Newsletter No. 19 (Dec 1998)

EACS Newsletter #19



COPY DEADLINE for next issue is February 15, 1999


A Message from the President
Introduction of new EACS officer
The Board of the EACS 1998-2000
Adresses of the new Board of the EACS
Interdisciplinarity at the EACS meeting in Edinburgh
Edinburgh General Assembly: The President’s Report
The EACS and the EASL – exchange of correspondence
Conferences and Workshops
China Biographical Archive
Journals and Periodicals
Members’ Publications
Membership Application Form
EACS Addresses

PLEASE NOTE: The new editor of the EACS Newsletter is Professor Torbjörn Lodén. Starting with the next issue, all correspondence should be directed to him at the following address:

Torbjörn Lodén, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, S-10691, Sweden.

Fax: 46 8155464 – email: torbjorn.loden@orient.su.se – Harald Böckman



A message from the President


To all members of EACS I wish a happy and successful year in 1999!

For most Europeans the year will bring, with the launch of their new currency, both new adjustments and, we hope, wider opportunities.… Read more ⤻


Newsletter #18



COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 October


British Association of Chinese Studies – An Introduction

Announcement: EACS Board Meeting in Edinburgh

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences



EACS Conference Preliminary Program

Reports from Workshops, Conferences, etc.

Members’ Publications



Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:

Conference Secretary

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

Fax: + 44 – 131 – 65 112 58. Tel.: +44 – 131 – 65 04 227.

E-mail: “EACS Conference” <EASEACS@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>

Conference Web Site: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/eacs.html



By Frank Dikötter, President of the BACS

The British Association of Chinese Studies is a non-political organisation which has a membership of well over 200 individuals whose interests relate to greater China, drawn mainly from the academic community but also from industry, the media and government. It plays an important role in liaising and consulting with other Area Studies organisations, with funding bodies, with China-related representative offices and with government departments.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 17 (May 1998)

Newsletter #17

Newsletter #17

MAY 1998

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 15 July


EACS Conference in Edinburgh, September 1998

Europe in China III Research Group

Membership News

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications

Other News

New Members



Enquiries and Registration, CONTACT:

Denise Gimpel, Conference Secretary

Scottish Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

Fax: +44-131-651 12 58. Tel.: +44-131-650 42 27

Email: “EACS Conference” <EASEACS@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>

Conference Web Site: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09


12th EACS CONFERENCE in Edinburgh, 10-13 September 1998


EACS Conference “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and Play”


Please note that registration will take place at Pollock Halls on Wednesday 9 September 1998 from 14.00 to 18.00, one day before the conference proper begins.

Fast track registration will be available for participants who have already paid the conference fee and, where applicable, an accommodation deposit in advance through the conference secretariat and who are up-to-date on membership fees.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 16 (Feb 1998)

EACS Newsletter #16


Newsletter #16


COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is April 1, 1998



Happy New Year of the Tiger!

1998 EACS Membership Renewal

EACS Edinburgh Conference Topic Convenors

EACS Projects: SSELP News

Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.

Membership News

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications



Enquiries and Registration:

easeacs@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk http://www.ed.ac.uk/~etev09/

Bonnie S. McDougall, Scottish Centre for Chinese Studies, The University of Edinburgh,

8 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, UK. Fax +44-131-651-1258. Tel. +44-131-650-4227.


Dear EACS members,

Welcome to a new year of tigerish activity. I am sure you have all been reminded of the high demands and the great prospects for the coming year (oh, well, even tigers also have their relaxing or low moments, I am sure).

For the EACS, it will certainly be an active year, and I do hope that you will make use of your EACS membership for this purpose.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 14 (Sep 1997)

Newsletter #14

Newsletter #14

September 1997



IMPORTANT: Check your Newsletter envelope!

EACS Board Meeting September 1997

12th EACS Conference September 1998


EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme

Institutional Homepages and Other Net News

Library Resources

Reports from Workshops, Conferences

Membership News

Jobs and Positions

Grants and Fellowships

Workshops and Conferences

Members’ Publications

Board Members’ New Addresses etc.

New Members

Membership Application Form & EACS Addresses




EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly vacancies in the field of Chinese studies and information on grants and scholarships are welcome. Mail the material to the President, address: see last page.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Check your Newsletter envelope!

Reminder! Membership fees!

Those members who still have not paid their fee for 1997 or even 1996 are reminded by one (1997) or two asterisks (1996 and 1997) on the address label of this Newsletter envelope.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 13 (May 1997)

Newsletter #13

Newsletter #13

MAY 1997

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is 20 August


Announcement: EACS 1997 Board Meeting

Clarification: Barcelona Ballot

Edinburgh Conference 1998

Introduction of New EACS Officers

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Grant Recipients

EU China Academic Network

East Asia Terminology Research Center EAsTerm

Reports from Workshops

Grants and Fellowships

Jobs and Positions

Workshops and Conferences

Members’ Publications

Membership Application Form

EACS Addresses





The Board of the EACS will have its meeting for 1997 in Edinburgh on 12-13 September. Any member who would like to bring any matter that she/he deems useful or vital to the attention of the Board is hereby invited to do so by writing to the Secretary-General (see address on last page).

Oslo, 26 May, 1997

Harald Bøckman




After the election of the candidates of the EACS Board on 6 September, 1996, some members have expressed doubt about the correctness of the announced result.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 12 (Feb 1997)

Newsletter #12

Newsletter #12


1997 Membership Renewal

Introduction of New EACS Officers
Introduction of Institutional Homepages
25 Dynastic Histories Database
Sinological Serials in European Libraries Database (SSELP)
EU China Higher Education Cooperation Programme
The International Dunhuang Project
Library Resources
Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.
Membership News
Grants and Fellowships
Jobs and Positions
Workshops, Seminars, Conferences
Members’ Publications
Other News

1997 Membership Renewal / Invoice

Now is the right time to get a good start in the new sinological year of the ox! We cannot promise that you will fa cai, but we will be more than happy to extend a gongxi to you upon your renewal of your EACS membership. Also, we cannot guarantee that the year will be auspicious, but at least, it looks like a year that will be more unusual than most other years in the annals of China.
The membership renewal procedure is the same as before:
The fee, DM 30 – or DM 35 if you use Eurocheque – may be paid to the EACS in the following manners:
* Those who use bank transfer should transfer the payment to the EACS treasurer’s bank account: Dr.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 11 (Nov 1996)



Newsletter #11

November 1996

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is the 15 January 1997


EACS Board Members 1996-1998

Secretary-General’s Speech to the XXI EACS Conference

Secretary-General’s Report on the EACS Eleventh General Assembly

Introduction of New EACS Officers

Preliminary Announcement: EACS Conference 1998

Report on EACS Intensive Course on Archival Holdings

Members’ Publications

Seminars and Conferences

Other News


Latest EACS Bibliographic Survey
Czech, Hungarian, Slovakian, Slovenian Sinology
EACS Survey no. 5, 1996

One free copy has been sent to all EACS subscribing members.
Those interested in buying extra copies of Surveys no 4 (Russian Sinology) or no 5,
please contact Secretary-General Harald Boeckman, address: see last page.

The New Officers of the EACS
elected at the Board Meeting September 6, 1996, in Barcelona

President: Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg.
Vice-chairmen: Piero Corradini, Rome; Vladimir Y. Portiakov, Moscow.
Secretary-general: Harald Bøckman, Oslo.
Vice-secretary-general: Marja Kaikkonen, Stockholm.
Treasurer: Brunhild Staiger, Hamburg.
Bureau members: Christian Henriot, Lyon; Bonnie S.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 10 (Jul 1996)


European Association for Chinese StudiesAssociation Européene d’Etudes Chinoises


 EACS NewsletterJuly 1996 #10    Copy deadline for the next issue is the 15 September 1996CHANGE OF EDITOR AND   ADDRESS FOR THIS NEWSLETTER. After starting up this newsletter and editing it   for two and a half years I am handing over the task to Marja Kaikkonen at the   Institute of Oriental Languages at Stockholm University. I hope that in its   modest way the Newsletter has helped European sinologists to keep in touch with   each other and with other China-related activities in Europe. And I hope that   everyone will continue to support and encourage the new editor/compiler. I want   to thank everyone who has made the compilation of this newsletter possible.   Without the cooperation of the Association's members it would not have been   possible to gather together so much information. Other administrative addresses   remain the same, so continue to send your membership cheques and change of address   to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg.
Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 09 (Mar 1996)


EACS Newsletter #9, March 1996

European Association for Chinese Studies
Association Européene d’Etudes Chinoises

EACS Newsletter #9, March 1996

Copy deadline for the next issue is the 15 May 1996

Where to send your correspondence and about contributions to this quarterly Newsletter:
Change of address information and ALL subscription payments should be sent to Brunhild Staiger in Hamburg. New members in addition should send application forms to Rudolf Wagner in Heidelberg. Other business of the EACS should be sent either to Professor Wagner in Heidelberg or Professor Bastid-Bruguière in Paris. Contributions for the Newsletter should be sent to Laura Rivkin in London. ALL RELEVANT ADDRESSES ARE ON THE BACK PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTER AND/OR ON THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM.


Those members who have not yet paid their membership fees for 1996 should do so as soon as possible. The fee for one year is DM 30.00. The fee is DM 35.00 if you pay by Eurocheque.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter Repository

Below are links to online editions of all EACS Newsletters from No. 9 (March 1996) onwards.

No. 55 (2020) Members only –

Newsletter 2020

No . 53 (Oct 2018)

Newsletter 2018

No . 52 (Oct 2017)

Newsletter 2017

No . 51 (Nov 2016)

Newsletter 2016

No . 50 (May 2016)


No . 49 (December 2015)

EACS Newsletter49_ 2015

No . 48 (November 2013)


No . 47 (November 2012)


No. 46 (September 2011)


No. 45 (December 2010)

Word Format |PDF

No. 44 (June 2010)

Word Format |PDF

No. 43 (December 2009)

Word Format |PDF

No. 42 (June 2009)

Word Format |PDF

No. 41 (December 2008)

Word Format |PDF

No. 40 (June 2008)

Word Format | PDF

No. 39 (December 2007)

Word Format | PDF

No. 38 (June 2007)

Word Format | PDF

No. 37 (December 2006)

Word Format | PDF

No. 36 (June 2006)

Word Format | PDF


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Expired: Durham University UK – School of Modern Languages and Cultures Reader (Associate Professor) in Chinese

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures seeks to appoint a Reader in Chinese.

The appointee will make an outstanding contribution to both research and teaching in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, and to the School’s new undergraduate programme in Chinese Studies, which is being launched in October 2011 in close collaboration with the Department of History and School of Government and International Affairs.

The current post arises from the need for enhanced leadership of the School’s research in Chinese Studies and of the core linguistic and research-led cultural component of the Chinese Studies programme, which is to be managed by the School with significant input from colleagues in History.

Details see: External Link


 … Read more ⤻

Two new positions in Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh

Deadline: May 13th 2011

HANDA CHAIR of Japanese-Chinese Relations

The University wishes to appoint a scholar of the highest international distinction with a proven record in academic leadership, research and teaching and a research specialism in Japanese-Chinese relations in any area of modern society, politics, or culture.  Applicants should have an outstanding record of publication, experience of providing research leadership and a record of winning funding for research and/or knowledge exchange activities. This Chair position is funded by and named after Dr Haruhisa Handa, Chairman of Worldwide Support for Development. The appointment will be permanent and full-time at professorial level.

Deadline for application is May 13th 2011. For further information please refer to:



Deadline: May 3rd 2011

Lecturer in Modern Chinese Politics and Society

Applications are invited from scholars in the field of Modern Chinese Politics and Society. The successful candidate will be appointed to the research-active staff and contribute to the teaching of Chinese Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.… Read more ⤻

The School of Arts and Languages at Högskolan Dalarna (Sweden) seeks a Senior Lecturer in Chinese 100 %

Deadline: 20th May 2011

Ref nr 2011/214

Description of the position

Due to the increasing interest in Chinese language, culture and society among European students, the Chinese subject at Högskolan Dalarna is rapidly expanding. We are now seeking a Senior Lecturer in Chinese for a one-year full time post. The post is temporary, from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, with the possibility of extension beyond that date. The post is based in Falun, Sweden.

The Institute for Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) seeks to fill the position of a Professor of Chinese Studies

Deadline: 21st Apr 2011

The Institute for Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) seeks to fill the position of a

Professor of Chinese Studies

with a pre-Song focus. Applicants should demonstrate a broad grasp of classical Chinese philology and culture as evidenced by an outstanding publication and teaching record. Additional interests in modern Chinese culture are desirable, especially in teaching. Only candidates with a completed Habilitation or comparable qualifications (as a rule, a second book/manuscript) (in accordance with Article 47, paragraph 2 of the Higher Education Law of the state of Baden-Württemberg) will be considered. Excellent skills in classical Chinese and fluency in modern spoken and written Chinese are essential, a reading capacity in modern Japanese would be appreciated.

The Institute for Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) seeks to fill the position of a Junior Professor (Assistant Professor) in Transcultural Studies – Economy and Society of China and East Asia (with tenure track option)

Deadline: 21st April 2011

The Institute for Chinese Studies at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) seeks to fill the position of a

Junior Professor (Assistant Professor) in Transcultural Studies – Economy and Society of China and East Asia (with tenure track option)


Requirements include an outstanding PhD thesis, publications in recognized scholarly journals, experience in acquiring external funding and an active interest in teaching. Fluency in modern spoken and written Chinese is expected. Classical Chinese and a reading capacity in modern Japanese are appreciated. Experience in developing digital resources and in E-learning is an asset.

Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for 2 Positions available in the fields of Taiwanese languages, culture and literature.

Deadline: May 31st 2011

Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for 2 Positions available in the fields of Taiwanese languages, culture and literature.

The position requires a doctoral degree in hand. Applicants should have a publication record, ongoing research projects, or have published their dissertation in the past three years. Please consult the regulations of the College of Liberal Arts at National Taiwan Normal University on the webpage:

External Link


The Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna announces the position of a Full Professor of Chinese Social Studies

Deadline: 10th June 2011

The Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies of the University of Vienna announces the position of a

Full Professor of Chinese Social Studies (full time, permanent position under private law).

The University of Vienna intends to increase the number of women on its faculty, particularly in high-level positions, and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.

As specified in the University’s Development Plan, the position is to be linked to the research areas “Cultures and Identities outside Europe (Cultural and socio-economic development in East Asia), Aesthetic Communication.

Expired: Die Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn sucht für das Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaft zum 1. Okt 2011 eine/n Studienrätin/Studienrat im Hochschuldienst für Chinesische Sprache

Das Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaft sucht für seine Abteilung für Orientalische und Asiatische Sprachen eine/n Wissenschaftler/in mit einem breiten und fundierten Fachwissen sowie mehrjähriger Erfahrung in den Fachgebieten Chinesische Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachdidaktik, möglichst auch Übersetzungswissenschaft. Das Lehrdeputat der Ratsstelle umfasst 13 Semesterwochenstunden. Die Akademische Ratsstelle ist unbefristet.

Payment of Membership Fees


By decision of the EACS board in 2015 the EACS asks its current members and its new members for a minimum payment for two years beginning from 2016. Your initial payment will cover your membership for the years 2016-17 and so on. Payment of fees for up to six years is recommended, especially to reduce the amount of charges when making bank transfers.

                                        2 years    4 years     6 years
Membership fee          € 62.00    € 122.00   € 180.00
Reduced rate*             € 32.00    €  64.00    €  96.00

 *For student members and members from Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldavia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania.



Payment Modes


Payment by Money Transfer

Members living in the EURO zone please send payment by bank transfer to the new EACS account: Post Bank Stuttgart, bank code 600 100 70, account 484 661 702.

Please use standard international transfer with IBAN: DE81 6001 0070 0484 6617 02; SWIFT-BIC: PBNKDEFF.… Read more ⤻


All EACS members are welcome to use the database to check their own payment status and are kindly requested to regularly check and update their own personal data. If you want to apply for membership in the EACS, please fill in the registration form. If you are a member already, please do NOT enter your data into the registration form but update your personal entry in the database by using the “edit” function under “my account”. If you do not yet have a login name and password, please write an e-mail to the treasurer Michael Schimmelpfennig (m_schimmelpfennig@yahoo.com). If you have a login name but have forgotten or not yet received a password, use the “request new password” function.


Registration Form

Payment of Membership Fees


Request new Password

Forgot your Login-Name/ID? Contact us!Read more ⤻

Related Associations


Related Associations



Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA)



Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE)

European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL)

European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)

European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS)

European Association for South East Asian Studies (EUROSEAS)

European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS)

European Association For Asian Art And Archaeology (EAAA) newly founded



Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC)

Association Française d’Études Chinoises (AFEC)

Association Française des Professeurs de Chinois



Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde

Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien



Department of Oriental Studies, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Association for Chinese Studies in Ireland (ACSI)




Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi (AISC)


Nordic Countries

Nordic Association for Chinese Studies



Luso Asian Forum



Schweizerische Asiengesellschaft


United Kingdom

British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS)

British Chinese Language Teaching Seminar (BCLTS)



United States

Society for the Study of Early China (SSEC)
 … Read more ⤻

Grants and Awards Archive



To announce an award or grant on this page, please e-mail the text of the announcement to the webmaster. In addition, you can provide documents for download (use PDF) and the web address of your announcement and we will create a direct link.


 … Read more ⤻

Grants and Awards



To announce an award or grant on this page, please e-mail the text of the announcement to the webmaster. In addition, you can provide documents for download (use PDF) and the web address of your announcement and we will create a direct link.


 … Read more ⤻

Jobs and Fellowships Archive



To draw attention to worldwide career opportunities related to Chinese studies on this page, please e-mail the text of the announcement to the webmaster. In addition, you can provide documents for download (use PDF), and the web address where the advertisement can be found, and we will create a direct link. In case you are a recruitment agency and want to advertise jobs related to Chinese studies, please contact our secretary for our terms and conditions.

 … Read more ⤻

Jobs and Fellowships



To draw attention to worldwide career opportunities related to Chinese studies on this page, please e-mail the text of the announcement to the webmaster. In addition, you can provide documents for download, and the web address where the advertisement can be found, and we will create a direct link. In case you are a recruitment agency and want to advertise jobs related to Chinese studies, please contact our secretary for our terms and conditions.


 … Read more ⤻

Members of the Board 2014-2016


Anderl, Christoph (Ghent University)

Ghent University, Department for South and East Asian Languages and Cultures, Blandijnberg 2, 5th floor, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

E-mail: Christoph.Anderl@ugent.be

Behr, Wolfgang (University of Zurich)

Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Zürichbergstr. 4, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland

E-mail: wolfgang.behr@aoi.uzh.ch

Bislev, Ane (Aalborg University)

Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Kroghstraede 3, 9220 Aalborg Oest, Denmark

E-mail: abislev@cgs.aau.dk

Breuer, Rüdiger (Bochum University)

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften, Sektion Sprache und Literatur Chinas, 44780 Bochum, Germany

E-mail: ruediger.breuer@rub.de

De Togni, Monica (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Palazzetto Gorresio – via Giulia di Barolo 3/a – 10124 Torino – Italy

E-mail: monica.detogni@unito.it

Dreyzis, Yulia (Moscow State University)

Moscow State University, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Chinese Philology Department, Mokhovaya str. 11, 125009 Moscow, RF

E-mail: xiaoyouliya@gmail.com

Falaschi, Isabella (Université Charles De Gaulle, Lille)

Université “Charles de Gaulle”, Lille 3. Address: 11, rue de Sèvres, 75006 Paris, France

E-mail: ifalaschi@aliceadsl.frRead more ⤻

Members of the Board 2012-2014


Behr, Wolfgang

Ostasiatisches Seminar, Universität Zürich, Zürichbergstr. 4, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland
E-mail: wolfgang.behr@aoi.uzh.ch

Breuer, Rüdiger

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften, Sektion Sprache und Literatur Chinas, 44780 Bochum, Germany
Email: ruediger.breuer@rub.de

Dessein, Bart

Chinese language and culture, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, B9000 Gent, Belgium
E-mail: Bart.Dessein@ugent.be

De Togni, Monica

Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Palazzetto Gorresio – via Giulia di Barolo 3/a – 10124 Torino – Italy
E-mail: monica.detogni@unito.it

Falaschi, Isabella

Université “Charles de Gaulle”, Lille 3. Address: 11, rue de Sèvres, 75006 Paris, France
Email: ifalaschi@aliceadsl.fr

Folch, Dolors

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 08005 Barcelona, Spain
E-mail: dolors.folch@upf.edu

Gamsa, Mark

Baltic Centre for East Asian Studies,
University of Latvia, Faculty of Humanities,
Visvalža street 4a, Rm. 105,
Riga 1050, Latvia
E-mail: mark.gamsa@asiares.lv

Guiheux, Gilles

Langues et Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale. Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7). Case 7009 ; 16, rue Marguerite Duras – 75205 PARIS CEDEX 13, France
E-mail: gilles.guiheux@univ-paris-diderot.frRead more ⤻



(Revised on September  2,  2000)

Article 1

An international association to be known as the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), hereafter referred to as “The Association”, governed by the present constitution, is hereby established between the undersigned and any other person subscribing to its constitution.

Article 2

The Association shall be registered as a non-profit organisation in a country of Europe.

Article 3

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and foster, by every possible means, all scholarly activities related to Chinese studies in Europe. The Association shall not engage in any political activity.

Article 4

The Association shall consist of Ordinary Members, Corporate Members and Honorary Members. Ordinary Members shall be individuals of any country who support the aims of the Association. They shall be admitted on payment of an annual fee to be determined by the Board. Corporate Members shall be organizations which desire to support the aims of the Association by payment of an annual fee to be determined by the Board.… Read more ⤻

Aims and History

Aims and History 

The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) is an international organisation representing China scholars from all over Europe. Currently it has more than 700 members. It was founded in 1975 and is registered in Paris. It is a non-profit organisation not engaging in any political activity.


The purpose of the Association is to promote and foster, by every possible means, scholarly activities related to Chinese Studies in Europe. The EACS serves not only as the scholarly representative of Chinese Studies in Europe but also as contact organisation for academic matters in this field.


One of the Association’s major activities are the bi-annual conferences hosted by various centres of Chinese Studies in different European countries. The papers presented at these conferences comprise all fields from traditional Sinology to studies of modern China. In addition, summer schools and workshops are organised under the auspices of the EACS. The Association carries out scholarly projects on an irregular basis.… Read more ⤻

EACS Young Scholar Award 2012

Deadline: 15th Jan 2012

The Board of the European Association for Chinese Studies is pleased to announce again the EACS Young Scholar Award (YSA). The purpose of this award is to encourage research in Chinese studies among young scholars, especially, but not exclusively, scholars studying and working at European institutions.

We very much welcome submissions from candidates world-wide.The Young Scholar Award is made possible through

Call for Papers: “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”

St. Petersburg, June 27th – July 1st 2012
Deadline: March 1st 2012
Faculty of Asian and African Studies of St.Petersburg State University, International
Guo Moruo Academy and Guo Moruo Museum of CASS cordially welcome paper
proposals for the 5th International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”, dedicated
to the 120th anniversary of outstanding Chinese writer, scientist and calligrapher Guo
Moruo (1892-1978).
Download: Call for Papers (PDF)

Read more ⤻

22nd Annual Conference of the German Association of Chinese Studies

Technische Universität Berlin, November 25th – 27nd 2011

“Kontinuität und Umbruch in Chinas Geschichte und Gegenwart”
[Continuity and Change in China’s Past and Present]
Aus Anlass des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Xinhai-Revolution thematisiert die Jahrestagung der DVCS die Kontinuitäten und Umbrüche, die in Geschichte und Gegenwart Chinas zu erkennen sind.

External LinkRead more ⤻

Site Map

{loadposition sitemapload}

By putting all of your content into nested categories you can give users and search engines access to everything using a menu.Read more ⤻

Open Letter to the President of the People’s Republic of China



His Excellency Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China

Zhongnanhai, Xichengqu,


People’s Republic of China


January 15, 2010

Your Excellency,

 The European Association for Chinese Studies represents more than 800 scholars from 36 countries, mostly in Europe, who dedicate their efforts to the understanding and promotion of China, its ancient culture, as well as its recent spectacular transformation and rise on the global scene. As sinologists we are particularly happy about the contacts we have established with scholars and scholarly institutions in China since the beginning of the policy of reform and opening up. Cooperation and academic exchange between specialists in Europe and China brings out new results in our work and also helps the promotion of Chinese culture in Europe in general.

Given all these positive developments in China in recent years, we are disappointed and saddened by the trial of Liu Xiaobo, who on December 25, 2009 was sentenced by No.… Read more ⤻

Newsletter No. 15 (Nov 1997)

EACS Newsletter #15


Newsletter #15



COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is January 15, 1998


EACS 1998 Conference in Edinburgh

Introduction of EACS Officers

International Sinological Center CCK-ISC in Prague

Reports from Workshops, Conferences etc.

Membership News

Grants and Fellowships

Workshops, Seminars, Conferences

Members’ Publications

Unknown Addresses?


EACS Homepage:


EACS Homepage welcomes news that need to be published before the next Newsletter comes out. Particularly vacancies in the field of Chinese studies and information on grants and scholarships are welcome. Mail the material to the President, address: see last page.

EACS 1998 Edinburgh Conference Homepage:


EACS 1998 Conference in Edinburgh

Second Announcement

As intimated in the first announcement in the EACS September Newsletter, the theme for the next EACS Conference, to be held in Edinburgh September 10-13, 1998, is “Festivals: the Chinese at Work and at Play”, with papers arranged in panels covering the following topics:

1. Modern Literature & Performing Arts

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