Conferences and Workshops Archive
Category description
Call for Papers: PhD and Post-Doc Assembly: Contesting Modernity: the Left, China and the West
Call for Papers – Upcoming Conference: ”Perceptions of China’s Transformation in the Past Four Decades”
(10th Annual Meeting of Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture) China and the World: The Reach and Influence of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Call for Papers: Locality and Geographical Knowledge in Imperial China
2nd Call for papers: ‘Contrasts in Chinese Music’ 22nd CHIME meeting
Summer School on Modern Asian Literatures and Cultures at the Palacký University Olomouc
Call for Applications: 2019 International Summer Program of Lecture Series, Conference, Forum, and Fieldwork on Buddhism & East Asian Cultures
Upcoming Fifth Biannual Ph.D. Student and Young Scholar Workshop: “Authorship and Authority in the Ancient World”
Call for Papers: International Conference “Taiwanese Philosophy and the Preservation of Confucian Tradition”
Call for Papers, International Conference: “Confucianism and World Disharmony – The Quest for Harmony in Difference”
International and Intensive Program on Buddhism at Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO)
Symposiom: Rethinking Early Chinese Historiography
Call for Papers – International conference: Researching and Communicating Taiwan’s Cultural Diplomacy
論文徵集 Call for Paper Proposals: 中國文化研究青年學者論壇 Young Scholars’ Forum in Chinese Studies 2019
The 4th meeting of the Mongol Empire Spring Series “The Mongols and Religion”
Call for Papers: The 16th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Studies Association of Australia
Call for Proposals: The Oxford International History of East Asia Research Seminar Hilary (Spring) Term 2019 –
11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia SCIEA
Call for Papers: The 3rd East Asian Translation Studies Conference (EATS3)
Call for Proposals: The Oxford International History of East Asia Seminar
Call For Papers: International Conference: 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up: Institutional Change and Reconfigurations of China’s Political Economy
International Workshop “Fourty years of Reforms in China’s long XXth century of modernization. Exploring local and foreign sources of inspiration for economic and social institutions, manufacturing and technology.”
Fifth edition of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics
Conference: “Between Appropriation and Refutation – On the Significance and Reception of Max Weber in China”
Call for Papers: International Conference on “Zhu Xi and Zhu Xi Studies” (Zhuzi xue 朱子學)
Call for Papers to the 3rd CERPE Workshop on “Chinese in Europe: New mobilities and developments”
Call for papers: Chinese objects and their lives
Call for Papers – Upcoming Conference: “Dynamic Asia : Shaping the Future”
East and West Contact and Dialogue: International Conference of Contemporary China Studies (2018) 东西方接触与对话:当代中国学研究国际研讨会
Call for Proposals: The Oxford International History of East Asia Research Seminar
International Symposium – Art and Translation: Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea
28-29th Oct 2017
This symposium plans to open up the discussion in art of the Post-China era in relation to both the historical and contemporary contexts of changing geo-political and cultural identities of Asian locales – Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea in particular, and the relationship of these issues to visual production. In doing so we are patently interested in accounts that connect with the hybridity of artistic creation, critical conversations across boarders and postcolonial theory to critique – and reposition beyond – the use of visuality and cultural translations developed in the regions under Chinese-influence in a global context (including its autonomous regions and Asian counterparts). We strive to understand how Asian art history, aesthetics and practices conform, translate, defy and synthesize as they demarcate what it designates to be modern and contemporary in specific milieus.
School of History of Art, University of Edinburgh
Symposium Website:
Free Admissions. Please RSVP by 25 Oct with Dr Li-Heng Hsu (… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: Engaging ‘China’: Perspectives from the Margins – Oxford China Humanities Graduate Conference
Upcoming Conference: Marco Polo Research: Past, Present, Future
Oxford Ancient Chinese Workshop with Christoph Harbsmeier
QU LEILEI: THE STARS AND AFTER – A conference at the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
XXVIII. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien (DVCS) Erinnern und Erinnerung, Gedächtnis und Gedenken: Über den Umgang mit Vergangenem in der chinesischen Kultur
10th Annual Nordic NIAS Council Conference Environmental Asia
Call for Papers: 5th INTERNATIONAL STCS CONFERENCE FROM HEGEL TO MAO AND BEYOND – The Long March of Sinicizing Marxism
New research on the History of Chinese Gardens and Landscapes
TOChina Summer School 2017
Understanding Global China / summer school July 2017
PhD Summer School: Translation, Intercultural and East Asian Studies
11th Annual Conference on Asian Studies: Commemorating October 1917: Re-thinking Marxism and the Russian Revolution in East and Southeast Asia
Call for Papers: Workshop “Dialogues with Ethnography – The Lived Experiences of Chinese in Africa”
International Summer School: “Spreading the Word: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language”
Call for Papers: “Understanding and Misunderstanding between the Far East and the West: Conference on East Asian studies in Remembrance of 210th Anniversary of Dr. Rev. Robert Morrison’s Arrival at China”
“Traditional China: a Closer Distant View” A Sinological Summer School
PhD Fellowship in Chinese art, material culture, and archaeology at Leiden University sponsored by the Hulsewé-Wazniewski Foundation
Call for Papers for the British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies 2017 conference ” “From local to global: regional aspects of China””
Call for Papers: International Conference on “Confucian Canon Studies (jingxue 經學), Literary Genre and Literary Style”
International conference «Folk images and Late Imperial China»
Registration Open: EACS Summer School 2017 “Hidden in Plain Sight: Materiality, Meaning and Accessibility of Chinese Objects in Local Collections”
33. Deutscher Orientalistentag “Asia, Africa and Europe” German Oriental Studies Conference (DOT)
Summer Workshop on Ancient Chinese Palaeography and Phonology
Call for Papers: II International Workshop on Chinese Migration in Spain
International Summer School: “Bordering and Othering: How Inner Asian Identities Have Been Shaped”
国际论坛征稿通知: “当代中国文化影响力生成”
Call for Papers and Panels: The Making of the Humanities VI
Call for Proposals: “The Oxford International History of East Asia Research Seminar”
Second Conference on Middle Period Chinese Humanities
Call for Papers: (Extra)ordinary China: Practices of the Everyday
Call for Papers: “The Second Conference of European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology”
Conference: “Digital Research in East Asian Studies: Corpora, Methods, and Challenges”
Call for Panel Proposals: “Asian Medicines: Encounters, Translations and Transformations”
International Conference of Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture: “Diversity of Chinese Culture”
Call for Papers – International Conference: “Diversity of Chinese Culture – International Youth’s Understanding, Construction and Communication of Chinese Cultural Image”
British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies 2016 Annual Conference “Dynamic China”
Call for Papers – Conference: CONfini, CONtatti, CONfronti (CONfines, CONtacts, CONtrasts)
12th Lodz East Asia Meeting: “Overcoming Controversies in East Asia”
Lodz, Poland 2 - 3rd Jun 2016 Deadline: 15th Mar 2016
12th Lodz East Asia Meeting Overcoming Controversies in East Asia, leading academic conference on East Asia in Poland. The event will take place at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz on June 2-3, 2016. The keynote speech will be
Call for Papers: Making the New World – The Arts of China’s Cultural Revolution
London, UK 11 - 12th Nov 2016 Deadline: 1st Feb 2016
Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution, Making the New World: the Arts of China’s Cultural Revolution, is a two-day international conference programmed by the Centre for Chinese Visual Arts (CCVA) at Birmingham City University in collaboration with the Whitechapel Gallery.
Call for Papers: China in Britain: 1760 to 1860
Manchester, UK 12-13th May 2016 Deadline: 30th Jan 2016
A conference organised by British Inter-university China Centre (BICC) and the Centre for Chinese Studies (CCS). 2016 marks the bicentenary of Lord Amherst’s embassy to China. This episode of history seems to have been largely forgotten by historians of Britain and China, and has generated little scholarship.
Upcoming Workshop – “Divination and the Strange in Pre- and Early Modern East Asia and Europe” convened by Dr. Sophia Katz
Erlangen, Germany
27 – 28th Oct 2015
The International Consortium for Research in the Humanities “Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe” of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg is delighted to announce the Workshop
IKGF seminar room in building D1
(Hartmannstr. 14, 91052 Erlangen)
Please register until October 16, 2015, via our website: External Link…
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
9:30 a.m. Welcome Address
Prof. Michael Lackner (Director, IKGF Erlangen)
9:45 a.m. Introduction
Dr. Sophia Katz (Tel-Hai College)
Panel 1: Monsters, Portents and Prodigies in Pre-Modern East Asia and Medieval Europe
10:00 a.m. Mi’am Ci: Exploring the Strange, the Grotesque, and the Wondrous in the Land of Snows
Prof. Donatella Rossi (Sapienza University of Rome) Discussant: Prof. Fabrizio Pregadio (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
10:35 a.m. The Man-Bird Mountain: Writing, Revelation, and Winged Beings in Early China
Prof. Fabrizio Pregadio (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Discussant: Dr. Burchard J. Mansvelt Beck (Leiden University)
11:10 a.m.… Read more ⤻
Upcoming Lecture: Beauties at Work – Gender, Sexuality and Power in Urban China – Dr. Jieyu Liu
13th Oct 2015
St. Gallen, Switzerland
10.00-11.45, Room 23-001 (Classroom Pavilion)
University of St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse 50, St. Gallen
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Lecture Series: “Interdisciplinary Explorations of China’s Changing Gender Dynamics, 1900-2015”
Existing studies on gender and work in China, when touching upon sexuality, have examined the life of sex workers and less-educated service workers. By contrast, this lecture aims to examine the working experiences of highly educated young professional women hailed as “white-collar beauties” by the Chinese media. Drawing upon an ethnographic study of a prestigious state-owned trade company, In this talk, Dr Liu will show that sexual politics are inherent in the operations of companies in China’s new market economy and this has gendered consequences for highly educated professional women.
Dr Jieyu Liu is a Senior Lecturer in Contemporary China Studies, Deputy Director of China Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London. Her research focuses on gender and work in China.… Read more ⤻
Digital Text Analysis Workshop for Chinese and Manchu
Leiden, Netherlands
30th Oct 2015
Do you want to learn how to mark up different kinds of information in Chinese texts? Do you want to know how to consult language and biographical dictionaries, maps, and other references sources all in one platform while reading Chinese texts on your computer? Do you want to learn how to create maps and other visualizations based on what you have found in your materials?
You can learn how to do this and how to start learning yet another language online in the workshop “Digital Text Analysis for Chinese and Manchu“.
There is a limited number of places for participants. If interested please RSVP to Brent HO ( by Friday, 16 October 2015 and briefly explain why you would like to attend. We will notify you by Friday, 23 October 2015.
Hilde De Weerdt
Brent Ho
Chu Ming-kin
Fresco Sam-Sin
PLACE: Room 126A, LIPSIUS Building
Chair: Hilde De Weerdt
Download this announcement as PDF… … Read more ⤻
Second Call for Papers: Methods in L2 Prosody 2015 (ML2P-2015) Romance languages and Chinese at the crossroads
University of Naples L’Orientale, Italy
30th Nov – 1st Dec 2015
Deadline: 11th Oct 2015
The fundamental role played by prosody in the achievement of a successful native-non-native
interaction has already gathered many researchers, students and listeners in two international
conferences, held at the University of Naples L’Orientale in 2011 and at the University of Padua in
2012. The relevance of these two events and the presented works resulted in two reference volumes
in the area of L2 prosody, respectively: De Meo A., Pettorino M. eds., Prosodic and Rhythmic
Aspects of L2 Acquisition. The case of Italian, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012; Busà M.G.,
Stella A. eds., Methodological Perspectives on Second Language Prosody, CLEUP, 2012.
In the wake of previous events and results, ML2P 2015 invites proposals addressing any aspect of
L2 prosody, but with a special focus on the interplay between Chinese and any of the Romance
languages. The increasing presence of Chinese people in Romance-language countries and the
growing interest in the Chinese language and culture in Europe have both created the need to pay
particular attention to the communication between Chinese and Romance-language speakers.… Read more ⤻
Call for Proposals “Place” The 11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference
University of Hawai'i 25 - 31st May 2016 Deadline: 1st Nov 2015
Humanity takes up space. In this, humanity is no different from other species. Humanity also purposefully transforms space, but is not unique in doing so. Other species also reshape the spaces they occupy to serve their purposes: birds create nests, bees create hives and beavers create dams.
Call for Papers: Conference: “Methods in L2 Prosody 2015 (ML2P-2015) Romance languages and Chinese at the crossroads”
Naples, Italy
30th Nov – 1st Dec 2015
Deadline: 20th Sep 2015
The fundamental role played by prosody in the achievement of a successful native-non-native interaction has already gathered many researchers, students and listeners in two international conferences, held at the University of Naples L’Orientale in 2011 and at the University of Padua in 2012. The relevance of these two events and the presented works resulted in two reference volumes in the area of L2 prosody, respectively: De Meo A., Pettorino M. eds., Prosodic and Rhythmic Aspects of L2 Acquisition. The case of Italian, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012; Busà M.G., Stella A. eds., Methodological Perspectives on Second Language Prosody, CLEUP, 2012.
In the wake of previous events and results, ML2P 2015 invites proposals addressing any aspect of L2 prosody, but with a special focus on the interplay between Chinese and any of the Romance languages. The increasing presence of Chinese people in Romance-language countries and the growing interest in the Chinese language and culture in Europe have both created the need to pay particular attention to the communication between Chinese and Romance-language speakers.… Read more ⤻
International Summer School “The Wei Jin Nanbei Period and the Importance of Transition” in Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 – 9th Sep 2015
Deadline: 1st Jul 2015
Department of Asian and African Studies at the University of Ljubljana is delighted to
announce the International summer school entitled “The Wei Jin Nanbei Period and the
Importance of Transition”. The summer school is organized by the Department of Asian and African studies at the University of Ljubljana and sponsored by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation in Taiwan.
Date: September 2 – 9, 2015
Venue: Hostel Stara Šola in Korte, located in a beautiful surrounding close to the Slovenian coast (External link…)
Registration deadline: July 1, 2015
Tuition fee: free of charge
Accommodation (full board with 3 meals per day): covered by Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Travel expenses to Ljubljana: covered by students
Travel expenses from Ljubljana to Korte: covered by the hosts
Language: English
Further information and contact:
University of Ljubljana in Slovenia welcomes all students of Chinese studies to participate in a one week long international summer school.… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: 9th Annual Conference on Cultural and Social Anthropology of East Asia
Olomouc, Czech Republic
23rd Oct 2015
Deadline: 16th Aug 2015
The conference theme is focused on contemporary trends in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other East Asian societies, inviting an exploration into various areas, including lifestyle habits, rituals, cultural memory, consequences of globalization, changes in the family, visual culture, ethnicity, language, forms of communication and others along the lines of this general theme. We cordially invite teachers, researchers and postgraduate students to propose research presentations, which should be of 20–25 minutes and their submissions should include: (1) Title and abstract of the paper, 300 words maximum, (2) Full name, title, affiliation, short CV, and contact details of the presenter(s).
The conference theme is focused on contemporary trends in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other East Asian societies, inviting an exploration into various areas, including lifestyle habits, rituals, cultural memory, consequences of globalization, changes in the family, visual culture, ethnicity, language, forms of communication and others along the lines of this general theme.… Read more ⤻
6th PhD Summer School: Translation, Intercultural and East Asian Studies
Barcelona, Spain
29th Jun – 2nd Jul 2015
Deadline: 21st Jun 2015
The PhD Summer School is organized by the Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and it will be held at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (UAB) during the week of June 29th to July 2nd 2015.
This week-long summer school aims at promoting quality research by encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences amongst young researchers and providing a forum within which students and lecturers can share interests and experiences.
The PhD Summer School offers seminars, workshops and tutorials with internationally renowned scholars. It is open to postgraduate students from all over the world seeking to further their studies at MA, PhD or postdoctoral level.
For further details of the programme and how to apply, visit the PhD Summer School website:
Contact: <>;
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Sara Rovira Esteva
Visit the website of this announcement at: External Link…
Call for Papers: The 4th International STCS Conference on Comparative Perspectives: Islam, Confucianism and Buddhism
Ljubljana, Slovenia
11 – 13th Dec 2015
Deadline: 25th Aug 2015
organized by the Department of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana University, Venue: Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana
The aim of the STCS (Specific Topics in Chinese Studies) conferences, organized by the Department of Asian studies at Ljubljana University, is to encourage and advance the
study of specific topics related to China and Asia through knowledge and information flow across disciplinary lines, and to strive to create and maintain a multidisciplinary
platform for a fruitful exchange of ideas on different types, images, and categories of Chinese and Asian cultures.
The 2015 conference is dedicated to comparisons and dialogues between three major Asian religions and/or philosophies, namely Islam, Confucianism and Buddhism. Our main motives for organizing this event are:
- The growing international relevance of these three discourses, which is linked to the raise of new superpowers and to the global redistribution of political and economic power in contemporary societies;
- The importance of various revivals of Asian traditions, connected with the emergence of new forms of spirituality;
- The significance of Islam, Confucianism and Buddhism for cultural and ideational flows, borrowings and exchanges in contemporary societies;
- The urgent need for historical reflections and reinterpretations of these ideational systems in the light of contemporary concerns;
- The importance of exchanges and mutual influences between different religious practices (ceremonies, rituals, contemplative techniques, etc.).
IIAS-CSEAS Winter School 2016 Mapping the Aesthetics of Urban Life in Asia: A Dialogue with the Arts
Kyoto, Japan
25 – 30th Jan 2016
Deadline: 10th Jul 2015
We invite applications from PhD students – and especially students following a combined PhD/art, music and / or sound art track – for a unique IIAS-CSEAS coordinated international Winter School. We will explore the theme of “mapping the aesthetics of urban life” in South, Southeast and Northeast Asia by examining how the Arts can contribute to the re-conceptualization of urban spaces.
The Winter School
This 6 day workshop set in the changing – yet highly historical and cultural – urban environment of Kyoto, will bring together three conveners – one cultural studies scholar, one artist/educator, and one architect – to guide a group of doctoral candidates from Asia and other regions to exchange on the role of the Arts in the (re)building of Asian cities. Two days will be set aside for fieldwork excursions within Kyoto.
The winter school’s conveners believe that the unprecedented wave of urbanization in Asia can potentially open new spaces of interventions, not only for architects, city planners and designers, but also for artists and intellectuals committed to stimulate public engagements.… Read more ⤻
International Summer School on Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism in Asia
Olomouc, Czech Republic
22 – 27th Jun 2015
Deadline: 1st Jun 2015
Project CHINET and the Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, would like to invite you to its summer school, titled: “Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism in Asia.” This one-week intensive course will bring together scholars and students of Asian Studies, Political Science and other related fields, to learn about and discuss possible future developments in Asia with a focus on ethnic conflict, terrorism threat and regional security.
Venue: Křížkovského 14, Department of Asian Studies, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Organizers: Project CHINET & Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
Tuition fee: free of charge
Registrationdeadline: June 1, 2015
Language: English
16 sessions/lectures (90 minutes each)
Wednesday afternoon guided city tour
Optional Saturday field trip: TBA
Lectures by honored guests:
Prof. Aziz Burkhanov (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan)
Mgr.… Read more ⤻
International Summer School of Chinese Linguistics
Olomouc, Czech Republic
22 – 27th Jun 2015
Deadline: 1st Jun 2015
Palacký University in Olomouc welcomes all students of Chinese language to participate in a one week international summer school. The school offers 16 lectures of world famous speakers on selected topics of Chinese linguistics – see the list of topics below!
Venue: Křížkovského 14, Department of Asian Studies, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Organizers: Project CHINET & Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
Tuitionfee: free of charge
Registration: here
Registrationdeadline: June 1, 2015
Language: English
16 lectures on selected topics of Chinese linguistics by distinguished guest speakers
Teng Shouhsin, Chunyuan Christian University, Taiwan
10 myths about the Chinese language
Syntactic categories (parts of speech) of modern Chinese
Tense, aspect and verb classifications in Chinese
Preliminaries to the information structures in Chinese
Song Jiang, University of Hawaii at Manoa, U.S.A.… Read more ⤻
International Conference: “Political Communication in the Medieval World, 800-1600”
Jointly organized by the ERC-research group “Communication and Empire: Chinese Empires in Comparative Perspective” (Leiden University) and the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR).
This workshop brings together scholars with an interest in comparative political culture in order to discuss questions and methods in the study of political communication in European and Chinese history between the ninth and the sixteenth centuries. Particular attention will be given to the formation and dynamics of polities as well as to shifts in social and political power structures.
The meeting aims to stimulate discussion on the historical interpretation of Chinese and European sources of political communication, including letters, notebooks, newsletters, treatises and archival compilations; the institutional parameters of elite communication and their political relevance; and the structures of elite networks that contributed to the strengthening or fragmentation of polities and political identities. The comparative perspective is intended to interrogate the focuses of Chinese and European historiographies of political culture and to allow for a global perspective on long-term developments in state formation and communication.… Read more ⤻
Upcoming conference: “New approaches in Chinese garden history”
Sheffield, UK
18 – 19th Jun 2015
Research in Chinese garden history has burgeoned over the past thirty years, with a renewed interest being sparked by Maggie Keswick’s book The Chinese Garden (1978), a sumptuously produced volume that coincided with the end of the Cultural Revolution and the opening up of China. While initially it had been feared that most gardens in China were lost and that studies would primarily have to rely on few surviving literary descriptions, more and more gardens have been rediscovered and many have been restored, declared an important part of the historic environment. Most of the research has focussed on restored examples, with the present state being used as a basis for understanding the past. Another trend has come from Sinologists who have investigated literature and illustrations as a source of evidence of Chinese garden culture. A third way of investigating gardens has come from an understanding of how they were actually used as a basis for a traditional lifestyle.… Read more ⤻
Call for Applications: TOChina Summer School (9th edition)
Torino, Italy
29th Jun - 10th Jul 2015
Deadline: 24th May 2015
Since 2007, the TOChina Summer School has welcomed outstanding graduate students, young researchers, practitioners and managers to one of Europe’s most engaging salons dedicated to analyzing China’s structural transformations in the socio-political, economic and cultural realms.
Call for Papers: Workshop “Argument alternations in Chinese”, embedded in the 9th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-‐9)
Stuttgart, Germany
24 – 25th Sep 2015
We invite anonymous abstracts for 30-‐minute talks (20+10) presenting new research into argument alternations in Chinese. Submissions may not exceed 2 pages (A4/letter) and must be written in English. The first line of the submission must be “Submission for the workshop on argument alternations in Chinese”. No more than one single-‐authored and one co-‐authored abstract per person will be considered.
Submission of abstracts is via Easychair only (
Deadline: 15th May 2015
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2015
All presenters must be members of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, as the workshop is embedded in EACL-‐9, which will be held September 24-‐26 at the same venue as the workshop (cf. the Membership page; on-‐site registration will be possible atthe conference).
Papers that are included in the program must be presented by the author(s) and cannot be presented by proxies.… Read more ⤻
Conference: The Shaping of Christianity in China
Oxford, UK
21 – 22nd May 2015
Deadline: 27th Mar 2015
A fresh look at the contribution of indigenous Christians
The focus of the conference will be on the role played by Chinese Christians in the shaping of Protestant and Catholic Christianity within China over the past century-and-a-half.
This is not to ignore the significant role of foreign missionaries whose accounts have been well told, but to redress the balance and to bring to life the very important contribution of the many indigenous Christians, often marginalised in western-told histories, who spoke the language, understood the cultures, and were often the primary active agents in helping to spread a knowledge of the gospel.
There are a number of indigenous Christian leaders, catechists, priests, and evangelists whose stories have been told, but also there are many other significant ‘ordinary people’ who can be retrieved from diaries and correspondence, scattered references in magazines, and from oral accounts.
In doing this we hope to rescue from the condescension of posterity the voice of indigenous Christians and, in the process, provide a wider, more balanced and sufficient history than that which has tended to dominate church and academy.… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: EAMSA Conference 2015 “Theory and Practice in Bridging Europe and Asia: Contemporary Challenges in International Marketing”
London, UK
28 – 31st Oct 2015
Deadline: 17th Jul 2015
Conference Theme
The massive expansion in globalisation has arguably been driven by successful development of theories and practices of international marketing that resulted in generating a colossal number of new customers and new competitors in the global marketplace. At the heart of such expansion was the emergence of Asian countries as partners in the world growth, coupled with the massive improvements in communication, transportation and market liberalisation, especially in Europe, allowing for new customers with different mind-sets. As a result, international firms from Europe and Asia developed various strategies to establish and maintain long-term relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders important to the development process of value creation and competitive advantage in the emerging markets. Moreover, the last decade witnessed an increased number of brands from Asian countries entering and successfully competing in the West, mainly Europe. Such a phenomenon is predicted to continue and significantly increase in the near future.… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: The 5th International Symposium on Ethical Literary Criticism
Seoul, Korea
2 – 4th Oct 2015
Deadline: 1st Jun 2015
In order to promote international academic exchange in the field of literary criticism, East-West Comparative Literature Association of Korea will collaborate with the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism (IAELC), the College of the Humanities and Institute of Trans Media World Literature of Dongguk University, the A&HCI scholarly journal Foreign Literature Studies and The International Center for Ethical Literary Criticism at Central China Normal University (CCNU, Wuhan,China), Konkuk University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang University, Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Dankook University, in hosting “The 5thInternational Symposium on Ethical Literary Criticism” at Seoul and Busan, Korea, from Oct. 2 to 4, 2015. Scholars all over the world are warmly welcome.
Topics of the conference include (but are not limited to):
1. Ethical Literary Criticism and Confucian Classics; 2. Ethical Literary Criticism and Interdisciplinary Studies; 3. Ethical Literary Criticism and National Culture; 4. Ethical Literary Criticism: Methodology and Practice; 5.… Read more ⤻
11th Lodz East Asia Meeting “East Asia Dynamics. Between Being Regional and Global“
University of Lodz, Poland
2 – 3rd Jun 2015
Deadline: 22nd Mar 2015
The 11th Lodz East Asia Meeting (2–3 June 2015) proposal submission deadline has been extended to 22nd March 2015. We invite scholars,
researchers and graduate students interested in presenting and discussing issues related to the growth of East Asia from regional and global
perspective. To submit the abstract please visit our website at
The conference is an annual gathering of scholars interested in Asian affairs, especially their political and economic aspects. After the success of the last three editions, when over 70 foreign guests participated (among others, from Japan, China, Taiwan, the USA, Russia, Germany, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic) we wish to continue the Lodz East Asia Meeting as an international event. This way it gives a valuable opportunity for the exchange of ideas between scholars from different countries. This is of significant importance to young researchers, who always account for a significant number of the participants.… Read more ⤻
Conference on International Communication of Chinese Culture: World Value of Chinese Culture
Beijing, PRC
27 – 28th Nov 2015
Deadline: 15th May 2015
Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Beijing Normal University, invites scholars from a variety of backgrounds (Sinology, Cultural Studies, Sociology, International Relations, Arts, Communication, Demography, Geography, Musicology, Film Studies, Anthropology, History etc.) to propose sessions and papers for the Conference on International Communication of Chinese Culture: World Value of Chinese Culture
(Deadline extended to 15th May 2015)
Conference Venue:
Jingshi Conference Hall, Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekou Wai Street, Beijing, China 100875
Conference Language:
English & Chinese
Conference Organizer:
AICCC, Beijing Normal University
Keynote speaker: Professor Huang Huilin, Dean of AICCC, BNU
Roger T. Ames, professor of University of Hawaii
Torbjörn Lodén, professor of Stockholm University
more speakers still to be announced
Conference Theme:
Chinese excellent traditional culture played an important role in East Asia economic growth, social governance, ethics in the integration, and aroused great concern of Confucianism. Chinese splendid traditional culture provided modern spiritual and cultural values of global significance on the world today.… Read more ⤻
International Symposium “Language Diversity in the Sinophone World: Policies, Effects, and Tradition”
Göttingen, Germany
11 – 13th Jun 2015
Deadline: 22nd May 2015
Language diversity is a ubiquitous feature in the sinophone world. In the past and present, language planning agencies in the area commonly – if not uncontroversially – referred to as ”Greater China” have responded differently to the challenges of multilingualism. After several decades of national language policy, Mandarin is now widely used and broadly accepted in Mainland China, Singapore, and Taiwan. It is used to a much lesser degree in Hong Kong and Macao, where Cantonese, the major regional language, arguably enjoys a higher prestige than other so‐called ”dialects” elsewhere. At the same time, there are notable differences with regard to international language planning – most important, the incorporation of English into school curricula and/or the acceptance of English as an official language.
One purpose of the symposium is to bring together scholars who are working on language planning and official responses to language diversity.… Read more ⤻
EACS Event: “Traditional China: a Closer Distant View” A Sinological Summer School in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, Russia
24 – 30th Aug 2015
Deadline: 10th Apr 2015
The EACS Summer School “Traditional China: a closer distant view” at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies of St. Petersburg State University, focuses on important matters of the present-day Chinese studies in Europe. The Summer School presents a one-week intensive training program on several specific subjects: Chinese history, religion, art, literature, European-Chinese relations and St. Petersburg collections of Chinese manuscripts and art. The working language of the summer school is English.
MA and PhD students are welcome to apply for participation in the EACS Summer School “Traditional China: A Closer Distant View”, to be held at St.Petersburg University, The State Hermitage Museum and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. Further details go in the attached leaflet.
Lectures (24 academic hours)
1. Alexander Storozhuk (St. Petersburg University, Russia): “Philosophy and Folks Beliefs of Traditional China”;
2. Irina Popova (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, Russia): “Dunhuang Collections in St.… Read more ⤻
Interdisciplinary Conference and Exhibition: Thinking Chinese 思華 ・ 華思
London, UK
31st Mar – 1st Apr 2015
A ground-breaking interdisciplinary two-day conference and exhibition presented by University College London and Ming-Ai (London) Institute.
Both conference and exhibition explore the history of Chinese since the 19th Century who studied in Britain and became professionals, diplomats, scientists, writers, performers and artists along with the ways in which Chineseness has been represented in the UK.
The British Chinese Workforce Heritage Project is a three-year HLF funded Oral History project collecting the life stories of British Chinese individuals in different industries.
Day One – 31st Mar
Chinese Community History
Michael Murray, Heritage Lottery Fund: Funding Chinese Heritage in the UK
Li Chungwen, Ming-Ai (London) Institute: The British Chinese Workforce Heritage Project
Navy and Military
Prof Jonathan Liu, Regent’s University London: British Chinese Armed Forces Heritage Project
Robert Fleming, National Army Museum: China’s
relationship with the West in the World Wars and its Legacy
Rachel Hasted: The Chinese Labour Corps in England during WW1
Dr Zhuang Yijie, and Dr Vivienne Lo, UCL: New Sea Lords: the Greenwich Fuzhou meridian
Dr Kai Liu, Yanfu Foundation: Beyond Translation: Yan Fu and the Inception of Chinese Modernity
Dr Lily Chang, UCL History: Called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn: England’s First Ethnic Chinese Barrister
Roundtable Discussion:
Representing Chinese Medicine
- Prof Therese Hesketh (Chair), UCL Institute for Global Health
- Prof Michael Heinrich, UCL Pharmacognosy
- Prof David Colquhoun, UCL Pharmacology
- Prof Volker Scheid, University of Westminster
- Prof Adrian Renton, University of East London:
- Institute for Health and Human Development
- Dr Kaicun Zhao, Association of Traditional
- Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK
Thinking Chinese Gala Dinner and Performance Evening, China City 6:30 pm
Ming-Ai (London) Institute and University College London present a Gala Fundraising Dinner.… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: International Conference “Media and Politics – Discourses, Cultures, and Practices”
University of Milan, Italy
27- 28th May 2015
Deadline: 20th Mar 2015
The Department of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication and the Contemporary Asia Research Centre of the University of Milan are pleased to announce the organization of an international conference on “Media and Politics: Discourses, Cultures, and Practices” which will be held at the Polo di Mediazione Interculturale e Comunicazione on 27th-28th May 2015.
Media and politics have always been interconnected. On the one hand, the media represent a
channel through which the promotion and discussion of policies is effected and various
representations of power and ideology are conveyed. On the other hand, the media play an
important political role of their own, but are at the same time subject to political choices that have an impact on their editorial line. In some contexts, their influence on public opinion also has an important political weight.
The connection between mass media and politics, which at times affects the selection of news and the way it is produced, can be identified in discourse choices, the use of specific textual genres, representations with a cultural connotation, and also in the practical work of journalists and the reactions of the target public.… Read more ⤻
Call for Papers: International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL)
Newcastle University, UK
10 – 12th Dec 2015
Deadline: 25th May 2015
The Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences (CRiLLS), Newcastle University, UK is delighted to announce a forthcoming conference— the International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL) on 10th – 12th December, 2015. The Symposium aims to promote worldwide collaboration on Chinese theoretical and applied linguistics by giving researchers an opportunity to share their work. Confirmed speakers for the conference are:
Professor James C.-T. Huang from Harvard University
Dr Boping Yuan from Cambridge University
Professor Martha Young-Scholten from Newcastle University
Dr Clare Wright from Reading University
Professor Xinsheng Zhang from Richmond University
Professor Yi Xu from University College London
Presentations are invited on topics including but not limited to the following aspects of the Chinese language – understood broadly as Sinitic languages (e.g. Mandarin, Cantonese and all regional varieties):
- Syntax
- Morphology
- Phonetics and phonology
- Semantics
- Language variation and sociolinguistic studies
- Diachronic change
- Language contact
- Typology and comparative studies
- Child language acquisition
- Second language acquisition and teaching
- Applications of translation and code-switching to pedagogy
Talks will be 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion and questions.… Read more ⤻