunkt neuere Geschichte und Geistesgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung sino-japanischer Kulturbeziehungen (Müller-Saini) zugeordnet ist. Zu den Aufgaben

Tang Dynasty and the World outside China

Budapest, Hungary
Deadline: 15th Jan 2013

The Tang Summer School, held on July 1–7, 2013, at ELTE University (Budapest), offers an overview of the main facets of the Tang era by focusing on its relationship with the world outside China in five specific areas: history, literature, religion, science, and art. The entire summer school is sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.

Ostasiatisches Seminar sucht Wissenschaftliche Assistenz

Universität Zürich, Schweiz
Deadline: 20th Nov 2012

Am Lehrstuhl für Sinologie (Modernes China) des Ostasiatischen Seminars der Universität Zürich ist auf den 1. Januar 2013 eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in mit Unterrichtsverpflichtung (50 %, Laufzeit 3 Jahre, maximal verlängerbar auf 6) zu besetzen. Neben einem Lizentiats- oder M.A.-Abschluss in Sinologie werden von dem/der Bewerber/in erwartet:

Call for papers: Ming Qing Studies 2013

Edited by Paolo Santangelo, Sapienza University of Rome
Deadline: 31st Mar 2013

We notice that the issue of MING QING STUDIES 2012 is going to be published by Aracne Publishers. MING QING STUDIES is a yearly publication, both on line and in printed form, which continues the positive experience of Ming Qing yanjiu. It intends to give a contribution to the debates on historical and cultural questions in late imperial China and pre-modern and modern East Asia, thanks to the cooperation of several scholars in Italy and abroad. Although this publication focuses on late imperial China, its scope is broadened to the whole East Asia area, with its new cultural and anthropological features which are manifested in this fundamental period of transition from local to global history. 


Download the full call for papers PDF


  … Read more ⤻

Research scholar in East Asian Intellectual History

Heidelberg University, Germany
Preliminary Deadline: 1st Nov 2012

Heidelberg University is opening the position of a Research Scholar in East Asian Intellectual History within the Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” funded by the German Federal Excellence Initiative.

The three-year fixed term position is situated within the research group “Towards a Global History of Concepts” that aims to develop new ways of reconstructing conceptual

Research scholar in Chinese Intellectual History

Heidelberg University, Germany
Preliminary Deadline: 1st Nov 2012

Heidelberg University is opening the position of a Research Scholar in Chinese Intellectual History within the Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” funded by the German Federal Excellence Initiative.

The three-year fixed term position is situated within the research project “Standards of Validity in Imperial Chinese Discourses.” The project is part of a collaborative research group

2 PhD Scholarships

Heidelberg University, Germany
Preliminary Deadline: 1st Nov 2012

Heidelberg University invites applications for 2 PhD Scholarships within the research group “Towards a Global History of Concepts.” The research group is situated within the Cluster “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” funded by the German Federal Excellence Initiative, and aims to develop new ways of reconstructing conceptual migrations and entanglements in transcultural perspective. Brief outlines of the group’s objectives and subprojects

Call for papers: Shaping the sciences of the ancient world

Université Paris Diderot, France
Deadline: 30th Nov 2012

The SAW project (Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World) organises a conference 'Shaping the sciences of the ancient world: Text criticism, critical editions and translations of ancient and medieval scholarly texts (18th-20th centuries)', which will take place 17-21 June 2013 in Paris. We now invite proposals for papers on the conference topics. Information and the call for papers are available at External Link.

Vacant position: Renouvellement du poste de Directeur de l’antenne du CEFC

Taipei, Taïwan
Deadline: 15th Nov 2012

The CEFC invites applications for the position of Director of its Taipei Office, from 1 September 2013.
Le Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine (UMIFRE 18, MAEE-CNRS) recrute un directeur pour son antenne de Taipei à Taiwan, sur contrat d'expatriation (2 ans renouvelable). Prise de fonction le 1er septembre 2013. Détails et candidature en ligne sur le site Transparence

Vacant position: Professor of Chinese Studies

Newcastle University, UK
Deadline: 19th Oct 2012

 We are seeking to appoint an outstanding academic who will provide vision and leadership for Chinese Studies in the School of Modern Languages and for the newly established Confucius Institute. We are looking for a scholar with expertise in contemporary China within one or more of the following disciplines: culture and communication studies,literature, politics, linguistics, media, sociology. Salary will be at an appropriate point on the Professorial salary scale.




Paris, September 5th – 8th 2012

Organizing committee: Gilles Guiheux (Univ. Paris Diderot), Christine Lamarre (INALCO), Soline Suchet (BULAC)

-:¦:-  The Venue, Call for Papers, Deadlines, Keynote Speakers  -:¦:-


The Venue

The conference is jointly organized by the Université Paris Diderot, the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and the Bibliothèque des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC). The EACS Conference will take place simultaneously with the European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL)’conference, enhancing exchange between sinologists and sinological librarians.



INALCO and BULAC are located in a common building at a 5’ walking distance to the main campus of Paris Diderot. The Paris Rive Gauche district is on the left bank of the city and easy to reach by public transportation.
The conference website (http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/eacs-easl/) will provide you with all basic informations to prepare your travelling to and accomodiation in Paris.


Call for Papers (Submission are closed)

Scholars of Chinese studies from Europe and beyond are invited to sumbit proposals for individual lectures or for panels, or to attend the conference as listeners.… Read more ⤻

Call for papers: Exorcism and Other Magical Practices in Medieval China

Kalamazoo, USA
Deadline: 15th Sep 2012

Dimitri Drettas (CRCAO, Paris) is organizing a session on Exorcism and Other Magical Practices in Medieval China for the 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, to be held on May 9-12, 2013 in Kalamazoo (MI), USA. The session's sponsor is the Societas Magica (www.societasmagica.org). With over three thousand participants every year, the Kalamazoo Congress is the most important annual event for medievalists worldwide

Call for applications: Fung Global Fellows Program

Princeton University, USA
Deadline: 1st Nov 2012

The Fung Global Fellows Program, a year-long program for visiting scholars administered by the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, was launched by Princeton University in June 2012. Scholars working in the social sciences and humanities at institutions in any region of the world outside the United States who have received their PhD within the past ten years are invited to apply. The theme for the academic year 2013?14, the program's first year, is "Languages and Authority." Applications are due 

Vacant position: Postdoctoral Fellow in Modern Chinese Studies

Lunds Universitet, Sweden
Deadline: 1st Oct 2012

"Study of modern China from an interdisciplinary and social sciences perspective. Studies that focus upon issues in the fields of the social sciences, economics, law and modern history are included in the subject description. Please note that research in linguistics, literature and language studies in general are not included in the subject description. Research, as well as teaching, tutoring and examination within the Centre's MSc programme in Asian Studies. Research is allocated approximately 80% of the total...

Vacant position: Assistant Professor in Chinese Literature (Tang and/or Song periods)

University of California, USA
Deadline: 5th Nov 2012

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, invites applications for a tenure-track position in Chinese literature, preferably with a period specialization in the Tang and/or Song period(s). Ph.D. in hand is expected by the time of the appointment. The ideal candidate will have relevant research and language skills, including a command of modern and classical Chinese, in addition to competence in

Call for papers: International Conference China’s ongoing quest for cultural modernity into the 21st century: Legacy of Lu Xun

15th - 17th Nov 2012, New Delhi, India
Deadline: 25th Aug 2012

Organizers: Hemant Adlakha, Institute of Chinese Studies & Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India) & ISLS Park, Jae Woo, President, International Society of Lu Xun Studies (ISLS), Seoul (S. Korea) & Hankuk University, Seoul Venue: India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi, India

Lu Xun (1881-1936) has been regarded as the biggest symbol of the twentieth century Chinese

Call for applications: 1 Post- doc scholarship, 2 positions as Lecturer in Chinese studies

Ca' Foscari University Venice invites applications for the following positions

Deadline 28th Aug 2012:

1 Post- doc scholarship: "The Chinese consumer between global aspirations and traditions" External Link

Deadline 12th Sep 2012: 

2 Positions as Lecturer in Chinese studies (three years)

a. Social changes in the dynamics and strategies adopted in Chinese society to legitimize and build a consensus on private and collective

Call for Papers for Ming Qing yanjiu

Deadline: 1st Nov 2012

Ming Qing yanjiu, published yearly from 1992. The theme is "Dynastic crisis in late imperial China (Ming-Qing or Qing-end of the empire)" The deadline is: November 1, 2012. For any information please contact mingqing@unior.it or myself dguida@unior.it - For previous issues and editorial norms, please refer to External Link

Donatella Guida Ph.D. Prof. di Storia della Cina
Dipartimento Asia Africa Mediterraneo
Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"

Call for Applications: Independent / Junior Research Group

Heidelberg University, Germany
Deadline: 15th Sep 2012

The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context. The Dynamics of Transculturality" at Heidelberg University invites applications for four Independent Research Group Leaders. An Independent Research Group (IRG) / Junior Research Group (JRG) will be established in each of the four cluster research areas. Their role will be to further develop the transcultural

Appel à candidatures: Bourse de recherche Paola Sandri 2013

Deadline: 14th Dec 2012

Cette bourse de recherche a été instituée par la famille Sandri à la mémoire de leur fille Paola, doctorante en études chinoises et transculturelles à l'Institut d’Études Transtextuelles et Transculturelles (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), et disparue brutalement au cours de ses recherches doctorales à Beijing en juillet 2006. Paola Sandri travaillait sur l'identité sonore en Chine dans une approche historique et culturelle : un projet ambitieux et

Vacant Positions: 2 Doctoral Research Fellow positions in East Asian and South Asian Language Based Area Studies

University of Oslo, Norway
Deadline: 1st Sep 2012

Two PhD positions are available within East Asian or South Asian language based area studies. The topic of the applicant’s PhD project should be related to geographical areas in Asia relevant for research at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS) (China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, India, Bangladesh). It is also required that the project is thematically

Call for applications: CEFC international research mobility project

Deadline: 27th Jul 2012

The French Centre for Research on contemporary China (CEFC) invites applications from researchers from EU member states or associated countries for a one- or two-year research mobility project under the current Call for Projects - International Outgoing Fellowships funded by the European Framework Programme 7. The CEFC, based in Hong Kong, is a multidisciplinary social science research centre dedicated to the study of contemporary China.

Vacant Position: Academic Post in the China Media Centre

Deadline: 28th Aug 2012
University of Westminster, UK

The University of Westminster is expanding its research capacity with a New Academic Leaders Initiative, which includes the appointment of a Reader in the China Media Centre. The successful candidate will join the Communication and Media Research Institute, rated #1 in the UK for media and communications research in the most recent RAE (2008). The China Media Centre was established in 2005.

Call for applications: PhD scholarships based in a French CNRS unit with international mobility to a CNRS research center abroad

Deadline: 27th July 2012

Le Centre d’Etude Français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC) invite les doctorants travaillant en sciences humaines et sociales sur la Chine Contemporaine à prendre connaissance de l’appel à proposition pour contrats doctoraux de 36 mois avec mobilité internationale lancé par l’Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS.

Vacant Position: Professor of Modern Chinese Studies

Cologne, Germany
Deadline: 31st, Jul 2012

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cologne, Germany, invites applications for the position of University Professor of Modern China-Studies with a starting date of 1 October 2013. The full-time tenured position at the Institute of East Asian Studies is ranked in salary group W2 or W3 of the German university scale or equivalent. Candidates should concentrate on the modern development of China, with a specialization in the social sciences and a focus on Chinese politics, economy

Vacant Position: Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in at Freiburg University

Freiburg, Germany
Deadline: 6th July 2012

Das Institut für Sinologie der Universität Freiburg sucht eine/n Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in E 13 Vollzeitstelle, Eintrittstermin: 1.10.2012. Die Stelle ist auf drei Jahre befristet. Eine Verlängerung um bis zu drei Jahre ist möglich. Aufgabenbereiche: Unterstützung von Forschung und Lehre im Gebiet gegenwärtiges China sowie Mitwirkung bei organisatorischen und administrativen Aufgaben.

PhD fellowship at Cambridge University

Cambridge, UK
Deadline: 1st Dec 2012

The Department of East Asian Studies offers funding for one PhD fellowship to start in October 2013. The value of the scholarship will be £15,000 per year for a maximum of 3 years. This will cover university composition and college fees for a UK/EU student plus a significant part towards maintenance (for details, see External Link). Preference will be given to research proposals in the following fields: Early Chinese cultural history; religion and thought of Pre-Imperial and Early Imperial China;

Vacant Position: Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Hong Kong
Deadline: 20th Aug 2012

Founded in 1911, The University of Hong Kong is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in teaching and research, and has been at the international forefront of academic scholarship for many years.  The University has a comprehensive range of study programmes and research disciplines spread across 10 faculties and about 100 sub-divisions of studies and learning.  There are over 23,400

Vacant Position: W3-Professur für Sinologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Kultur Chinas

Ostasiatisches Seminar zu Köln
Deadline: 31th May 2012

Am Ostasiatischen Seminar der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln ist zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine W3-Professur für Sinologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Kultur Chinas zu besetzen. Von dem/der Stelleninhaber/in wird eine Beteiligung an allen chinabezogenen Studiengängen erwartet. Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind, neben den in § 36 HG NRW genannten,

Vacant Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate- Comparative History of European and Chinese Polities (ca. 800-1600)

King's College, London
Deadline: 7th Jun 2012

The Research Associate in the Comparative History of Chinese and European Polities (ca. 800-1600) will develop the comparative aspect of the project in collaboration with the Principal Investigator. She/he will engage in original research on the comparative history of political communication using cases from European and Chinese history;

Vacant Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate- East Asian Digital Humanities

King's College, London
Deadline: 10th Jun 2012

The Research Associate in East Asian Digital Humanities will conduct research and publish in an area relevant to the project (text mining-- e.g., the automated mark-up and extraction of named entities in classical Chinese, or visualization in the digital humanities); consult on appropriate mark-up procedures; develop delivery and querying tools in collaboration with the Department of Digital Humanities; manage the project website;

Vacant Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate- Communication in Imperial China (ca. 800-1600)

King's College, London
Deadline: 10th Jun 2012

The Research Associate in Chinese History will conduct original research on select diaries and notebooks published between the ninth through sixteenth centuries. She/he will examine the dynamics of elite networks through an examination of the textual history of a relatively large sample of notebooks and an analysis of their contents. She/he will also assist in the content development

Call for Papers: Journal of Chinese Studies

The Journal of Chinese Studies (ISSN: 2224-2716) is a quarterly published international peer-reviewed academic journal (in English) which is edited by the Overseas Education College of Xiamen University in China. It publishes articles and reviews on a full gamut of Chinese studies which include but are not limited to Chinese language education, Chinese linguistics, Chinese culture, Chinese literature, Chinese arts, Chinese history, Chinese society, Chinese politics and economy. It intends to promote 

Vacant Position: Wiss. Ausstellungsassistent/-in mit sehr guten Chinesischkenntnissen

Historisches Museum Bern, Switzerland
Earliest possible starting date: 1st Jun 2012
Exhibition Launch: 15th Mar 2013

Das Historische Museum Bern ist eines der bedeutendsten kulturhistorischen Museen der Schweiz. Seine Sammlungen zur Archäologie, Kulturgeschichte sowie Ethnografie umfassen rund 500'000 Objekte von der Steinzeit bis zur Gegenwart und aus Kulturen aller Erdteile.

Reminder: Chinese Instruments and Western Museums Workshop

CHIME Leiden, Netherlands
Extended Deadline: 20th Apr 2012


From 13 to 16 September 2012 The CHIME Foundation and Leiden University in The Netherlands will host a workshop on the topic of Chinese Instruments and Western Museums. Everyone with a passion for and research interest in Chinese instruments, and/or interest in how to present them in museum contexts, is encouraged to submit contributions. The meeting should be of interest

French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation Award

Deadline: 30th Jun 2012

The French-Taiwanese Cultural Foundation was established in 1996 under the aegis of the French Academy for Social and Moral Sciences with the purpose of “awarding every year two prizes for artistic or literary works that shed light on relations between Taiwan and Europe and/or contribute to the enhancement of cultural exchange between Taiwan and Europe.”

Each prize rises to €25,000. Any natural person or legal entity from any European country or from Taiwan, who

PhD scholarships in the field of Foreign Language Teaching

Aarhus University, Denmark
Deadline: 1st Sep 2012

Aarhus University Faculty of Arts, is advertising 1-2 PhD scholarships in the field of Foreign Language Teaching and Acquisition with Chinese as one of the focus languages.

"In response to a joint report on a national language strategy issued by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Danish Ministry of Education, ’Language is the key to the world’, the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University is offering 1-2 scholarships in the field of

8 Doctoral Scholarships at Heidelberg University

Deadline: 15th May 2012

The Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies of the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University welcomes applications for eight doctoral scholarships, subject to budgetary approval of the Cluster for the second funding period in the Excellence Initiative of the German central and state governments. A decision is expected by June 16, 2012. In case of success, the new funding period would start on November 1, 2012.

Call for Contributions: Oriens Extremus

Deadline: 30th Sep 2012

Oriens Extremus assembles articles dealing with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Southeast Asian cultural and intellectual history from the beginnings until the modern age. The next issue of Oriens Extremus will feature a special section devoted to The Chinese Revolution: Creating a New World. It focuses on an epochal process that spectacularly culminated a century ago in the Chinese revolution of 1911. However, the political events may be seen as merely the most prominent manifestation of an underlying current that changed

Vacant Position: Associate Professor of Religion in Modern China

Deadline: 11th Apr 2012

The University of Oslo invites applications for a position as Associate Professor of Religion in Modern China, with application deadline 11 April, 2012. Salary level NOK 455,900 - 509,100 per year.

For further information, please contact:
Head of Administration Ragnhild Rebne, telephone: +47 22 85 59 26
Head of Department/Professor Arne Bugge Amundsen, telephone: +47 22 85 76 29

“Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China” A Joint Research Workshop of the IAS & the ISF

Jerusalem, 1st – 6th May 2012
Deadline: 30th Mar 2012

The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) is very glad to announce the forthcoming workshop “Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China”. The workshop, co-organized by Yuri Pines and Paul Goldin, is due on May 1-6, the Institute for Advanced Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Applicants are most warmly welcome! For further details please visit our site: External Link
Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: “Political Strategies of Identity Building in Non-Han Empires in China:”

Munich, 18th - 19th Jun 2012
Deadline: 8th Apr 2012

A Continuation of the Workshop “Ethnicity and Sinicization Reconsidered”
This workshop is especially aimed at post-graduate students of East Asian and Central Asian history, sociology, anthropology, political science, or ethnology (i.e. Sinology, Mongolian Studies, Korean Studies, Central Asian Studies etc.). Participants are asked to give a talk of no longer than 20 minutes.

The Wellington Conference on Contemporary China 2012

Wellington, New Zealand, 13th - 14th Aug 2012
Deadline: 30th May 2012

The Wellington Conference on Contemporary China is an annual event organized by the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre. Each year, this conference brings together leading China scholars to examine, debate and advance scholarship on issues of great significance in contemporary China studies.

TOChina Summer School 2012


Torino, 25th Jun – 6th Jul 2012
Deadline: 21st May 2012

TOChinaSummerSchool2012cClick to view Pdf…

The TOChina Summer School is delighted to announce that applications for the 2012 TOChina Summer School on the politics, foreign policy and political economy of contemporary China are accepted as of now.

True to its tradition, the School tackles the complexity of today’s global China through a 2-week, super-intensive program featuring leading China experts from around the world, a vibrant international class, and an informal environment designed to encourage in-depth discussions and first-rate networking.
Training runs Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Lectures address both China’s long-term, structural transformations, and the most topical trends informing current international debate. The TOChina faculty is selected to provide timely, cutting-edge insights, engage in extensive Q&A sessions, and devise case-studies and role-games for maximum impact. Working language is English.
Please see the attached flyer for info on the 2012 TOChina faculty.… Read more ⤻

Call for Papers: Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA)

Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA), which was initiated in 1980 and published bimonthly, is one of the most highly ranked academic journals in China that publish original research articles in arts and humanities, especially in literary theory. From 2012 year onwards, TSLA will publish original academic articles that are written in English. Articles that deal with any issues in literary theory, critical theory, aesthetics, philosophy of art, cultural studies will be welcome.

Third EACS Summer School in Chinese Studies – 2012 Edition: Chinese Folk Culture

Moscow, 18th - 24th Jun 2012
Deadline: 15th Mar 2012

The classes will be held from 18 June (Monday) to 23 June (Saturday). A Moscow city tour is scheduled for 24 June (Sunday). Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Time & Place, Courses, Participants, Requirements, Application, Contacts

Call for Papers: “New European research on contemporary China” European Junior China Scholars Conference

Beijing, 6th - 7th Jul 2012
Deadline: 1st Mar 2012

This conference aims to bring together doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers and recent PhDs based in China, either European nationals or affiliated with European research institutions, in order to produce an overview of the emerging problematics in Chinese studies. The focus of the conference is on contemporary China, in a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Call for Papers: “Cosmopolitan China” An International Conference

Manchester, 17th - 18th May 2012
Extended Deadline: 13th Feb 2012

Convened by Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS) and Confucius Institute (CI) Pathways to Cosmopolitanism PhD Program (Manchester and NUS) Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Culture (RICC)
Manchester Architecture Research Centre (MARC).
Questions of ethnic diversity and multi-culturalism lie at the heart of debates on cosmopolitanism. To what extent can the case of China

Position in Premodern China Studies at Heidelberg University

Preliminary Deadline: 15th Feb 2012

The Department for Chinese Studies (Institut für Sinologie) at Heidelberg University seeks to employ as soon as possible a Research Scholar in Pre-modern Chinese History (Shang to Yuan political, social or cultural history) to fill the position of wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (salary level TV-L 13, roughly equivalent to Lecturer in Britain or Assistant Professor in North America). The position is affiliated to the chair for Classical China Studies.The successful applicant will be teaching

Position in Early Chinese Manuscript Studies at Heidelberg University

Preliminary Deadline: 15th Feb 2012

The Department for Chinese Studies (Institut für Sinologie) at Heidelberg University, Germany, invites applications for a Research Scholar position (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, salary level TV-L13, roughly equivalent to Lecturer in Britain or Assistant Professor in North America) in the field of Early Chinese Manuscript Studies (brush-writings on wood, bamboo, or silk from the 5th c. BCE to the 4th c. CE). The successful applicant will assist in coordinating the activities

Call for papers: Conference on “Constructions of Race and Racism in East Asia: East-West Perspectives”

Munich, 12th - 14th Sep 2012
Deadline: 15th Aug 2012

We welcome papers for a conference on Constructions of Race and Racism in East Asia, which will be held at the University of the Armed Forces, Munich, Germany from September 12 to 14, 2012.
This conference follows an earlier book project entitled “Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western Constructions and Eastern

Vacant Position: Professor in King’s China Institute

Deadline: 10th Feb 2012

King’s College London wishes to make a further appointment at Professorial level to its China Institute, as part of the strategic expansion of the Institute and the College’s broader internationalisation strategy. Fields of particular interest for the appointment are China and global politics, political economy, comparative governance, entrepreneurship and management, the state, including its legal, organisational and political aspects, urbanisation, and economic and social changein China.

Vacant Position: Chair in Contemporary China

University of Nottingham - School of Contemporary Chinese Studies
Deadline: 15th Feb 2012

Salary is internationally competitive and negotiable, starting from £55,758 per annum.
Excellent applications will be considered from any suitably qualified candidates for the above post based in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham, but would be particularly welcomed from specialists in financial economics or a related subject area with a focus on Contemporary China.

8th Łódź East Asia Meeting: East Asia After Global Financial Crisis

Łódź, 4th - 5th Jun 2012
Deadline: 28th Feb 2012

Ever since its first edition in 2002, the Lodz East Asian Meeting gather scholars, researchers and students in all disciplines, specializing in East Asian studies. Being the first academic conference of its kind in Poland, gradually it became one of the most important venues for academic exchange in the field. After hosting eight conferences and publishing six volumes of studies, we hope to broaden its scope and turn it

Cambridge: University Lectureship in Chinese Studies (post-Han and pre-1800)

Department of East Asian Studies, Cambridge University
Deadline: 1st Feb 2012

"Applications are invited for a University Lectureship in Chinese Studies available from October 1st 2012 or other date to be arranged thereafter. Successful applicants must have a strong publication record and experience in teaching classical and literary Chinese, sinological research methods,dynastic history, and/or

Call for Papers: Asian Postmodernities and their Legacies

Zürich, 30th - 31st Mar 2012
Deadline: 15th Jan 2012

The University Research Priority Program Asia and Europe (University of Zurich) in collaboration with The Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of Sinology (University of Zurich), invite proposals for the Graduate Student Workshop.

Key themes: spaces & boundaries, environmental issues, body & gender, theories & methods
Download: Call for Papers (PDF)

Konfuzius-Institut an der Universität Heidelberg sucht Geschäftsführer|in

Deadline: 31st Dec 2011

Am Konfuzius-Institut an der Universität Heidelberg e.V. ist baldmöglichst die Stelle einer/ eines Geschäftsführerin/ Geschäftsführers zu besetzen. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach TV-L.
Die Aufgaben umfassen die Geschäftsführung im Konfuzius-Institut in Zusammenarbeit mit dem/der chinesischen Direktor/in des Instituts, die Organisation und Koordination von Veranstaltungen und Kursen auf allen Ebenen des Spracherwerbs

Seventh EACL Springschool in Chinese Linguistics

Humboldt-University, Berlin
26th - 30th Mar 2012
Deadline: 6th Jan 2012

The Board of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics is pleased to
announce the 2012 edition of the EACL Spring School in Chinese Linguistics. The aim of the EACL Spring Schools in Chinese Linguistics is to provide a opportunity for MA and PhD-students affiliated to European universities to be exposed to areas in Chinese

Call for Papers: Cultural Translation and East Asia: Film, Literature and Art

Bangor University UK, Sep 7th - 8th 2012
Deadline: 20th May 2012

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to focus on questions of ‘cultural translation’ in all its forms and constructs.
As global identity becomes increasingly defined by questions of communication across languages and
cultures the role of ‘translation’ becomes key in the forging of new subjectivities.

List of Museums


Czech Republic


* Department of Asian Arts and Crafts, Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures




* The National Museum of Denmark




* The Dragon's Voice (Special Exhibition of "archaelogical treasures and bell tone art of ancient China" at the Museum of Music, Paris, 21 November – 25 Febuary)
* Muse National des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet
* Muse Cernuschi




* Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst


* Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst




* Ferenc Hopp Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts
* György Ráth Museum




* Chester Beatty Library




* Rijksmuseum




* Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum




The State Museum of Oriental Art


St. Petersburg

The State Hermitage Museum

Kunstkamera. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences

The State Museum of the History of Religion 




* Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities




* Baur Collection


* Museum Rietberg


United Kingdom


* The Oriental Museum, University of Durham


* Asian Art in London
* Brushes with Surprise: The Art of Calligraphy in Modern China (The British Museum, until 19 May 2002)
* Department of Oriental Antiquities, The British Museum
* Percival David Foundation, The British Museum – Room 95
* Victoria and Albert Museum


* Eastern Art Department, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
* The Khoan and Michael Sullivan Gallery of Chinese Painting


* The Burrell Collection… Read more ⤻




The links gathered here are to websites of European museums with collections of Chinese art, and to announcements of special exhibitions. You can select a country below, or view the complete list. For a general overview (in French) of exhibitions in various European countries, click here.

Please select a country:

Czech Republic








Russian Federation



United Kingdom
 … Read more ⤻

List of Libraries


A star (*) denotes access to online catalogue.



Bibos Gateway, Austria* (unified access to many Austrian libraries, including the Austrian National Library and the Library of Vienna University)


Austrian National Library – Sinica Collection
Austrian National Library, Sinica Database*
"Brief report on the Sinica collection of the Austrian National Library"
Institut für Sinologie der Universitaet Wien (also access to their Western material catalogue*)






University Library, Universiteit Gent


"Chinese collections in Leuven, Belgium"
Libis Net* (OPAC)
Ferdinand Verbiest Foundation, CICM Chinese Memorial Library


Czech Republic


"Lu Xun Library, Prague"
Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic*






The Royal Library* (also access to online catalogue)
The Royal Library, Orientalsk Samling
"The Royal Library, Copenhagen"
"In the world of Chinese characters-Readers of Chinese in the Royal Library of Denmark"
Department of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies*




Catalogue Collectif des ouvrages – base Etudes chinoise*
"Plans for a tour of sinological libraries in France"


Institut d'Asie Orientale*
The Municipal Library of Lyon, Chinese Collection


Bibliothèque nationale de France*
Catalogue MUSCAT – Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle*
Collège de France -Bibliothèque d'Extrême-Orient*
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire des Langues orientales




German Libraries Online*


Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Ostasienabteilung*
Humboldt-Universität/Universitätsbibliothek, Zweigbibliothek Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften*


Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen (SOS), Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelm Univ.… Read more ⤻



Libraries and Databases

These pages currently contain 106 links to libraries in 14 different countries. You can follow one of the general links, select a country below, or view the complete list. A star (*) denotes access to online catalogue.


General Links

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Library Travel Grants (Administered by EACS)

Library of Congress Grant Programs (as of July 2001)

The China WWW Virtual Library Internet Guide for China Studies, Libraries and Library Resources for Chinese Studies *

European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL)
[ Note: subsets of this link are entered under individual countries below. ]

Sinological Serials in European Libraries (SSELP) *

The European Library





Czech Republic







Russian Federation




United KingdomRead more ⤻

List of Institutions






Institut für Sinologie der Universität Wien




AsiaRes – Baltic Research Center for East Asian Studies



College for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Taoist Studies Centre TASC


Universiteit Gent, Sinology
Centre for Buddhist Studies


Sinological Section, Catholic University
Ferdinand Verbiest Foundation


Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies




East-Asian Studies, University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski


Czech Republic


Department of Asian Studies, Palacky University


Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University
International Sinological Center CCK-ISC




Department of East Asian Studies, University of Aarhus


Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies




Finnish National Network of Universities and Polytechnics for East and Southeast Asia


Department of East Asian Studies, Institute for Asian and African Studies, University of Helsinki


Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Turku




Centre d’Etudes Français sur la Chine Contemporaine (based in Hong Kong)
Sources d’Asie


Etudes Romanes, Latino-Américaines, Orientales et Slaves, Université de Provence
Institut de Recherches, Europe-Asie


INSEAD Euro-Asia Center

Le Havre

Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (ILCO)


Département de Chinois, Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3
Institut d’Asie Orientale


Centre d’Etudes sur la Chine Moderne et Contemporaine
Center for International Studies and Research
Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale
Centre de recherche sur l’Extrême-Orient de Paris-Sorbonne (CREOPS)
Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI)
Institut Ricci de Paris
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)
Langues et Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale, Université de Paris VII
Section de Chinois, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées


International School of Asian and European Management (ISUGA)


Département Langues étrangères, Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail




Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien

Fachverband Chinesisch

Deutsche China-Gesellschaft


Ostasiatisches Seminar (OAS), Freie Universität Berlin

Research Unit for Chinese and East Asian Politics, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Free University Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin, Study Group for the History and Philosophy of Chinese Science and Technology

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (China-related projects)


Department of Chinese Languages and Literatures, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Ruhr University Bochum

Department of Chinese History and Philosophy, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Ruhr University Bochum

Research Unit on Taiwanese Culture and Literature

The Richard Wilhelm Translation Centre

Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Abteilung für Sinologie am Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften der Rheinischen Friedrichs-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonner Sinologisches Kolloquium (Lecture Series)


Institute of East-Asian Studies, Duisburg-Essen Universität


Lehrstuhl für Sinologie Sinologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen


Orientalisches Seminar, Abteilung Sinologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


Centre for Modern East Asian Studies CeMEAS (focuses on interdisciplinary research about East Asia)

Transregional Research Network CETREN (links India and East Asia)

University of Göttingen – Department for East Asian Studies


German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Institut für Asien-Studien

Asien-Afrika Institut, Universität Hamburg, Abteilung für Sprache und Kultur Chinas


Institut für Sinologie, Universität Heidelberg (Institute of Chinese Studies)

Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in Global Context


China-Zentrum der Universität Kiel


China-Studien, Ostasiatisches Seminar der Universität Köln


Ostasiatisches Institut, Universität Leipzig


Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


Institut für Sinologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

China-Projekt des Lehrstuhls für Konservierung und Restaurierung der Technischen Universität München


Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster



Das sinologische Institut, Universität Trier


Sektion Sinologie, Abteilung für Sinologie und Koreanistik der Universität Tübingen


Sinologie, Institut fürKulturwissenschaften Ost- und Südasiens, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg




Institut of East Asian Studies, the Eotvos Lorand University




Department of Asian Studies of University College Cork


Euro-Asia Centre, University of Limerick




Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO)


Centro Amilcar Cabral
Department of Linguistic and Oriental Studies, Università degli studi di Bologna


Dipartimento di lingue e culture contemporanee, Università degli Studi di Milano
Lingua cinese, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi


Istituto Universitario Orientale


Centro Studi Popoli Extraeuropei “Cesare Bonacossa”, Università di Pavia


Dipartimento di studi orientali, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza


Centro di Alti Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea (CASCC)
Cesmeo – Istituto Internazionale di Studi Asiatici Avanzati
Dipartimento di Orientalistica, Università degli Studi di Torino


Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia Orientale, Università Ca’ Foscari
Istituto Venezia e l’Oriente, Fondazione Giorgio Cini




Institute for Area Studies, Universiteit Leiden
Sinologisch Instituut, Leiden University


Oriëntaalse Talen en Communicatie, Hogeschool Zuyd




Institutt for østeuropeiske og orientalske studier, Kinesisk




Centre for Asian Studies


Centre of Oriental Studies, University of Minho


Centre of African and Development Studies, Technical University of Lisbon




Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Universitatea din Bucuresti


Russian Federation


Department of Chinese Studies, Amur State University

Department of Chinese Studies, Blagoveschensk State Normal University


Institute of Oriental Studies, Kazan Federal University


Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies,  Russian State University for the Humanities

Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University   

Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences  

Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences 

MGIMO University   

School of Asian Studies, Higher School of Economics    



Read more ⤻




These pages currently contain 126 links to institutions in 25 different countries. You can follow one of the general links, select a country below, or view the complete list.

(All links were checked and updated on July 2009. If you come across any broken links, or if you would like to add a link, please contact the webmaster.)


General Links


European Center for Digital Resources in Chinese Studies

European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL)

European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME)

European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS)

EU-China Academic Network (ECAN)

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)

Internet Guide for China Studies (The China WWW Virtual Library)

Institutes and Professors of Sinology at German, Austrian and Swiss Universities (1945-2004)

Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network





Baltic States



Czech Republic











Russian Federation







United KingdomRead more ⤻

Newsletter No. 18 (Aug 1998)

Newsletter #18



COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 October


British Association of Chinese Studies – An Introduction

Announcement: EACS Board Meeting in Edinburgh

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences



EACS Conference Preliminary Program

Reports from Workshops, Conferences, etc.

Members’ Publications



Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:

Conference Secretary

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

Fax: + 44 – 131 – 65 112 58. Tel.: +44 – 131 – 65 04 227.

E-mail: “EACS Conference” <EASEACS@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>

Conference Web Site: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/eacs.html



By Frank Dikötter, President of the BACS

The British Association of Chinese Studies is a non-political organisation which has a membership of well over 200 individuals whose interests relate to greater China, drawn mainly from the academic community but also from industry, the media and government. It plays an important role in liaising and consulting with other Area Studies organisations, with funding bodies, with China-related representative offices and with government departments.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 27 (Dec 2001)



No. 27, December 2001

Some thoughts in the wake of ICAS 2
The CCK Centre at Charles University in Prague
Chinese language holdings of St. Petersburg branch of Oriental Studies, RAS
Russian-Chinese historical relations
Announcing women and gender network
International quality network
Conference and workshop announcements
Conference reports
New appointments
Faculty positions
New publications


The Free University campus in south-west Berlin was an attractive summer setting for this event. As usual on such occasions we met old friends and made new. There was a good enough attendance from both sides of the Atlantic to make for a bonding experience. Although the promised Korean musician failed to appear at the opening ceremony we could still enjoy an elegant and wide-ranging keynote address from Professor Wang Gungwu. Even at this short time-range, however, history has already been unkind to him. His speech structured Asian studies in the modern world into three great periods – an Orientalist phase, a Cold War phase characterized by a struggle of ideologies, and the subsequent phase in which we find ourselves now – an era of pluralism and complexity.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 26 (July 2001)



No. 26, July 2001

Letters from Editor and President
European Centre for Digital Resources in Chinese Studies
New Study Programmes for China at the University of Newcastle
Conference Announcements
Call for Papers for Journals
Faculty Position
New Publications


In issue no. 25 of the EACS Newsletter members of our association were invited to take issue with the author of the featured article “Is Sinology a Science?” Alas, reactions in the EACS on-line discussion forum have been very limited. Instead, the author of the article apparently receives comments addressed to him personally. A culture of open debate in the ECAS forum has yet to develop, it seems.

This present issue of the Newsletter also lacks the usual amount of news and information. The Newsletter depends entirely on EACS members’ own initiative in contributing information or academic points of view. It would be lamentable if the Newsletter offered little but refrences to titles of new publications also available elsewhere.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 25 (Mar 2001)



No. 25, March 2001

Letter from the Editor and Webmaster
Call For Papers Presented at the XIIIth EACS Conference in Turin
Introducing the Host Institutions of the XIVth EACS Conference, 2002
Is Sinology a Science?
The European Centre for Chinese Studies at Peking University
New MA-Programme in Chinese Studies, Business and International Relations
Conference and Workshop Announcements
Workshop and Conference Reports
New Publications


This issue of the Newsletter features apart from the regular columns with academic information also an abridgment of an article written by an EACS member. In his summary, Hans Kuijper (re-) raises the controversial question whether or not Sinology should be regarded as a scientific discipline. By bringing out this piece in the Newsletter and hopefully later the entire article on the EACS Website, it is the intention of this Editor and the Board of EACS to open the floor to more academic debate within the association.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 24 (Nov 2000)



No. 24, November 2000

Reports from the EACS General Assembly
Attending the Torino Conference
The EACS Website
Conference and Workshop Announcements
Workshop and Conference Reports
News Around Europe
New Publications


The EACS Newsletter is published three times a year: in spring, summer and autumn. All contributions should be sent to the Editor by E-mail or on a diskette. Please remember to check your copy carefully before sending it. Workshop and conference reports should not exceed 600 words. Calls for papers should not exceed 100 words. Remember to include all relevant information when contributing new book titles (author, title, publication place, publisher, year, pp., price in EURO and ISBN). Names and titles in non-Latin script such as Cyrillic are welcome provided that the author’s name is in transcription and a short content summary is included.

Every effort is made to include all relevant news, but the Editor reserves the right to edit all contributions for publication.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 23 (Jul 2000)



No. 23, July 2000

Note from the Editor
Convening of General Assembly Meetings
EACS Nominations for Election to the Board
Proposed Revisions to the EACS Constitution
XIIIth EACS Conference in Torino
News and Announcements
New Research Projects
New Publications


This Newsletter is the last to be published before the XIII EACS conference in Torino. Many issues regarding the Association are planned to be discussed at no less than two General Assemblies! One topic for debate is the amending of the current constitution of the EACS. The new proposals to be presented by the Board and discussed by members at the General Assembly (see the announcement below) are included in this issue. For purposes of comparison the present constitution is placed beside the new proposals in a table. By doing so, I hope to have given you adequate time to reflect on the novel directions and intentions of the Board.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 22 (Apr 2000)

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} EACS NEWSLETTER 22 Stephan Werner-Thun Normal Michel Hockx 10 77 2000-04-03T08:12:00Z 2000-04-15T13:56:00Z 2000-04-15T15:03:00Z 12 4777 27231 226 54 33441 9.2720 1 1 0 0

EACS Newsletter

No. 22, April, 2000



EACS Addresses

EACS Newsletter

Note from the President

Note from the Editor



News from around Europe

New Publications

Membership Fee

EACS Application Form






Change of address information and all membership payments should be sent to the Treasurer. Other EACS business should be sent either to the President or the Secretary-General.



Glen Dudbridge, Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford University, Walton Street, Oxford OX1 2HG, U.K. Tel. +44 1865-280389 (office); +44 1865-280387 (secretary); +44 1865-862816 (home).

E-mail: glen_dudbridge@yahoo.com



Christian Henriot, Institut d’Asie Orientale – MRASH – 14, avenue Berthelot, F-69363 Lyon cedex 07, France. Tel. +33 4 72 65 40; fa
x +33 4 72 72 64 90.

Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 21 (Jan 2000)

EACS NEWSLETTER 21 Glen Dudbridge Normal Hockx 3 9 2000-01-15T11:47:00Z 2000-01-21T08:56:00Z 2000-01-21T09:04:00Z 27 14997 85485 Dell Computer Corporation 712 170 104981 9.2720 0 0

European Association of Chinese Studies

Association européenne d’études chinoises


EACS Newsletter


No. 21


January 2000






Editor’s note

In Memoriam: Professor Helmut Martin

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Events


Membership Application Form

An Important Note from the Treasurer

A Message from Professor Vladimir Portyakov

The EACS Website Moves

Where to Send Your EACS correspondence

The Newsletter

EACS Addresses








EACS Homepage: http://www.soas.ac.uk/eacs

The EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly welcome is information about vacancies, grants, scholarships, conferences and workshops in Chinese studies.

Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 20 (May 1999)


European Association of Chinese Studies
Association européenne d’études chinoises

EACS Newsletter
No. 20
May 1999

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 June, 1999


Editor’s note
In memoriam: Professor Yves Hervouet
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Reports from Workshops, Conferences, Events
EACS – CCK Foundation Library Travel Grants
Contributions to China Handbook
Membership Application Form
A Notice from the Treasurer
Where to send your EACS correspondence
EACS Addresses

The EACS Homepage welcomes news that needs to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly welcome is information about vacancies, grants, scholarships, conferences and workshops in Chinese studies. Please send your information to the President.

Editor’s note
This is the first issue of the EACS Newsletter that I edit in several years. I did cooperate with my teacher Professor Göran Malmqvist in the editing of the first newsletter published in 1987, and I was also involved in the editing of some of the issues that followed.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 19 (Dec 1998)

EACS Newsletter #19



COPY DEADLINE for next issue is February 15, 1999


A Message from the President
Introduction of new EACS officer
The Board of the EACS 1998-2000
Adresses of the new Board of the EACS
Interdisciplinarity at the EACS meeting in Edinburgh
Edinburgh General Assembly: The President’s Report
The EACS and the EASL – exchange of correspondence
Conferences and Workshops
China Biographical Archive
Journals and Periodicals
Members’ Publications
Membership Application Form
EACS Addresses

PLEASE NOTE: The new editor of the EACS Newsletter is Professor Torbjörn Lodén. Starting with the next issue, all correspondence should be directed to him at the following address:

Torbjörn Lodén, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, S-10691, Sweden.

Fax: 46 8155464 – email: torbjorn.loden@orient.su.se – Harald Böckman



A message from the President


To all members of EACS I wish a happy and successful year in 1999!

For most Europeans the year will bring, with the launch of their new currency, both new adjustments and, we hope, wider opportunities.… Read more ⤻


Newsletter #18



COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 October


British Association of Chinese Studies – An Introduction

Announcement: EACS Board Meeting in Edinburgh

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences



EACS Conference Preliminary Program

Reports from Workshops, Conferences, etc.

Members’ Publications



Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:

Conference Secretary

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

Fax: + 44 – 131 – 65 112 58. Tel.: +44 – 131 – 65 04 227.

E-mail: “EACS Conference” <EASEACS@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>

Conference Web Site: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/eacs.html



By Frank Dikötter, President of the BACS

The British Association of Chinese Studies is a non-political organisation which has a membership of well over 200 individuals whose interests relate to greater China, drawn mainly from the academic community but also from industry, the media and government. It plays an important role in liaising and consulting with other Area Studies organisations, with funding bodies, with China-related representative offices and with government departments.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 17 (May 1998)

Newsletter #17

Newsletter #17

MAY 1998

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 July


EACS Conference in Edinburgh, September 1998

Europe in China III Research Group

Membership News

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications

Other News

New Members



Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:

Denise Gimpel, Conference Secretary

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27

Email: “EACS Conference” <EASEACS@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>

Conference Web Site: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09


12th EACS CONFERENCE in Edinburgh, 10-13 September 1998


EACS Conference “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and Play”


Please note that registration will take place at Pollock Halls on Wednesday 9 September 1998 from 14.00 to 18.00, one day before the conference proper begins.

Fast track registration will be available for participants who have already paid the conference fee and, where applicable, an accommodation deposit in advance through the conference secretariat and who are up-to-date on membership fees.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 16 (Feb 1998)

EACS Newsletter #16


Newsletter #16


COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is April 1, 1998



Happy New Year of the Tiger!

1998 EACS Membership Renewal

EACS Edinburgh Conference Topic Convenors

EACS Projects: SSELP News

Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.

Membership News

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications



Enquiries and Registration:

easeacs@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/

Bonnie S. McDougall, Scottish Centre for Chinese Studies, The University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, UK. Fax +44-131-651-1258. Tel. +44-131-650-4227.


Dear EACS members,

Welcome to a new year of tigerish activity. I am sure you have all been reminded of the high demands and the great prospects for the coming year (oh, well, even tigers also have their relaxing or low moments, I am sure).

For the EACS, it will certainly be an active year, and I do hope that you will make use of your EACS membership for this purpose.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 14 (Sep 1997)

Newsletter #14

Newsletter #14

September 1997



IMPORTANT: Check your Newsletter envelope!

EACS Board Meeting September 1997

12th EACS Conference September 1998


EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

Institutional Homepages and Other Net News

Library Resources

Reports from Workshops, Conferences

Membership News

Jobs and Positions

Grants and Fellowships

Workshops and Conferences

Members’ Publications

Board Members’ New Addresses etc.

New Members

Membership Application Form & EACS Addresses




EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly vacancies in the field of Chinese studies and information on grants and scholarships are welcome. Mail the material to the President, address: see last page.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Check your Newsletter envelope!

Reminder! Membership fees!

Those members who still have not paid their fee for 1997 or even 1996 are reminded by one (1997) or two asterisks (1996 and 1997) on the address label of this Newsletter envelope.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 13 (May 1997)

Newsletter #13

Newsletter #13

MAY 1997

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 20 August


Announcement: EACS 1997 Board Meeting

Clarification: Barcelona Ballot

Edinburgh Conference 1998

Introduction of New EACS Officers

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Grant Recipients

EU China Academic Network

East Asia Terminology Research Center EAsTerm

Reports from Workshops

Grants and Fellowships

Jobs and Positions

Workshops and Conferences

Members’ Publications

Membership Application Form

EACS Addresses





The Board of the EACS will have its meeting for 1997 in Edinburgh on 12-13 September. Any member who would like to bring any matter that she/he deems useful or vital to the attention of the Board is hereby invited to do so by writing to the Secretary-General (see address on last page).

Oslo, 26 May, 1997

Harald Bøckman




After the election of the candidates of the EACS Board on 6 September, 1996, some members have expressed doubt about the correctness of the announced result.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 12 (Feb 1997)

Newsletter #12

Newsletter #12


1997 Membership Renewal

Introduction of New EACS Officers
Introduction of Institutional Homepages
25 Dynastic Histories Database
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Database (SSELP)
EU China Higher Education Cooperation Programme
The International Dunhuang Project
Library Resources
Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.
Membership News
Grants and Fellowships
Jobs and Positions
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Members’ Publications
Other News

1997 Membership Renewal / Invoice

Now is the right time to get a good start in the new sinological year of the ox! We cannot promise that you will fa cai, but we will be more than happy to extend a gongxi to you upon your renewal of your EACS membership. Also, we cannot guarantee that the year will be auspicious, but at least, it looks like a year that will be more unusual than most other years in the annals of China.
The membership renewal procedure is the same as before:
The fee, DM 30 – or DM 35 if you use Eurocheque – may be paid to the EACS in the following manners:
* Those who use bank transfer should transfer the payment to the EACS treasurer’s bank account: Dr.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 11 (Nov 1996)



Newsletter #11

November 1996

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is the 15 January 1997


EACS Board Members 1996-1998

Secretary-General’s Speech to the XXI EACS Conference

Secretary-General’s Report on the EACS Eleventh General Assembly

Introduction of New EACS Officers

Preliminary Announcement: EACS Conference 1998

Report on EACS Intensive Course on Archival Holdings

Members’ Publications

Seminars and Conferences

Other News


Latest EACS Bibliographic Survey
Czech, Hungarian, Slovakian, Slovenian Sinology
EACS Survey no. 5, 1996

One free copy has been sent to all EACS subscribing members.
Those interested in buying extra copies of Surveys no 4 (Russian Sinology) or no 5,
please contact Secretary-General Harald Boeckman, address: see last page.

The New Officers of the EACS
elected at the Board Meeting September 6, 1996, in Barcelona

President: Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg.
Vice-chairmen: Piero Corradini, Rome; Vladimir Y. Portiakov, Moscow.
Secretary-general: Harald Bøckman, Oslo.
Vice-secretary-general: Marja Kaikkonen, Stockholm.
Treasurer: Brunhild Staiger, Hamburg.
Bureau members: Christian Henriot, Lyon; Bonnie S.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 10 (Jul 1996)


European Association for Chinese StudiesAssociation Européene d’Etudes Chinoises


 EACS NewsletterJuly 1996 #10    Copy deadline for the next issue is the 15 September 1996CHANGE OF EDITOR AND   ADDRESS FOR THIS NEWSLETTER. After starting up this newsletter and editing it   for two and a half years I am handing over the task to Marja Kaikkonen at the   Institute of Oriental Languages at Stockholm University. I hope that in its   modest way the Newsletter has helped European sinologists to keep in touch with   each other and with other China-related activities in Europe. And I hope that   everyone will continue to support and encourage the new editor/compiler. I want   to thank everyone who has made the compilation of this newsletter possible.   Without the cooperation of the Association's members it would not have been   possible to gather together so much information. Other administrative addresses   remain the same, so continue to send your membership cheques and change of address   to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg.
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Newsletter No. 09 (Mar 1996)


EACS Newsletter #9, March 1996

European Association for Chinese Studies
Association Européene d’Etudes Chinoises

EACS Newsletter #9, March 1996

Copy deadline for the next issue is the 15 May 1996

Where to send your correspondence and about contributions to this quarterly Newsletter:
Change of address information and ALL subscription payments should be sent to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg. New members in addition should send application forms to Rudolf Wagner in Heidelberg. Other business of the EACS should be sent either to Professor Wagner in Heidelberg or Professor Bastid-Bruguière in Paris. Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Laura Rivkin in London. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES ARE ON THE BACK PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTER AND/OR ON THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM.


Those members who have not yet paid their membership fees for 1996 should do so as soon as possible. The fee for one year is DM 30.00. The fee is DM 35.00 if you pay by Eurocheque.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter Repository

Below are links to online editions of all EACS Newsletters from No. 9 (March 1996) onwards.


No. 55 (2020) Members only

Newsletter 2020


No . 53 (Oct 2018)

Newsletter 2018


No . 52 (Oct 2017)

Newsletter 2017


No . 51 (Nov 2016)

Newsletter 2016


No . 50 (May 2016)



No . 49 (December 2015)

EACS Newsletter49_ 2015


No . 48 (November 2013)



No . 47 (November 2012)



No. 46 (September 2011)



No. 45 (December 2010)

Word Format |PDF


No. 44 (June 2010)

Word Format |PDF


No. 43 (December 2009)

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No. 42 (June 2009)

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No. 41 (December 2008)

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No. 40 (June 2008)

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No. 39 (December 2007)

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No. 38 (June 2007)

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No. 37 (December 2006)

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No. 36 (June 2006)

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Expired: Durham University UK – School of Modern Languages and Cultures Reader (Associate Professor) in Chinese

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures seeks to appoint a Reader in Chinese.

The appointee will make an outstanding contribution to both research and teaching in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, and to the School’s new undergraduate programme in Chinese Studies, which is being launched in October 2011 in close collaboration with the Department of History and School of Government and International Affairs.

The current post arises from the need for enhanced leadership of the School’s research in Chinese Studies and of the core linguistic and research-led cultural component of the Chinese Studies programme, which is to be managed by the School with significant input from colleagues in History.

Details see: External Link


 … Read more ⤻

Two new positions in Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh

Deadline: May 13th 2011

HANDA CHAIR of Japanese-Chinese Relations

The University wishes to appoint a scholar of the highest international distinction with a proven record in academic leadership, research and teaching and a research specialism in Japanese-Chinese relations in any area of modern society, politics, or culture.  Applicants should have an outstanding record of publication, experience of providing research leadership and a record of winning funding for research and/or knowledge exchange activities. This Chair position is funded by and named after Dr Haruhisa Handa, Chairman of Worldwide Support for Development. The appointment will be permanent and full-time at professorial level.

Deadline for application is May 13th 2011. For further information please refer to:



Deadline: May 3rd 2011

Lecturer in Modern Chinese Politics and Society

Applications are invited from scholars in the field of Modern Chinese Politics and Society. The successful candidate will be appointed to the research-active staff and contribute to the teaching of Chinese Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.… Read more ⤻